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Communication bp. Personal space language In this circle, we permit spontaneous and unprogrammed talking, Although communication in this circle is mostly personal in nature, it is relaxed and casual for most of the time. The space language is extended from 18 inches to 4 feet. For example, conversation with close friends and colleagues, ec. Social space language This space language extends from 4 feet to 12 feet and used for formal and official relationships, Most of our businesses are done in this zone. d. Public space language Public space language ranges from 12 feet to the farthest distance one can see. The perception, objectivity of approach and formality of communication indicate the degree of detachment we maintain about the activities. Our voice might be raised to be heard by others or bya larger group in this space. This is most suitable for public meetings. 3. Chronemics Chronemics is the study of the use of time in non-verbal communication. Punctuality, amount of time spent with another and time spent in waiting for others indicate a lot. Coming on time to office or meeting reveals our interest, sincerity and seriousness towards the work. Time can also be used as an indicator of status. For example, in most companies boss can interrupt the progress to hold an urgent or impromptu meeting in the middle of the word day, yet ordinary staff member would have to make an appointment to see the boss. Time is also perceived differently in different cultures. For example, Europeans or Americans will schedule a for specific time like 3.00 p.m. and expect all parties to be punctual and arrive at 3.00 P.-m. whereas in African culture, time may be set as “sometime in the afternoon.” 4. Haptics Haptics is the study of touching in communication situations, Touching has the connotation of a more active involvement of the Person touching other. How one touches another, communicates a lot. oe interviewee with a weak handshake may leave a poor impression, “reas a firm handshake conveys enthusiasm. A pat on the back na accompanies a verbal “Well done” and a written commendation Y strongly reinforce the verbal and written statements. Tate rates haky 3 his ue is the h of SES 33 Communication On the basis of a person's para language we can find out his 3 Cducational background. 4, _ Italso tells about a speaker's regional background and helps us in dealing with him. Limitations 1. We cannot totally rely on para language. It is like language, but not language. 2. It is difficult to achieve uniformity because speakers belong to different speech communities. 6. Physical context The physical contexts to surroundings speak their own non- verbal language. The physical contexts like decoration, colour and design convey a lot of meaning to our sensory receptors. The importance of layout and design of the buildings is evident from the writings of architects and industrial engineers. Similarly, colours demonstrate positive as well as negative feelings. a. Layout and design Layout and design of our surroundings occupy an important place in non-verbal communication. Every aspect of our surroundings has symbolical significance. It conveys our status in a group. The space arrangement of an office and the presence or absence of carpeting convey some meaning. All these things aim at conveying the outlook, personality and vision of the organization. b. Colour Different colours are associated with different moods and behaviours. The right colour combination can Project different feelings and cultural backgrounds. For effective and good communication it 4s important to have the right choice of colour which creates meaning in our minds, 7. Sign Language (visual and audio signals) Sign language, whether audio or visual, communicates only Ba and simple ideas. Colourful paintings, Photography and i make communication interesting and motivate the receiver of Ps ee. They reflect the mental make up, intelligence level and tural background of the communicator. A large number of drawings OF visual signals speak a universal i language. D: “nals, and hooters are most commonly Raat for pias 3 ai bs. Communication Silence Improves Creativity 1 the talking in meetings, y nsider put ou are probably If you are doing all ; n Paria Geran ott ‘on other people’s ideas. Cor ting yourself o: pause and seeing what happens. € stay ie feel the Colleagues who generally stay quiet or : a moment will be more likely to speak out and you may also find fat your team becomes more reflective and able to consider a wider range of alternatives. 4. Silence Helps to Coach When coaching your employees or sharing feedback, increasing your use of silence shows that you are listening and attentive to what has been said. Pausing before responding shows that you are reflecting on how best to reply rather than rushing to verbalise what you have been thinking while your team member has been speaking. You will demonstrate that you respect the other person and value what they say. 5. Silence is Essential when Working Internationally When working with international colleagues and partners, we need to remember that English may well not be their first language, and they need additional time to process the messages they receive and to formulate their responses. Don’t be guilty of assuming that international colleagues are Passive, disinterested and lacking in ideas and opinions when in fact you have not given them the opportunity to express their views. Cross-cultural communication styles also come into play as some cultures, for example in East Asia, silence is used a sign of respect. y miss their ACTIVE LISTENING Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is key to all effect communication, without the ability to listen effectively i easily misunderstood - communication breaks down of the message can easily become frustrated or ult spend an average of 70% of their time engaged i f communication, of this an average of 45% is . a ed to 30% speaking, 16% reading and 9% Writing mation System ion & Management Infor n of the listener j Beerepiertee of listening The to listen, decode and absorb the s. The listener shows regard es on the message, motivates the speake; speaker to deliver the message. The “to remember and recall the ree Business Communicati is the active participatio e most efforts Iso known as intuitive listening. It j by silencing the internal islamic, imultaneously- Usually, dling jalogues are going on in a gue prevents the full asa of the listener js of Communication (i) Stop talking: Human brain can perform one activity efficiently at a time, so during listening there should be no talking by the listener. (ii) Remove distraction: Noisy fan, traffic noise, entrance of unauthorized persons may interrupt the listening process. All these barriers should be removed. {iii) Good environmental conditions: There should not be extraordinary cold or warm environment and ventilations should be proper. 2. Listening to understand, not to refute: There could be many topics to which the listener has reservations. Apart from these reservations, the listener should try his best to understand the message. 3. Focusing the attention: There may be many objects on which the listener should construct a mental outline of where the speaker is going in his speech. 4. Concentration on context: The listener should keep in mind the background and theme of speech. This thing enables him to absorb the material quickly and efficiently. 5. Taking notes: Listener should keep on taking notes. Hence, he should jot down ideas rather than sentences. In this way, he /she could make the message safe for a long time. 6. Curbing the impulse to interrupt: ____ One should avoid interrupting the speech until the speaker invites questions. This habit puts the speaker and listener both at case, 7. Asking questions: Asking right question on right time is quite different form interruption, Li i See solinueee darren et should have an idea to know right time to eech but not durin, id summarize and sp nication s talking to one’s self j, within. It is basical}, jn clarifying what is knows, provides the right balance communicating with the ’s own mind and such a voic ‘in the lives of individuals. Through earns to talk to himself. Intra-persona| ‘table framework for effective inter. s are soliloquies or asides in character reveals his ming the stage for UTC insight of human behaviour and it can show how People respond to situations. 3. Making good orators: People having good interpersonal communication skills can keep the pride of any organisation with their proper oration. 4. Making right impression: People with qualities of interpersonal communication skills can successfully deal with any form of situations which can create right impression on others. 5. Helping in subtle situations: Interpersonal communication skills can be of great significance while handling subtle situations. 6. Making an ability to get along with other People: Interpersonal communication skills help in making cordial relation between the people in service industry and other people. 7. Promoting business development: Interpersonal communication plays in vital role among the employees who can attain an ability to respond effectively to the clients. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, regulate and effectively communicate our own emotions and to recognize the emotions of other people. It is the ability, capacity or skill to perceive, assess and manage the emotions of one’s self or of others, and of the large group. In 1920, E.L.Thorndike of Columbia University used the term “Social Intelligence” to describe the skill of getting along with other people. In 1975, Howard Gardner of Howard University pioneered the concept of Multiple Intelligence which is broader in scope compared with traditional measures of IQ that focus on language and mathematical dimension of the intelligence, and includes these types of intelligences: Interpersonal besides other intelligences like logical, linguistic, musical, existential, special, etc. The concept of interpersonal and intrapersonal was further elaborated and developed by Mayer and Salovey (1997) and Deniel Goleman (1995, 2001). Daniel Goleman popularized the concept of emotional intelligence. Originally Daniel goleman (1995) proposed five components of Emotional Intelligence: Self awareness, self- regulation, motivation (Personal Competence) empathy and social Skills (social competence) with 25 competencies. His later on version ness communice =. es the model into foy Busi fie “ simpli mc Petcciatsteeneen tens saseeiaakp pe with eightee” comp: Components of Emotional intelligen ©? ni, ee. Daniel Goleman proposes four comp: sai intelligence e Self Awareness e Self Management e Social Awareness Relationship Management ess is the ability to know, The first component Self Awaren: “ ii recognizing and understanding one’s nt as well as one’s tendencies across time and situation. tional self awareness, accurate self assessment and self-confidence. The second component Self-Manag' awareness of emotion to manage response 0 This component involves the ability to regulate of negative emotions and to inhibit emotional impassibility. This component includes six competencie self control, transparency, adaptability, achievement, initiative and ‘The third component Social Aw: arenes: i the perspective of other people ea a oe paerstendns fantasia: £ g their motivation their emotions and meanings of what they say. Thi y i emnatinaa ey: Say is component includes se stencie® — e . , tional awareness and services awareness of one’s own ee Pee ae relationship to a tions and of oth i a successful outc ak ers to manage composeiciew allah ae thepi ome, This component includes developing others, ch inspirational lead’ fea derelorias alee change catalyst, conflict ership, influence, team work and collabGration poeemen buildin Ethical Issues in business communication Is the lifeblood relationships, unde: of human experience: communication, cei od others and the Sag a ole Sy relating to aon Bde naues ns obvious an fascain. For pette! ion is necessary. Ethical Bae subtle issue® : issues of busines ement means using f different situations. the distressing effect detachment and s: emotional eee. oe Communication a communication are one such issue, The vital characteristics of ethical communication are discussed below Conveying the point without offending the audience: While communicating to the audience, conveying the desired message to them in a significant manner is of primary importanc For instance, the employes in a company can be their efficiency in a demanding manner wherea manage and executives will feel offended if the same tone is used on them. There are different ways to explain the exact things to them in a much smoother manner. ase Maintain a relationship with the audience: Maintaining the same wavelength with the audience is very important for a communicator to ensure the audiences feel at home. Experienced communicators immediately build a relationship based on trust with the audience as soon as they start speaking. Great orators such as Winston Churchill and Mahatma Gandhi always were able to maintain a relationship with their audience because they were masters at striking the same wavelength of the audience, Avoid withholding crucial information: In the modern era, information is vital for all decisions. Hence, it is vital for any organization to be cautious when communicating with the public. The communicated information should be absolute and all vital information must be conveyed appropriately. Purposely withholding crucial information might result in the public conceiving a bad image. Well organized value system: In order to ensure that this concept is successfully practiced and understood in an organization by the top management. If an organization functions on the base of value systems common to both the top management and the employees, mutual respect between them will be present. A sound and healthy value system can make way for ethical communication. Accuracy of information is necessary: Any information that is to be passed on must be true and accurate. Communicating without checking the truth of the information can be highly dangerous for the organization. Identification of the source and testing the information is necessary before communicating it.

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