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1- Read the text:

Scientists will bring back the woolly mammoths. They all died 4,000 years ago, when the
earth was very, very cold. To bring back an extinct animal is something you just see in
movies. It is difficult to believe that it can be real. Scientists will use mammoth DNA to clone
the giant animal. A mammoth hasn't walked on the earth since the Ice Age. The scientists
are trying to create baby mammoths, and they believe the mammoths will be in this world
again in the next four or six years. Do you want to see real mammoths in your city?

Mammoth - Mamute (parece um elefante)
To bring back - Trazer de volta
Wool - Lã/Pelo (Wooly - Coberto de lã/Peludo)
Extinct - Extinto
Die - Morrer (Died = "Die" no passado)
Years ago - Anos atrás
Movie - Filme
Giant - Gigante
Earth - Terra
Since - Desde
Ice Age - Era do Gelo
Or - Ou
To create - Criar

2- According to the text, answer (T) for true and (F) for false.

( ) Scientists are trying to make the mammoths die.

( ) The mammoths are animals that do not have wool.
( ) The mammoths are going to die.
( ) The earth was cold 4,000 years ago.
( ) It is easy to believe that extinct animals can return to life.
( ) DNA is important to bring back mammoths.
( ) Since the Ice Age, mammoths don't walk on the earth.
( ) Baby mammoths will be created by scientists.
( ) In 6 years, scientists will bring back the mammoths.

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