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Học xử lý ảnh qua thư viện OpenCV

STT Tutorial

1 Load and Display an Image

2 Load, Modify, and Save an Image

3 Adding borders to your images

4 Smoothing Images

5 Making your own linear filters!

6 Histogram Equalization

7 Histogram Calculation

8 Histogram Comparison

9 Eroding and Dilating

10 More Morphology Transformations

11 Extract horizontal and vertical lines by using morphological operations

12 Sobel Derivatives

13 Laplace Operator

14 Canny Edge Detector

15 Hough Line Transform

16 Hough Circle Transform

17 Finding contours in your image

18 Creating Bounding boxes and circles for contours

19 Creating Bounding rotated boxes and ellipses for contours

20 Basic Thresholding Operations

21 Image Segmentation with Distance Transform and Watershed Algorithm

1. Shape detection
2. Color detection
3. Shape detection + color detection
4. Barcode and QR code detection using Zbar and OpenCV
5. Text Recognition (OCR) using Tesseract and OpenCV
6. LICENSE PLATE DETECTION With openalpr and opencv libraries
7. Camera calibration
8. Object Measurement with OpenCV
9. Deep learning using Yolo V3
10. Deep learning using Yolo V3 and OpenCV
11. Zhuo Qingliang, Qt 5 and OpenCV 4 Computer Vision Projects,
Packt Publishing, 2019.

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