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A függő beszéd egy valaki részéről elhangzott kijelentés, kérdés, felszólítás, óhaj, kívánság vagy tanácsadás
közvetítése tárgyi mellékmondat formájában. Ha a főmondat (az idézetet bevezető mondat) állítmánya
jelen időben, jövő időben, vagy Present Perfect-ben van, a mellékmondat (ami maga az idézet) változatlan
marad. Ha a főmondat állítmánya múlt időben van, a mellékmondatban az alábbiak szerinti
változtatásokra van szükség.

he is → he was
he was → he had been
he will be → he would be
he works → he worked
he is working → he was working
he has worked → he had worked
he has been working → he had been working
he worked → he had worked
he was working → he had been working
he had worked → ugyanaz
he had been working → ugyanaz
he will work → he would work
he will be working → he would be working
he will have worked → he would have worked
he will have been
→ he would have been working

will → would last night → the previous night/ the night before
shall → should next week → the following week
may → might today → that day
can → could yesterday → the previous day/ the day before
have to → had to the day before → two days before
must → must/ have to megfelelő alakja tomorrow → the next day/ the following day
the day after tomorrow→ in two day’s time
a year ago → a year before/ the previous year

here → there
this → that could, would, should, might, ought to → nincs változás
these → those
now → then

I. Kijelentő mondatok
II. Kérdő mondatok
III. Felszólító mondatok, óhaj, kívánság, tanácsadás
IV. Különleges esetek
Készítette: Mező Csaba Tel.: (30) 958-6667 E-mail: Honlap:

I. Kijelentő mondatok

A kijelentő mondatok jellegzetessége, hogy a főmondat és a mellékmondat között that kötőszó áll, amely
akár el is hagyható, ha a két tagmondat közötti kapcsolat tárgyi alárendelés. A főmondat és a
mellékmondat közé –a magyar helyesírási szabályoktól eltérően- nem teszünk vesszőt.
He told me,’I have been waiting for you for a long time’.
He told me (that) he had been waiting me for a long time.
A mellékmondat bevezetése többnyire a következő igékkel történik:
say, tell sy(!), inform, announce, explain, prove, complain, mention, hear, read, write, let sy know, object,
protest, shout, whisper
A kijelentő mondatok képzésekor a fenti „léptetési szabályokat” kell alkalmazni. Vannak azonban
kivételek és különleges esetek, amikor nem szükséges változtatás.

Nincs igeidőváltozás az alábbi esetekben

○ Feltételes mondatok: az 1. típusban a mellékmondat a „léptetési szabályok” szerint alakul, míg a 2. és 3.

típusban változatlan marad.
1. típus: She said,’I will be here in time if I catch the bus.’
She said (that ) she would be there in time if she caught the bus.
2. típus: ’If I had the necessary documents, I could get the job,’ he said.
He said (that) if he had the necessary documents, he could get the job.
3. típus: She said to him,’I wouldn’t have left you if you hadn’t cheated me.’
She said to him (that) she wouldn’t have left him if he hadn’t cheated her.

○ A Simple Past változatlan maradhat, ha a cselekvés időpontja konkrétan meg van határozva
’We returned home on Sunday,’ they said.
They said (that) they returned/ had returned home on Sunday.

○ A Past Continuous változatlan maradhat abban az esetben, ha az a cselekvés folyamatosságára utal, nem
pedig annak befejezettségére
’When I met her she was preparing for her exams,’ he said.
He said (that) when he met her she was preparing for her exams.
De: She said,’I was planning to sell my flat, but finally I have changed my mind’.
She said (that) she had been planning to sell her flat but finally she had changed her mind.

○ wish/ if only; would rather; had better; it is (high) time we ...használatakor nincs változás
’I wish/ if only we didn’t write a test,’ my son said.
My son said (that) he wished they didn’t write a test.
’I would rather you bought this golden necklace,’ said my wife.
My wife said (that) she would rather I bought that golden necklace.
’You had better stay in bed for a few days,’ said the doctor.
The doctor said that I had better stay in bed for a few days.
’It is (high) time we went home,’ our guests said.
Our guests said (that) it was (high) time they went home.

○ Természeti törvények, örök igazságok említésekor

Galileo proved that the Earth goes round the Sun.
Készítette: Mező Csaba Tel.: (30) 958-6667 E-mail: Honlap:

II. Kérdő mondatok

Kérdő mondatokban is a kijelentő mondatoknál alkalmazott változtatásokra van szükség, viszont lényeges
különbség, hogy itt nem használhatjuk a that-at kötőszóként. A kérdő szórend egyenes szórenddé változik,
és nem kérdőjel, hanem pont van a mondat végén. A két tagmondat közé itt sem teszünk vesszőt. Az
egyenes kérdést bevezető say igét ask, inquire, wonder, want to know etc. érdeklődést kifejező igévé kell
He said,’Is there a library in your town?’ He inquired if there was a library in our town.

Két fajtáját különböztetjük meg:

a, Kérdőszóval bevezetett (kiegészítendő) kérdések
Az átalakítás során a kérdőszó lesz a függő mondat kötőszava.
’ Where do you live?’ she asked. She asked me where I lived.

○ Csak ask vezetheti be a függő kérdést, ha megnevezzük a személyt, akihez a kérdést intézzük
The doctor asked me,’What are you complaining about?’
The doctor asked me what I was complaining about.

b, Kérdőszó nélküli (eldöntendő) kérdések

Kötőszóként if vagy whether (vajon) használatos.
She asked, ’Can you cook?’ She asked me if / whether I could swim.
He inquired,’Do you speak English?’ He inquired if / whether I spoke English.

Megjegyzés: whether szerepel kötőszóként, ha a kérdés két választási lehetőséget tartalmaz

He asked,’Do you want to make a call or not?’ He asked whether I wanted to make a call or not.
He asked,’Do you want to travel by air or rail?’ He asked whether I wanted to travel by air or by rail.

○ whether + infinitive akkor alkalmazható, ha wonder, want to know vezeti be a függő kérdést (az inquire
ritkán használatos)
He wondered,’Shall/ Should I try to repair it or have a mechanic in?
He wondered whether to try to repair it or have a mechanic in.
He wondered whether he should try to repair it or have a mechanic in.
○ feltételes módban whether-t használunk, mert máskülönben két if-nek kellene a mondatban szerepelnie
He asked,’If you sell your old car, will you buy a new one?’
He asked whether, if I sold my old car, I would buy a new one.
○ shall I / we?
a, jövőbeli eseményre vonatkozó találgatás esetén többnyire wonder-t használunk bevezetésként
He wondered,’Shall I ever meet her again?’
He wondered if he would ever meet her again.
b, ask, inquire etc. bevezető igét és should vagy be + infinitive szerkezetet alkalmazunk, ha
tanácsot kérünk vagy utasításra várunk
He said,’Where shall I put this chair, grandma?’
He asked his grandma where he was to put that chair.
He asked his grandma where he should put that chair.
c, kínálás, segítség felajánlása
She said,’Shall I make you some coffee?’
She offered me to make some coffee.
d, javaslat
He said,’Shall we meet outside the cinema?’
He suggested meeting outside the cinema.
○ will you / would you / could you?
a, szokványos kérdésekben
He said,’Will you be there at the reunion?’
He asked if I would be there at the reunion.
Készítette: Mező Csaba Tel.: (30) 958-6667 E-mail: Honlap:

b, kérés, kívánság kifejezésére

He said,’Would/ Could you sew my jacket, please?’
He asked/ told me to sew his jacket.
c, meghívás
He said,’Would you like to come to my barbecue party next Saturday?’
He asked if I would like to go to his barbecue party the following Saturday.
d, alkalmanként parancs, utasítás kifejezésére
The teacher said,’Will you stop prompting!’
The teacher told/ ordered us to stop prompting.
Készítette: Mező Csaba Tel.: (30) 958-6667 E-mail: Honlap:

III. Felszólító mondatok, óhaj, kívánság, tanácsadás

Az ilyen típusú mondatok bevezetéseként a következő igék alkalmazhatók: advise, ask, beg, command,
encourage, entreat, forbid, implore, invite, order, recommend, remind, request, tell, urge, warn etc.

My mum said, ’Go to sleep!’ My mum told me to go to sleep.

’Don’t leave your room untidy,’ she warned me. She warned me not to leave my room untidy.
’You had better call for a doctor!’ I told her. I advised her to call for a doctor.
The manager said to us,’Sit down!’. The manager ordered us to sit down.

- az ask és beg igéket követheti szenvedő szerkezet

’Don’t leave me alone,’ she asked.
She asked/ begged not to leave her alone.
She asked/ begged not to be left alone.
- will you...?
’Will you listen to me?’said our teacher. Our teacher ordered/ told us to listen to him.
- say / tell + alany + be + infinitive
a, ha az utasítást múlt idejű ige vezeti be
He said,’Don’t lock the door’.
He told me not to lock the door.
He said that I wasn’t to lock the door.
b, ha az utasítást jelen idejű ige vezeti be
He says,’Meet me at the airport’.
He says that we are to meet him at the airport.
c, ha az utasítást időhatározói vagy feltételes mellékmondat előzi meg
He said,’If she appears, keep an eye on her’.
He said that if she appeared, I was to keep an eye on her.
Készítette: Mező Csaba Tel.: (30) 958-6667 E-mail: Honlap:

IV. Különleges esetek

○ Felkiáltások
- What (a).../ How...! kezdetű mondatokat exclaim that/ say that igékkel vezetjük be
She said,’What a good idea!’ She exclaimed that it was a good idea.
She said,’How horrible!’ She exclaimed that it was horrible.
- Good! Marvellous! Splendid! Heavens! Oh! Ugh! felkiáltásokat bevezethetjük give an exclamation of
delight/ disgust/ horror/ relief/ surprise kifejezésekkel
’Splendid!’he exclaimed. He gave an exclamation of pleasure/ satisfaction.
- egyéb esetek
He said,’Thank you!’ He thanked me.
He said,’Good luck!’ He wished me luck.
He said,’Happy Christmas!’ He wished me a happy Christmas.
He said,’Congratulations!’ He congratulated me.
He said,’Liar!’ He called me a liar.
He said,’Damn!’ He swore.
The notice said: Welcome to England! The notice welcomed visitors to England.

○ yes / no
He said,’Can you drive?’ and I said ’No’. He asked (me) if I could drive and I said I couldn’t.
He said,’ Will you help me? and I said ’Yes’. He asked (me) if I would help him and I said I would.
○ let’s(not) esetében a bevezetés a suggest-tel történik
He said,’Let’s go on a sightseeing tour’. He suggested going on a sightseeing tour.
He suggested that we/ they should go on a sightseeing tour.
He said,’Let’s not move it till the inspector arrives’. He suggested not moving it till the inspector arrives
He suggested that we/ they shouldn’t move it till the
inspector arrives.

○ let him / them

- kötelességre figyelmeztetés
’It’s not my task,’said the officer.’Let the government take measures about it’.
The officer said that it wasn’t his task and the government ought to/ should take measures about it.
- utasítás
’Let the cleaner sweep the floor,’said the manager.
The manager said that the cleaner was to sweep the floor.

- javaslat
’Let them go to the Hungarian Embassy,’he said.
He suggested their/ them going to the Hungarian Embassy.
He said/ suggested that they should go to the Hungarian Embassy.
- megengedés
’Let her join us, dad; we will take good care of her,’ I said.
I asked my dad to let her join us and I assured him to take a good care of her.
○ must
- következtetés
He said,’I meet her every day; she must be my new neighbour’.
He said that he met her every day and she must be his new neighbour.
- utasítás
He said,’These things mustn’t be touched’.
He said that those things mustn’t be touched.
○ must / have to kötelezettségek, előre eltervezett dolgok esetén
He said,’I must write an essay’. He said that he had to write an essay.
He said,’I must be at the station in ten minutes’. He said that he had to be at the station in ten minutes.
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○ must?
’Why must you leave the party so soon?’he said. He asked me why I had to leave the party so soon.
○ must not
He said to me,’You mustn’t tell the secret’. He said to me that I mustn’t tell the secret.
He said to me not to tell the secret.
○ needn’t
He said,’You needn’t wait for me’. He said to me that I needn’t wait for him.
○ need?
’Need I go to the negotiation?’ I asked my boss. I asked my boss if I had to go to the negotiation.
Készítette: Mező Csaba Tel.: (30) 958-6667 E-mail: Honlap:

Ha a főmondat állítmánya jelenben, jövőben, vagy Present

Ha a főmondat állítmánya múlt időben van
Perfect-ben van
Kijelentő mondatok Kijelentő mondatok
’I want to speak to you,’ he says. ’I’m very strong,’ he boasted.
He says that he wants to speak to me. He boasted that he was very strong.
’We have been in the room for an hour,’ they have told us. ’We weren’t at school yesterday,’ she told me.
They have told us they have been in the room for an hour She told me they hadn’t been at school the day before.
’These exercises are too difficult for you,’ I will tell her. ’You work very hard for this company,’ my boss said to me.
I will tell her that those exercises are too difficult for her. My boss said (to me) that I worked very hard for that company.
’You wrote me a long letter last week,’ he has told me. ’We are waiting for you,’ they told us.
He has told me I wrote him a log letter the previous week. They told us that they were waiting for us.
’You are hopeless at Maths,’ our teacher often says to us. ’You can swim very well,’ my sister said to him.
Our teacher often says to us that we are hopeless at Maths. My sister said to him that he could swim very well.
’You have been rather impolite,’ I will tell him. ’You may go home now,’ he told her.
I will tell him that he has been rather impolite. He told her that she might go home then.
’I visited my aunt last month,’ said my friend.
My friend said that he had visited his aunt the month before.
’We will go to your place tomorrow,’ they said.
They said they would come to my/ our place the next day.
’We have been waiting here for long hours,’ they told him.
They told him that they had been waiting there for long hours.
’I saw these photos of yours two years ago,’ he said to me.
He said to me he had seen those photos of mine two years before.

Kérdő mondatok a, kérdőszóval bevezetett Kérdő mondatok a, kérdőszóval bevezetett

’Where have you lived before?’ I will ask her. ’How much do you think it will cost?’ I asked him.
I will ask her where she has lived before. I asked him how much he thought it would cost.
’What colour is your car?’ we have inquired. ’What time did your son arrive?’ she asked us.
We have inquired what colour his/ her/ their car is. She asked us what time our son had arrived.
’How often does she travel abroad?’ I wonder. ’How long have you been cooking this soup?’ we asked them.
I wonder how often she travels abroad. We asked them how long they had been cooking that soup.
’Why will you destroy this house?’ we will ask them. ’How many times did you invite her last year?’ I wondered.
We will ask them why they will destroy that house. I wondered how many times he had invited her the previous year.
’How old is your brother?’ she has asked me. ’Who will buy our tickets?’ they asked me.
She has asked me how old my brother is. They asked me who would buy their tickets.
’When they will meet me?’ she wants to know. ’What makes you laugh?’ the clown inquired.
She wants to know when they will meet her. The clown inquired what made me/us laugh.

b, kérdőszó nélküli b, kérdőszó nélküli

’Are you working?’ I have asked him. ’Can you give me this book?’ she asked me.
I have asked him if/whether he is working. She asked me if/whether I could give her that book.
’Am I clever?’ my daughter often asks me. ’Shall I open the window?’ our guest inquired.
My daughter often asks me if/whether she is clever. Our guest inquired if/whether he/she should open the window.
’Do you find me reliable?’ I will ask her. ’May I take your order, please?’ the waiter asked us.
I will ask her if/whether she finds me reliable. The waiter asked us if/whether he might take our order.
’Have you got any pets?’ they have asked him. ’Do I have to change trains anywhere? I wanted to know.
They have asked him if/whether he has got some pets. I wanted to know if/whether I/we had to change trains
’Did they accept your credit card?’ he wants to know. ’Have you seen our new car?’ they inquired.
He wants to know if/whether they accepted my/our credit card. They inquired if/whether I/we had seen their new car.
’Have you been to Spain?’ I have asked her. ’Do you think she will be here tomorrow?’ he asked me.
I have asked her if/whether she has been to Spain. He asked me if/whether I thought she would be there the next day.

Felszólító mondatok Felszólító mondatok

’Join us!’ they have told him. ’Go to bed!’ my grandpa said to me.
They have told him to join them. My grandpa said to me to go to bed.
’Don’t lock the door!’ I will warn my children. ’Don’t touch this switch!’ I ordered them.
I will warn my children not to lock the door. I ordered them not to touch that switch.
’Be polite!’ our teachers say to us quite often. ’Wait for me till I come back!’ she remind me.
Our teachers say to us quite often that we should be polite. She reminded me to wait for her till she came back.
’Don’t forget to post the letter!’ I will ask Mary. ’Don’t drive too fast!’ my wife warned me.
I will ask Mary not to forget to post the letter. My wife warned me not to drive too fast.

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