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It really had an impact on me!

Last week, I had the opportunity to go to an art exhibition in my own town. One of
my friends called me and invited me to this unique art exhibition where a lot of
young artists and high school art students exhibit their pieces. When i got there i
was already mesmerized.

The entrance to the hall was itself so artistically designed and the building was
surrounded by various sculptures representing mythological creatures. This art
exhibition was organised by the Art Centre to encourage young artists to exhibit
their work. The entry fee to the art hall was kept quite nominal to encourage more
visitors and special discount was offered to the students.

One painting that impressed me to tears was that of a student named gina from our
town’s art high school. It was painted in oil colors and It represented a woman
protecting her child from arrows on which were written various negative aspects of
life such as disappointments, regrets, pain, etc. I found it very inspired and I think
it sends a very deep message.

Another painting I liked was one showing a cat dressed as a vintage man. The cat
had a giant hat and a suit with golden epaulets. Maybe a little kitschy but I found it
funny. The children who visited the gallery that day were also amused by the
painting. They couldn’t stop taking pictures of the cat.

Personally, I think it was a pleasant experience, which I will definitely repeat. The
artists will exhibit their new pieces weekly and i can't wait to see what's coming.

So, if you have some free time this weekend and want to relax and enjoy some
really fine art, go to Art Centre. You won’t regret it!

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