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Gene 528 (2013) 27–32

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Evolutionary anthropology and genes: Investigating the genetics of human evolution

from excavated skeletal remains
Evilena Anastasiou, Piers D. Mitchell ⁎
Division of Biological Anthropology, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Cambridge, The Henry Wellcome Building, Fitzwilliam Street, Cambridge CB2 1QH, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 18 June 2013 The development of molecular tools for the extraction, analysis and interpretation of DNA from the remains of
ancient organisms (paleogenetics) has revolutionised a range of disciplines as diverse as the fields of human
Keywords: evolution, bioarchaeology, epidemiology, microbiology, taxonomy and population genetics. The paper draws
Human evolution attention to some of the challenges associated with the extraction and interpretation of ancient DNA from
Paleogenetics archaeological material, and then reviews the influence of paleogenetics on the field of human evolution. It
Ancient DNA
discusses the main contributions of molecular studies to reconstructing the evolutionary and phylogenetic
Human remains
relationships between extinct hominins (human ancestors) and anatomically modern humans. It also explores
the evidence for evolutionary changes in the genetic structure of anatomically modern humans in recent
millennia. This breadth of research has led to discoveries that would never have been possible using traditional
approaches to human evolution.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction to paleogenetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2. Problems with the analysis of ancient DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3. Human evolution and paleogenetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.1. Extinct hominins and aDNA studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.2. Anatomically modern humans and aDNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Conflict of interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

1. Introduction to paleogenetics a representative selection of work to give an overview of how genetic ma-
terial can be extracted from excavated human remains, and what can be
The origins of paleogenetics can be traced back to 1984, when a team deduced from the resulting DNA sequences.
led by Higuchi (Higuchi et al., 1984) became the first to extract and clone Both of these early studies relied upon the extraction of aDNA
ancient DNA (aDNA) from the dried muscles of a 140 year old quagga, an fragments and their cloning into a vector, which then allowed the
extinct species of zebra. A year later, Pääbo (1985), then a PhD student at sequencing of the cloned fragments (O'Rourke et al., 2000). This
the University of Uppsala, reported the extraction of aDNA from the method however, was not without problems and thus, despite the
mummy of an Egyptian child, dated to 2430 ± 120 BP. With these key interest of the scientific community in the analysis of aDNA, the prog-
papers, the field of paleogenetics began. This review does not intend to ress in the field of paleogenetics was hindered by the difficulties in
refer to every single publication in the field, but does attempt to discuss analysing the small, fragmented and degraded ancient DNA. Neverthe-
less, the development of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) by Kary
Mullis (Mullis and Faloona, 1987; Saiki et al., 1985) in the late 1980s
Abbreviations: aDNA, ancient DNA; Asp, Aspartic Acid; bp, base pair; HVR, Hyper- allowed the analysis of small quantities of DNA and provided a solid
variable Region; NGS, Next Generation Sequencing; PCR, Polymerase Chain Reaction;
RFLP, Restriction Length Fragment Polymorphism.
methodological tool for the analysis of aDNA fragments. Indeed, since
⁎ Corresponding author. 1988 when Pääbo et al. (1988) employed PCR to extract ancient DNA
E-mail address: (P.D. Mitchell). from the brain of a 7000 year old individual from Little Salt Spring in

0378-1119/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
28 E. Anastasiou, P.D. Mitchell / Gene 528 (2013) 27–32

Florida, PCR became the cornerstone of the methodologies employed in 2005). During hydrolysis (breakdown of bonds by water) the N-
paleogenetics. This is because PCR permits the amplification of nucleo- glycosyl bond between the base and the sugar can break down and may
tide sequences from very small quantities of DNA, even if some copies cause depurination (guanine and adenine removal) or depyrimidination
were degraded. Such an approach allows the copying of a specific frag- (cytosine or thymine removal) whilst during oxidation water derived
ment of DNA in vitro, through the use of a DNA polymerase, a pair of hydroxyl or superoxide radicals modify bases or distort the helix of the
oligonucleotide primers and the four deoxynucleotides (Brown and DNA (Hofreiter et al., 2001; Marota and Rollo, 2002; O'Rourke et al.,
Brown, 1992;). 2000). The most common base modification in degraded aDNA is deam-
A further turning point in the development of ancient DNA as ination of cytosine to form uracil, which is read by some polymerases as
applied to the fields of human evolution came in 1989 when Hagelberg thymine, therefore causing C → T and G → A changes. This in turn pro-
et al. (1989) demonstrated that DNA can be retrieved not only from duces artefacts during PCR.
mummified remains but also from skeletal material. In contrast to mum- Besides the problems introduced by the fragmentary nature of
mified remains that are only found in certain regions of the world due to aDNA, its analysis becomes more complicated by the presence of en-
the natural environment or past embalming practices, skeletal remains zymatic inhibitors such as humic acids, tannins, fulvic acids and
are much more abundant in archaeological contexts. Therefore, the Maillard products in the aDNA extracts (O'Rourke et al., 2000; Pääbo
extraction of aDNA from skeletal remains allows ancient DNA studies et al., 2004). These inhibitors may interact with DNA (e.g. Taq polymer-
on a much wider temporal and geographical scale. Today, ancient DNA ase) and may result in false negative results.
can be extracted not only from skeletal and mummified remains but Due to the heavily fragmented nature of ancient DNA, several
also from formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissues, from teeth, hair, screening methods have been proposed to evaluate the level of aDNA
coprolites, soil, plants and seeds (Anastasiou and Mitchell, 2013; preservation prior the employment of any extraction method. The
O'Rourke et al., 2000). level of degradation of nucleic acids can be predicted through the rate
The development of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in 2005 of aspartic acid (Asp) racemisation (i.e. the conversion of the protein
(Margulies et al., 2005) has revolutionised the field of ancient DNA L-amino acids into D-enantiomers), which is approximately equal to
research even more than was the case for PCR. With the use of NGS that of DNA depurination (O'Rourke et al., 2000). Therefore, some labo-
approaches the amount of available aDNA significantly increases, ratories evaluate for DNA degradation based upon amino-acid analyses
allowing what has been termed the observation of evolution in real to calculate the amount of amino-acids preserved in a specimen, to
time (Knapp and Hofreiter, 2010). The use of NGS has enabled the evaluate the amino-acid composition and the racemisation extent of
reliable sequencing of complete genomes of extinct Pleistocene species several amino acids (Chelomina, 2006; Hofreiter et al., 2001; Marota
(Briggs et al., 2007), and thus the field of paleogenetics has now moved and Rollo, 2002; Poinar et al., 1996). Nevertheless, it must be noted
beyond the limited focus of single genetic loci (e.g. mtDNA) to genome- here that it is questionable whether racemisation is actually informative
wide data (Stoneking and Krause, 2011). For example, the analysis of of DNA preservation (Collins et al., 2009).
the nuclear genome of the extinct woolly mammoth (Miller et al., Interestingly, the degree of aDNA degradation correlates better with
2008), of the genome of Neanderthals (Green et al., 2008, 2010) and the taphonomic and environmental conditions of the archaeological
of a Paleo-Eskimo (Rasmussen et al., 2010) became possible with the stratum in which the remains were deposited, rather than with their
advancement of Next Generation Sequencing methods. Next generation archaeological age (Allentoft et al., 2012; Donoghue et al., 2004; Gamba
sequencing or high-throughput approaches permit a more rapid et al., 2011). Chemical, biological and physical stress can affect the pres-
sequencing template production, since no targeted amplification steps ervation of aDNA (Burger et al., 1999; Cipollaro et al., 2005; Lindahl,
are now necessary. This is because the extracted DNA is turned into a 1993), such that the degradation of the nucleic acids is slower under
sequencing library by adding artificial adaptor sequences to both ends anaerobic conditions, at low temperatures (ideally in permafrost), at
of each DNA fragment (Stoneking and Krause, 2011). This in turn has low acidity environments and in environments with no humidity
led to lower costs in DNA sequencing and for the extraction of complete (Chelomina, 2006; Marota and Rollo, 2002). In particular, temperature
ancient genomes from less than 50 mg of ancient material, in compari- has been found to significantly affect preservation of aDNA, (Hoss et al.,
son to almost 1 g of material needed when using previous methods 1996; Poinar et al., 1996). It has therefore been estimated that assuming
(Stoneking and Krause, 2011). neutral pH and a temperature of 15 °C it would take about 100,000 years
The use of NGS techniques has also allowed a more detailed identi- for hydrolytic damage to degrade all DNA to such a degree that it would
fication of aDNA damage patterns, improving our understanding of become irretrievable, whilst certain conditions such as higher tempera-
DNA diagenesis and optimising the available means for evaluating the tures significantly reduce this time limit (Hofreiter et al., 2001; Lindahl,
degree of human contamination of ancient remains (Ginolhac et al., 1993; Paabo and Wilson, 1991). As a result, despite the evidence that
2011; Green et al., 2006, 2008; Stoneking and Krause, 2011). This is DNA sequences have been extracted from a Siberian mammoth older
especially important when extracting anatomically modern human than 50,000 years old whose remains were preserved in permafrost
DNA from ancient remains since NGS technologies allow us for the (Hagelberg et al., 1994; Hoss et al., 1994), some paleogeneticists doubt
first time to distinguish between ancient and present day DNA. In con- that it is possible to retrieve aDNA from Egyptian remains even less
clusion, NGS techniques make it increasingly more feasible to achieve than 2000 years old (Gilbert et al., 2005a; Marota and Rollo, 2002). The
a far greater and quantifiable depth-of-coverage of highly accurate recent study of extinct moa skeletal remains from New Zealand suggests
sequence data from single aDNA target strands (Brotherton et al., 2007). that mtDNA may survive perhaps twice as long as nuclear DNA (Allentoft
et al., 2012).
2. Problems with the analysis of ancient DNA Although multiple studies have been published reporting the
extraction and analysis of aDNA from Egyptian mummies (Crubézy
Before discussing the impact of paleogenetics on the field of et al., 1998; Donoghue et al., 2010; Hawass et al., 2010; Nerlich et al.,
human evolution, it is necessary to consider the problems and method- 1997; Zink and Nerlich, 2003; Zink et al., 2001, 2003, 2006), many scep-
ological challenges associated with the extraction and amplification of tics refute the possibility of extracting and amplifying DNA from ancient
DNA from ancient remains. material preserved in high temperature areas such as Egypt (Gilbert
One of the main difficulties that ancient DNA research has to over- et al., 2005b; Marota and Rollo, 2002; Marota et al., 2002). In this
come is that the genetic material undergoes modification soon after ongoing debate (Marchant, 2011), the study by Marota et al. (2002)
death, which results in its fragmentation and damage. The damage to on the preservation of aDNA from Egyptian papyri has a focal position,
the structure of DNA includes single strand DNA breaks, base modifica- since it demonstrates that the last DNA fragments on modern papyri
tions due to oxidation and hydrolysis, and base loss (Cipollaro et al., (0–100 years of age) will vanish within 500–700 years from when the
E. Anastasiou, P.D. Mitchell / Gene 528 (2013) 27–32 29

papyri were manufactured (Marota and Rollo, 2002). Marota et al. mutation rate than nuclear DNA, it has accumulated a number of muta-
(2002, 2002) therefore argue that the persistent high temperatures in tions that reflect different radiating maternal lineages, which diverged
Egypt are prohibitive for the preservation of aDNA and that their as humans colonised different geographical regions (Cipollaro et al.,
study provides a solid argument against the reliability of studies that 2005). By sequencing the mtDNA Hypervariable Region (HVR) I and II
recovered ancient DNA from Egyptian material. and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) it has been
Besides the degradation of ancient DNA, another major challenge possible to define a number of mitochondrial haplogroups. These are
for studies of paleogenetics is the contamination of the aDNA by groups of similar haplotypes that share a common ancestor. Based
extraneous genetic material. Every study that extracts and analyses upon the analysis of the mtDNA of extant populations, the phylogeny
DNA from archaeological remains has to consider the possibility of anatomically modern humans has been demonstrated and the routes
that instead of extracting and amplifying ancient DNA, it may instead and timing of the human migrations outside Africa has been estimated
be extracting modern DNA that has contaminated the ancient sample. in vertical-evolutionary studies (Cann et al., 1987; Dayton, 2003; Pusch
The possibility of contamination of the ancient material with modern et al., 2003; Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Wallace et al., 1999).
DNA is much higher when human aDNA is extracted due to the abun- Besides mtDNA, nuclear markers have also been screened in
dance of modern human genetic material in the environment of labora- paleogenetics (Filon et al., 1995; Zierdt et al., 1966) and methods for
tories and due to the difficulty in distinguishing it from the endogenous the determination of sex of the human remains based on ancient
DNA of ancient human remains (Hofreiter et al., 2001). Studies investi- DNA have also been developed (Cipollaro et al., 1998; Hummel and
gating the aDNA from pathogens and microorganisms are also at poten- Herrmann, 1991; Ovchinnikov et al., 1998).
tial risk of contamination, as Gilbert et al. (2005a) underline, since the
DNA of their modern counterparts might also be ubiquitous in the 3.1. Extinct hominins and aDNA studies
Contamination of human remains with extraneous human DNA can The analysis of the mtDNA hypervariable sequences of the Feldhofer
be introduced either at the time of death of the individual, due to the Cave Neanderthal-type specimen by Krings et al. (1997, 1999, 2000)
handling of the body by others in the burial rituals, or during the exca- holds a central position among paleogenetic studies that address ques-
vation and post excavation period (Brown and Brown, 1992). Even tions on human evolution. In their analysis, Krings et al. (1997, 1999,
though the former source of contamination (contamination prior to 2000) demonstrated that the HVRI sequence of the Neanderthal speci-
excavation) cannot be controlled or eliminated, for the latter (contam- men had an average number of 27 nucleotide differences, when com-
ination during analysis) many guidelines have been published in order pared to a thousand contemporary human sequences. Moreover,
to decrease or control for the possibility of contamination with modern based on their mtDNA analysis, the authors concluded that the average
DNA. Over time these have evolved into a detailed and extensive list difference between the Neanderthal and the modern human sequence
of requirements (Handt et al., 1994a; Lindahl, 1993; Paabo, 1989), is triple that observed in modern mitochondrial lineages and about
standardised in the nine key criteria published by Cooper and Poinar half of that seen between modern humans and chimpanzees (Krings
(2000). et al., 1997, 1999, 2000).
Among the most frequently cited precautions for avoiding the More information about the phylogenetic relationship between mod-
contamination of ancient DNA with modern, is the performance of ern humans and Neanderthals derived from the study of Ovchinnikov
aDNA analyses in laboratories where no modern DNA is analysed. et al. (2000), who extracted DNA from a Neanderthal infant, excavated
Besides having a dedicated lab, the use of multiple negative controls in the Mezmaiskaya site in Northern Caucasus, dated to 39,700 ±
(i.e. tubes with no DNA that are processed as if they contained sample) 1100 BP (Pinhasi et al., 2011). The HVRI of the sample had twice
is an essential precaution, as the presence of amplified target in a nega- as many differences to modern human sequences as to the Feldhofer
tive control is evidence for contamination. The reproduction of the Neanderthal. Therefore, the authors concluded that the two Neanderthal
results from a second, independent extract to assess damage and con- sequences form a separate clade from the modern human HVRI, and
tamination, as well as their reproduction in a second independent lab, that the differences observed between the Mezmaiskaya and Feldhofer
provides another robust way of demonstrating the authenticity of the individuals are equivalent to those observed among modern human
results. Additionally, due to the fragmentary nature of aDNA only populations. Importantly, the results from the analysis carried out by
the amplification of short DNA segments is possible, any long ancient Ovchinnikov et al. (2000) and Krings et al. (1997) provided genetic
DNA sequences must be treated as likely contamination (Cooper and evidence to support the out of Africa model of human origins, since
Poinar, 2000; O'Rourke et al., 2000; Hofreiter et al., 2001; Pääbo et al., they demonstrated that the Neanderthals were not directly ancestral
2004). to modern humans.
By employing Sanger sequencing and parallel pyrosequencing
3. Human evolution and paleogenetics Noonan et al. (2006) were able to recover 65,250 bp material from the
genome sequence of the 38,000 year old Neanderthal examined by
Human evolution can be studied by comparing DNA sequences from Green et al. (2006). Two years later with the complete sequencing of
modern samples and this approach is associated with fewer methodo- the mtDNA of the same Neanderthal, Green et al. (2008) proposed a di-
logical pitfalls than study of DNA extracted from archaeological speci- vergence time for mtDNA lineage of modern humans and Neanderthals
mens. However, modern sequences provide only indirect evidence for around 660,000 ± 140,000 years ago. Furthermore, in 2010 Burbano
the ancient processes that formed them (Hofreiter et al., 2001). In et al. (2010), using targeted resequencing with hybridisation capture
contrast, study of ancient DNA offers a more direct insight into the on microassays, were able to sequence around 14,000 protein coding
processes that drove the evolution of modern DNA sequences and thus positions, that are thought to have changed on the human lineage
furthers our understanding of human evolution and human migration after the divergence from the common ancestor with the chimpanzees
(Soares et al., 2010). and to identify 88 amino acid substitutions that became fixed in humans
In earlier studies of human evolution, the extraction and amplifi- after their divergence from the Neanderthals.
cation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) had a central position due to its Finally, the amplification of the draft sequence of the Neanderthal
unique characteristics. mtDNA is maternally inherited and thus does genome in 2010, Green et al. (2010) provided evidence to address the
not undergo recombination, whilst it is present in hundreds of copies long-standing question of whether Neanderthals contributed parts of
per cell, therefore increasing the possibility of its positive amplification their genome to anatomically modern humans through interbreeding.
from archaeological specimens (Chelomina, 2006; Cipollaro et al., 2005; Although research on the mtDNA of Neanderthals demonstrated that
O'Rourke et al., 2000). Furthermore, because mtDNA has a higher their mtDNA genome falls outside of the variation of present-day
30 E. Anastasiou, P.D. Mitchell / Gene 528 (2013) 27–32

humans, the analysis of the whole Neanderthal genome suggests that 1– extracted and amplified and found to be consistent with modern popu-
4% of the genomes of people in Eurasia derived from the Neanderthals lations living north of the Alps (Handt et al., 1994b). More specifically,
(Green et al., 2010). Interestingly enough, even though Neanderthal the Iceman was found to be closely related to present day central and
fossils have been found only in Europe and western Asia, the contribu- eastern European populations. Whilst his DNA has regions homologous
tion of Neanderthals into the genome of Eurasian people is equal with Europeans from the Alps, northern Europe and the Mediterranean
between Europeans, Chinese and Papuans. This suggests that the gene region, it has no regions homologous with Africans, Siberians or
flow between Neanderthals and modern humans most likely happened Americans (Handt et al., 1994b). The complete sequencing of Otzi's
before the divergence of Europeans, Papuans and East Asians (Green mtDNA was generated in 2008 by Ermini et al. (2008) and was found
et al., 2010). to belong to the K1subhaplogroup, which is a subclade of the major
Besides examining the genome of the Neanderthals, paleogenetics west Eurasia haplogroup U. Nevertheless, the mtDNA lineage of the
has also been employed in the analysis of the genetic material of the Iceman does not fit any of the known branches into which the K1
Denisovans, a recently discovered hominin species. In 2008 the distal subhaplogroup is divided, but to a novel branch defined by transitions
phalanx of a hominin was uncovered at the Denisova Cave in the Altai at the 3513 and 8137 nucleotide positions, thus providing insights into
Mountains of Siberia, in a stratum dated to 50–100,000 BP and was the genetic changes that happened in Europe in the last 6000 years
suggested to belong to a new hominin species (Krause et al., 2010). (Ermini et al., 2008). With modern whole genome sequencing technol-
In 2010, Reich et al. (2010) and Krause et al. (2010) used high- ogy, the entire genome has recently been published (Keller et al., 2012).
throughput sequencing and primer extension capture respectively, This has shown that he probably had brown eyes, was lactose intolerant,
in order to determine the complete mtDNA genome from the phalanx blood group O and was closely related to modern inhabitants of the
of the Denisova individual. The results of the genome analysis dem- Tyrrhenian Sea region.
onstrated that the mtDNA of the Denisova individual diverged from Beside the Iceman, the complete mtDNA genome of a Paleo-Eskimo
the common lineage leading to Neanderthals and modern humans dated to 4500–3400 BP was characterised by Gilbert et al. (2008), using
one million years ago, i.e. twice as early as the divergence between a pyrosequencing approach. Their study demonstrated that the mtDNA
Neanderthal and modern human mtDNA (Krause et al., 2010; Reich lineage of the Paleo-Eskimo belongs into the D2a1 haplogroup and was
et al., 2010). Nevertheless, the average divergence of the nuclear distinct from that of the Neo-Eskimos and modern Native Americans.
genome of the Denisovans from present day humans is similar to that The results from the analysis of the mtDNA of the Iceman and Paleo-
of Neanderthals. Based on this observation Reich et al. (2010) concluded Eskimo demonstrate the value of complete ancient mtDNA sequencing
that ‘the average divergence between the Neanderthals and the Denisova in illuminating aspects of phylogeography and population genetic
individual is 9.84% of the way to the human–chimpanzee ancestor, which histories that are not accessible through the analysis of modern samples
is less than the 12.38% divergence of both from present-day Africans’ (Ermini et al., 2008).
(Reich et al., 2010). Meyer's subsequence paper (Meyer et al., 2012) Paleogenetic studies of multiple members of ancient populations
argues that divergence between Denisovans and present-day humans of anatomically modern humans have also been carried out. One of
probably occurred between 700,000 and 170,000 years ago. the first studies to use molecular tools to examine the genetic history
Furthermore, comparisons between the genomes of modern humans, of a past population was carried out by Pääbo (1985) using 23 Egyptian
Neanderthals and of the Denisova individual demonstrated that the mummies dating from the Fourth dynasty (4500–4000 BP) to the late
Neanderthals were more closely related to the population that contrib- Roman period. Pääbo cloned a region of the AluI sequence, which had
uted to the genomes of the ancestors of modern Eurasians than the a 77% homology to the sequence exhibited in modern populations.
Denisovas, but that 4.8% of the Melanesian genome derived from the However, this study has been criticized due to concerns about the
Denisovans (Reich et al., 2010). A year later, in order to explore further survivability of DNA in warm temperatures as is found in Egypt
the admixture between Denisovans and modern humans, Reich et al. (Marota and Rollo, 2002).
(2011) examined the Denisova admixture in 33 populations from Asia In America, Stone and Stoneking (1998, 1999) assessed the mtDNA
and Oceania and found that admixture between Denisovans and mod- haplogroup diversity of skeletons that belonged in the Oneota archaeo-
ern humans occurred in the common ancestors of Australians, New logical complex of western Illinois, Kaestle (1997) characterised the
Guineans and Mamanwa (Philippines), but not to the ancestors of mtDNA haplogroup of skeletal samples (6000–300 BP) from the
Jehai (Malaysia) and Onge (Andaman Islands). This indicates that the Pyramid Lake and Stillwater Marsh in the Western Great Basin, whilst
ancestors of modern day East Asians were not in Southeast Asia when Parr et al. (1996) assessed the variation in the Northern Fremont of
the Denisovas contributed to the gene flow of anatomically modern Utah (2000–1000 BP) and Carlyle et al. (2000) studied the haplogroup
humans. Based on this observation, the authors argue that the Denisova variation in Anasazi of the US southwest (2000–1000 BP). These studies
gene flow must have occurred in Southeast Asia and not in mainland demonstrated that the examined specimens exhibited the same
Asia (Reich et al., 2011). geographic structure as that seen in modern North Amerindian mtDNA
variation, which is strongly geographically patterned (O'Rourke et al.,
3.2. Anatomically modern humans and aDNA 2000).
Interestingly, the geographic and temporal structure that was noted
Although the paleogenetic studies of extinct hominins provide in the mtDNA studies in North America does not seem to extend to
important information about our evolution and divergence from our Central and South America. Merriwether et al. (1994) examined the
hominin ancestors, mtDNA and nuclear DNA studies on modern haplogroup diversity of the Chinchorro and Inca of Northern Chile and
human remains from archaeological strata are equally important. Stud- the Copan Maya of Honduras, and found that the deletion marker was
ies of past human populations illuminate aspects of past migration absent from the Chilean samples although it is frequently found in the
events and further our understanding of the paleophylogeography of modern populations of the region. Furthermore, they observed that
our species, providing direct evidence for events that explain present although modern Mayans have high frequencies of haplogroups A and
day phylogeography. The Tyrolean Iceman (Otzi), dated to the Late B, the Copan Mayan samples were of haplogroups C or D.
Neolithic (3350–3100 BC) has received considerable attention both in In order to demonstrate the patterns of genetic variation in prehis-
archaeological and paleogenetic debate due to the unique preservation toric China, Oota et al. (1999) analysed fifty-eight 2000 year old dental
of its soft tissues. Nevertheless, despite the excellent preservation of and bone samples, from the Yixi site in Shandong Province, China and
Iceman's soft tissues, his DNA was severely degraded and no nuclear obtained data for the HRVI and II. When compared to a variety of
amplifications were successful in early analysis in the 1990s. However, modern Asian sequences, their data indicate closest similarities
the sequence variants of the HVRI region of the specimen were between the ancient Yixi samples and the modern Taiwan Han Chinese.
E. Anastasiou, P.D. Mitchell / Gene 528 (2013) 27–32 31

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