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Durkhrim believes reason behind the an individual action is social forces.

His theory about the reason of suicide is lack of social connection of an individual. Durkheim
selected religious affiliation as a important reason of social integration. He predicts that
Protestants would be more likely to die by suicide in compare to Catholics.
Reasons of this predict was more rules for following by an individual Catholic in compare to

The article that I read was looking for reasons of suicide as the tenth leading cause of death in
the us. There has been mention very 40 second some one is died by suicide somewhere in the
world. This article mentioned different factors such as DNA, Depration and social problems.
In samle cases their DNA involving chans of events that they called “dizzing in their variety”.
Depression was common periblem between sicide cases but it does not mean all depressed
persos will do the same. Social peroblem mentioned as as the main reason of suicide according
to the article.

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