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School: Școala Gimnazială nr 3, Pechea-Galati Viza Director,

Grade: I
Hours : 1/W
Bookcourse : Comunicare in Limba Engleza /Aramis
Teacher : Carmen Dulgheru Viza Comisie Metodică,

Academic Year 2016 - 2017

Unitate Competente Continuturi Observatii,/

de specifice - tema Nr. de ore Sap. amendamente
invatare vizare - elemente de constructie a comunicarii alocate
- functii comunicative ale limbii
1. Introduction to 1.1 Characters 2 W1
English 1.2 This is my school W2
2.3 Introduce yourself
Structures: Come, children! Nice to see you!
2. Lesson 1 1.2 Identify school objects 1 W3
Let’s visit my 2.1 Numbers 1-20
school 2.3 Act to commands: Sit down! Stand up!
3. Lesson 2 1.2 Identify toy-objects 1 W4
What’s this? 3.1 Colours
2.2 Adjectives before nouns
Where is....?
4. Lesson 3 1.2 Identify things on the playground 1 W5
Pet race 2.2 Talk about animals
3.1 Ordinal numerals 1-4
5. Lesson 4 1.2 Possession: my, your, his, her, its 1 W6 Halloween
This is my family 1.3 Questions: Is this....? (31.Oct.)
6. Round up 1 1.2 Describe things, people, actions 1 W7 W8 Vacanta
2.3 a/an
3.1 questions: What? Who? Where?
7. Lesson 5 1.2 Location: on the left, on the right, behind, in front 1 W9 W10
What an amazing 2.3 On My left, on Your right Saptamana
city 3.1 altfel
8. Lesson 6 1.2 Clothes 1 W 11
I’m not afraid of 2.3 Possession it?
witches 3.1 His/her
9. Lesson 7 1.1 Identify existing objects 2 W 12
I like Christmas 2.4 Likes and dislikes W 13
pudding 3.1 Ask for something/give permission I can
10. Round up 2 Identify objects 1 W14 Christmas
1.2 Possession activities: carols
2.1 Short answers and poems.
11. Final review Numbers 1 W15
3.1 Possessives
4.1 Short answers
12. Final evaluation 1.2 Numbers 1 W16
2.3 This/these
3.1 Possessives
Short answers
13. Reading time 1.3 Pinocchio 1 W 17
14. Lesson 8 1.1 Body parts 1 W18
White Rabbit has 2.1 Describing people
pink eyes 3.1 Express wonder
Do certain actions
Learn short poem by heart
15. Lesson 9 1.2 Objects on the table 2 W19
A Mad Treacle 1.3 Food W20
Party 2.2 Shapes
Asking for things/offering things
Wh-questions: Where? What? Who? Why?
16. Lesson 10 1.3 Parts of the house 1 W21
A Modern Flat 2.1 Locate objects in the house
2.3 Where do you live?/Where do you come from?

17. Lesson 11 1.3 Favourite activities 1 W22 Mother’s Day

I like playing 2.1 I like+present participle (ing) (making cards,
Cricket 2.3 telling poems)
18. Round up 3 1.2 Likes and dislikes 2 W23
Evaluation 3 2.2 Location W24
3.1 Why questions
19. Lesson 12 1.2 Possession 1 W25
Whose is this 2.2 Verb: to have
rabbit? 3.1
20. Lesson 13 1.1 Seasons and months of the year 1 W26
It’s so hot 2.2 Talk about weather
2.3 Prepositions of place
21. Lesson 14 1.1 Tell time 2 W27
Holidays, 1.2 Days of the week W28
holidays! 2.3 Holidays
3.1 Daily actions
22. Round up4 1.2 Describe places, people, seasons, tell time 2 W29 UE’Day
Evaluation 4 1.3 W30 (hymn)
23. Final review 1.2 Who?, whose?, where? 2 W31 Children’s Day
1.3 Numbers, How many? W32
2.3 shapes
24. Final evaluation 1.1 Verb to be, have 1 W33-34
1.2 Body parts
2.4 Describing people and places
Short answers
Telling time

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