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1. What do you understand by the risks of social media?

The advancement of technologies has dramatically urged over the past decade. Social media
platforms and applications have been implemented rapidly by most organizations. This dramatic
change opened many doors for communities by opening the possibility of social media to
influence young people. It allows people to be more connected world-wide, thus, putting up high
risks for people, especially the young ones. Some risks include exposure to inappropriate
content, exposing confidential information, cyberbullying and data breaches. For teenagers
nowadays, social media turns to an addiction, tend to be immature when using social media and
their more likely to bully others. Therefore, social media should be banned or limited. Social
media collectively are generally a useful communications and marketing tool in the 21st century,
but it pays to use them conscientiously so as to avoid the potential pitfalls.

2. What are the social-cultural functions of communications media?

Media of today is playing an outstanding role in creating and shaping of public opinion and
strengthening of society. With communicating information through the media, we are
transmitting social and cultural values, which aim at sustaining the society. This gathers the
sense of culture and its society. This function of the communication media is very important to
developing communities everywhere as it seeks to bring the people together that encourages in
developing relationships and helps to advance national and cultural identity. With these, it
informs, educate, and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world
and transcendence the holistic view of life. Communicating media separate institutional field of
social and cultural life that has extensive internal and external communication requirements.

3. Discus the political and economic communications media.


Communication media is changing the nature of political communication because they are tools
that can be used to inform and mobilize users in new ways without any hindrance or
manipulation. It is a form of communication that directly facilitate the production, dissemination,
and exchange of political content on platforms and within networks that accommodate
interaction and collaboration. The role of political communicating media is the empowerment of
individual citizens and the promotion of democratic ideals as it covers a wide-ranging implication
for democratic governance and political practices.


Economic actors need accurate and timely information to allocate resources efficiently.
Investors and other groups increasing value and demand a governance-monitoring role from the
media. A free and independent press can provide information and monitoring to the economic
policy development process leading to more effective economic policies. It can also reduce
political risk and increase good governance conditions that are important for robust economic

4. How do you prevent social network abuse?

In my understanding, we individuals must be knowledgeable and educated enough from all the
abuse, threats and risks social media has brought in our lives. First things first, as a teenager,
we should be mindful enough to limit the use of social media in order to minimize the chances of
social network abuse happening. Thus, sometimes we cannot help ourselves from utilizing
social networking. With that, precaution measures must be followed to avoid any harmful
occasions. The only way to completely protect individuals from abuse on social networks is to
banish Internet use all together. Since that is never going to happen, here are a few steps that
can take in order to help prevent abuse on social networks.

 Never engage - Don't respond to unsolicited e-mail or friend requests. There is no way of
knowing who is asking to be your friend. Yes, it could be someone you know, but it also
could be a predator. Do not take the risk, simply do not engage.
 Make your account private - Only the people you choose will be on your friends list.
 Block users - If cyber bullying is occurring through e-mail, block the user's address.
 Never give out personal information - This includes real name, home address, phone
number and age.
 Report unwanted sexual solicitations - Sexual solicitations must be reported to your local
authorities. If you plan on doing so, be sure to keep a copy of whatever the predator has
been sending you.
 Report cyber bullying - you can report cyber bulling to school officials and law

5. Define the challenges of media management?

Managing media is not as easy as we all thought it would be. It takes time and effort in doing so
that sometimes we may even think we are not making any progress at all. That is not to mention
the hard work involved in scheduling, re-posting, and finding great content to share. Running
social media seems to be all about spinning plates. We thought we would take a good look at
how difficult that job actually is. This includes finding time for everything, creating fresh and
meaningful content for each audience, getting executive or client approval having great ideas
but a lack of resources, developing a strong and distinct voice, and tracking progress. There is a
myriad of obstacles that managing media throw our way. If anything, social media now
demands a holistic approach, one which helps you with the correct feedback over metrics,
posting schedules and so on. This is not a new phenomenon to manage social media to object
the challenges outlined.

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