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Moral and Non-moral standards

Name: Isla, Diana C. Date: _______________________

Section: BSCA 111/SEBA 112

I. Give at least 5 examples of moral and non-moral standards and how these rules differentiate each


1. Rape 1. Cheating
2. Child Abuse 2. Vandalism
3. Murder
4. Illegal Logging

Moral standards differ from non-moral standards in a way that moral standards are standards based on
values and norms while non moral standards are based on tastes or preferences. Moral standards are
those that are ethical in general. Moral standards deal with matters that may benefit or harm people
and is not determined by authority. It is just and fair. While non moral standards on the other hand
depends on a person if it is right or wrong. It could be based on one's religion or culture.


1. Is it possible for a person to be moral but not ethical or ethical but not moral? Explain your answer.

 No, because someone doesn't need to be moral to be ethical. There may be someone who has
no moral compass but follows ethics to be in good standing with society. On the other hand,
someone can violate ethics all the time because they believe something is morally good.

2. How basketball rules are related to the morality standards?

 Because it is widely accepted in basketball that an intentional foul is a legitimate strategy in

basketball. This analysis is otherwise good, but it comes to the wrong conclusion because it
ignores this essential element of the problem.

3. Is humanity headed in the right or wrong direction? Why?

 Humanity is definitely moving in the right direction in some regards and most assuredly not
doing so in others.

4. How do you decide what is moral and what is not?

 An act is considered moral if it abides by the law of God to love others as you love yourself.
Basically, every good and helpful thing you do to others is considered moral. It is considered
immoral if an act is not kind.

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