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Name : Mohd.

Tarequl islam (Sinan)

Student ID : 188801230
College : College of Bio-Science and Biotechnology
Email :
Subject : Fermentation

Teacher : Dr. Wang Shi-Kai (Laoshi)


A Brief History of Fermentation

Over the course of human history, different cultures have produced fermented
beverages by leaving grains and fruits in covered containers, without
understanding why the recipe worked.

It was not until Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac experimented with a method for
keeping grape juice unfermented for a long time that he found yeast was
indispensable for alcoholic fermentation. It was Pasteur, however, who
demonstrated that yeast is responsible for the transformation of glucose to
ethanol in fermented beverages. He also discovered microorganisms that cause
milk to sour, which was later found to be the action of bacteria in lactic acid

Definition of Fermentation
Fermentation is a metabolic process in which the activity of microorganisms
brings about a desirable change to a food or beverage. For example, in the
production of alcoholic beverages or acidic dairy products. In this chemical
process, molecules such as glucose are broken down under anaerobic
The word “ferment” stems from the Latin word “fervere,” which means to boil.
The science of fermentation is known as zymology, from Greek for “the workings
of fermentation”, and is a study of the biochemical process of fermentation and
its applications.

Fermentation occurs under anaerobic conditions (absence of oxygen), with the

action of microorganisms (yeasts, bacteria and molds) that extract energy from
the process.

Some species of yeast, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, prefers fermentation

to aerobic respiration, even when oxygen is abundant, as long as there is an
adequate supply of sugar. Fermentation is not limited to yeast but can also be
carried out in muscles, in which the muscles catalyze the conversion of glucose
to lactate.

Types of Fermentation
There are many types of fermentation, distinguished mainly by the end
products. Two of the most important and commonly used types are
ethanol/alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid fermentation.

Ethanol fermentation is used in the production of alcoholic beverages. Lactic

acid fermentation is used to flavor or preserve dairy and vegetables. Lactic acid
fermentation also occurs in muscle cells under strenuous activity. In this case,
muscles consume energy (ATP) faster than oxygen can be supplied, resulting in
an anaerobic environment and thus lactic acid buildup and sore muscles.

There are other types of fermentation such as acetic acid fermentation, acetone-
butanol-ethanol fermentation and mixed acid fermentation.

Importance and Benefits of Fermentation

Rich in probiotics, fermented foods contain microorganisms that can help
maintain a healthy gut system, so it can extract nutrients from food more
efficiently. They are beneficial for human health in a number of ways.

The probiotics, enzymes and lactic acid in fermented foods can facilitate the
intake of vitamins and minerals by the body. Fermentation increases vitamins B
and C and enhances folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin and biotin, making
them more accessible for absorption.

Fermentation can also neutralize phytic acid, a substance in grains, nuts, seeds
and legumes that causes mineral deficiencies. Phytates, the ionized form of
phytic acid, also make starch, proteins and fats less digestible.

The microorganisms, or probiotics, in fermented food can help maintain a

healthy gut in producing antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal and antitumor agents, as
well as creating an acidic environment that pathogens do not thrive in.

Fermentation products include:

Food products: from milk (yogurt, kefir, fresh and ripened cheeses), fruits (wine,
vinegar), vegetables (pickles, sauerkraut, soy sauce), meat (fermented sausages:

Industrial chemicals: (solvents: acetone, butanol, ethanol; enzymes; amino acids)

specialty chemicals: (vitamins, pharmaceuticals)

Daily Uses of Fermentation

Fermentation is widely used for the production of alcoholic beverages, for
instance, wine from fruit juices and beer from grains. Potatoes, rich in starch,
can also be fermented and distilled to make gin and vodka.

Fermentation is also extensively used in bread making. When sugar, yeast, flour
and water are combined to form dough, yeast breaks down the sugar and gives
off carbon dioxide, which causes the bread to rise. Specialty bread such as
sourdough uses both yeast and lactobacilli. This combination gives the dough its
stretchy texture and distinctive sour taste.
Lactic acid fermentation is used to flavor or preserve dairy products and
vegetables, for example yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles and kimchi.

Acetic acid fermentation can also be used to turn starches and sugars from
grains and fruit into sour tasting vinegar and condiments including apple cider
vinegar and kombucha.

Industrial Application of Fermentation

Fermentation is used in industry to generate ethanol for the production of
biofuel. It is an attractive renewable resource because it originates from
feedstocks including grains and crops such as corn, sugar cane, sugar beets and
cassava. It can also come from trees, grasses, agricultural and forestry residues.

In the United States, which is the largest ethanol fuel producer, the main
feedstock for ethanol fuel is corn given its abundance and low price.
Approximately 0.42 liter of ethanol can be produced from one kilogram of corn.
The second largest producer is Brazil, and most of its ethanol fuel comes from
sugar cane. Most cars in Brazil run on pure ethanol or a blend of gasoline and

Fermentation is also capable of producing hydrogen gas, for example

in Clostridium pasteurianum, where glucose is converted to butyrate, acetate,
carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas. In acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation,
carbohydrates such as starch and glucose are broken down by bacteria to
produce acetone, n-butanol and ethanol. This process was developed by Chaim
Weizmann as a primary method for making acetone in World War I .

Thank You

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