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B.a Enoc Rodriguez

How to deal with classmates or other students that are mean with you.

What is bullying ?

• You might be bothered by and sometimes, or social media. They might spread rumors or
• words or physically
• Bullying can take many forms, including physical, verbal, social, and cyberbullying.

Someone might bother you because of:

• Your appearance
• Your conduct (the way you talk, walk)
• Performance (maybe not good at sports, having a hard time being good at something)
• You are not popular

How to deal with bullies

1. Tell a trusted adult. Adults in positions of authority, like parents, teachers, or coaches, often can
deal with bullying without the bully ever learning how they found out about it. We are here to
help. Let us walk with in the process of dealing with this situation.
Never ever be afraid of a threat of a bully. Help us deal with it.

2. Verbal bullying - What hurts us?

• You will get hurt till you let it
o People bother because they like to see you react. One effective way to turn them down,
is learning to keep calm and don’t react. Learn to take deep breaths. It takes time to
learn but you can
o Understand that words are just words. Think about the worst thing it can happen to you
by a mean word. Are you going to became dumb, sick, .. it will, if you let them.

• No matter how the person who is bullying you responds, staying calm will show them their
efforts to upset you aren’t working. Show that you are unaffected by their actions, even if you
are inside.

3. Speak up for yourself. Be assertive.

o Practice confidence. Walk tall and hold your head high

4. Understand the bully: Typically people who bully want to make themselves feel better at your
expense. People who bully often do so for control, power, confidence, or social acceptance. The
key is to not let them receive that kind of satisfaction.

5. Physical bullying:
a. You don’t need to prove something: You just walk away. Put a poker face and leave.
b. If they follow you, or it happens again and you feel comfortable doing so, ask the person
to stop. If the person refuses, detail the steps you will take to deal with the situation.


1. Do not respond to the cyberbully. This is what they want you to do. Take a deep breath, stay
calm, and step away from your phone or computer. Think about what productive actions you’re
going to take next.
2. Get out of that chat group
3. Block senders that have targeted you.
4. Take some vacations from social media
5. Change Phone number

Be Bully proof:

How to deal with it.

1. Understand this isn’t your fault

a. Most of the time it has to do with others people personal issues.
2. Speak to teachers and family
a. Let teachers know of what is going on. Do not be afraid of the threats someone
b. Don’t feel bad if they call you a chicken because of you telling.
3. Be confident, hold your head high, walk tall. Even use good body posture.
a. Try to improve on your abilities. Feel good about yourself. Maybe you are good at
drawing, at making essays, or
4. Shrug it off. Make them a
a. It is one period in your life. There will be a time in the future that In the grand scheme of
things none of this will matter.
b. Most of the time, all the bully wants is get a reaction, either from you or the crowd.
Don’t give them that pleasure.
5. Make other friends
a. I am sure that there are people around you that have a good heart. Join a club, you can
find people there from other sections or even other grades. Don’t be afraid to explore
other possibilities. You don’t have to be alone.
b. Surround yourself with people who care for your. Try to find people who have similar
6. Understand the people who are bothering you
a. Most of them are hurt people, they have their own issues. They are people that the only
way they can feel better is to put somebody else down. That’s how they find their own
worth and that is really sad.
7. Find someone you can talk to.
a. Nobody has the right to make you feel unsafe, uncomfortable or unhappy. Find
someone you can trust. Teacher, the counselor, a parent. Tell them what is going on.

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