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NPP Site Selection : A Systems Engineering Approach

Article · June 2013

DOI: 10.14248/JKOSSE.2013.9.1.055


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Zulfakar Zolkaffly
Malaysian Nuclear Agency


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ISSN 1738-480X (Print)
ISSN 2288-3592 (Online)
Journal of the Korea Society of Systems Engineering
vol.9, No.1: 55p~63p, June 2013

시스템즈 엔지니어링 기법을 이용한 원자력발전소

부지 선정 방법에 대한 연구

Henry Pwani, Florah Kamanja, Zulfakar Zolkaffly, 정재천


N PP Site Selection : A Systems Engineering A pproach

Henry Pwani, Florah Kamanja, Zulfakar Zolkaffly, JC Jung

KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School

Abstract : Nuclear power plant site selection is a complex process and its successful completion is a critical
milestone in the NPP development cycle. Proper siting of NPP will ensure public health and safety,
environmental conservation, reduced project failure risks and a smooth NPP development process among
other benefits. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the application of systems engineering to the
problem of NPP siting in Kenya. The siting process demonstrated in this paper includes stakeholder need
analysis where stakeholders are identified and their needs concerning NPP site are elicited and converted into
system functional requirements. A value model is then developed and potential sites iteratively subjected to
three types of criteria i.e. exclusionary criteria, avoidance criteria and suitability criteria. This process is
used to identify the candidate sites. An additive value model; multiple objectives Decision Analysis (MODA)
is then used to calculate candidate solutions values. The site with the highest solution value score is selected.
Sensitivity studies using different criterion weight sets (thereby reflecting different viewpoints) can be
conducted to assess their effect on the selection of a preferred site and thereby lend additional credibility to
the decision process.

Key Words : Stakeholders, Sensitivity analysis, value modeling, siting, Value measures, Global weights,
Swing weight.*

* corresponding author : JC Jung, KINGS,

* This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non
-Commercial License( which permits unrestricted non-
commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited*

시스템즈 엔지니어링 기법을 이용한 원자력발전소 부지 선정 방법에 대한 연구 55

시스템엔지니어링 학술지 제9권 1호. 2013. 6

1. Introduction site is a major milestone in the process

of establishing a nuclear power plant, at
Nuclear power plant (NPP) development is a which major risks can be identified and
complex process1 that consumes massive managed. This paper presents in brief a
resources. The dynamism in NPP technologies; systems engineering methodology for NPP
aimed at enhancing the atomic energy safety siting in Kenya that would address major NPP
presents risks that must be managed development risks such as radiological
effectively if maximum benefits are to be hazards, construction cost and schedule
attained from this line of atomic energy overruns. The methodology can generally be
application. applied in all nuclear power plant siting
A systems thinking approach can be used to undertakings.
uncover potential NPP sites, critical systems
structure such as boundaries, inputs, outputs, 2. Need analysis
process structure and complex interaction of
system with environment. Systems thinking 2.1 Problem definition
combined with engineering principles focus on Kenya is seeking to develop a viable nuclear
creating values (Kossiakoff, 2011) for energy program within the next 10 years to
stakeholders and are capable of addressing meet its growing energy demand which is
many of the challenges posed by the growing projected to reach 30,000MW by the year
complexity of the systems. Systems 2030 (LCPDP, 2010). The first NPP is
engineering approach is not only concerned expected to be integrated into the Kenyan grid
with engineering design of the system but also by the year 2022 (LCPDP, 2010). Nuclear
with external factors (INCOSE, 2006) which Electricity Board, a body tasked to spearhead
can significantly constrain the design. These this process is expected to ensure that all the
include the identification of customer needs, 19 infrastructural issues for first NPP
system operation environment, interfacing development are addressed for ease of
systems and logistics support requirements. A licensing. The identification of a suitable site
systems decision process approach is from several existing potential sites is key to
collaborative, iterative and value based ensuring security and protection of the nuclear
decision process that can be applied during power plant, which is a key infrastructural
NPP site selection process. It focuses on the issue. Conventional methods of site selection
needs and objectives of the stakeholders and which involve expert judgment and which
decision makers concerned with the value center on site characteristics only are not
being delivered by the system. sufficient because they exclude public
Early identification and management of risks participation; who are key stakeholders of the
is critical if their impacts are to be minimized NPP development process (EPRI, 2002) as
during NPP development process (INCOSE, per NCR (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
2006). The identification of a suitable NPP procedures. This paper proposes a

56 시스템엔지니어링
시스템엔지니어링 학술지 제9권 1호. 2013. 6

methodology of site selection which During needs elicitation, main focus is

incorporates systems engineering approach in placed on stakeholders with high interest and
the identification of a suitable NPP site for high influence
Kenya. The application of this methodology
will ensure that views of all stakeholders are 2.3 Stakeholder needs elicitation
considered and therefore public acceptance is In identifying stakeholder’s needs, the
enhanced. A suitable location will also ensure following different techniques are used on
that economic risks associated with public different stakeholders to as discussed below :
rejection are minimized and therefore the cost
of capital which is greatly influenced by the 2.3.1 The Public
level of risk is reduced. The method also To gather information from the public,
offers a suitable tool for evaluation of the Conferences are held in the candidate regions
influence of multiple factors to the site with a theme of NPP siting. A total of three
selection decision process. In this conferences are held, one in each of the three
methodology, KINGS students with diverse regions of interest. For the sake of result
discipline backgrounds represent the various validity with an average attendance of 700
stakeholder groups for the purpose of participants per conference and with 20
information gathering. technical experts will assumed in order to gain
good population representation. During the
2.2 Stakeholder identification conferences, technical papers are presented on
A group of experts with knowledge in siting requirements. The attendees are
nuclear power plant development cycle stages grouped in a total of 10 groups with each
were identified and tasked to identify having 2 technical experts to receive and
stakeholders. Identified stakeholders were record needs as pertains NPP siting within
classified based on their interest and their their respective regions. This method is
power of influence to the success of the NPP suitable due to the large size of target group.
development project as shown in the figure
below. 2.3.2 Nuclear Regulatory Body, Energy
Transmission Utility and National
Environmental Management Agency.
Focus groups are used to gather information
from the above institutions. Two technical
representatives from each institution, are invited
in a discussion to present their organization's
needs as pertains to NPP siting. Two staffs of
Nuclear Electricity Board carry out the
facilitation of this exercise. Questions are
[Figure 1] NPP Siting Stakeholders, prepared in advance to guide the discussion.

시스템즈 엔지니어링 기법을 이용한 원자력발전소 부지 선정 방법에 대한 연구 57

시스템엔지니어링 학술지 제9권 1호. 2013. 6

2.3.3 International Atomic Energy Agency were massive with multiple repetitions. The
IAEA technical staffs are invited to present first step in functional analysis involved the
their organization's needs as well as provide categorization of the stakeholder needs to
training on technical aspects of NPP siting. reduce on the amount of data and eliminate
IAEA publications on siting are also reviewed repetitions. Affinity diagramming was used for
to obtain technical information on siting on this task as described below
areas not covered during the training.
3.1 Affinity diagramming
2.4 Stakeholder Needs Summary Affinity diagramming is a group process
Sample Stakeholder needs are summarized used to generate ideas and provide new
in table 1 below. groupings of the ideas for a specific purpose.
A total of 20 members from Nuclear
<Table 1> NPP siting value hierarchy Electricity board participated in this exercise

Stakeholder Needs
which took a period of 6 days. During the
exercise, ideas which had already been
That facilitate emergency
generated from stakeholders were categorized
under various groups with Similar stakeholder
Kenyan Minimum population transfer. needs being grouped together.
Away from social amenities
3.2 Generation of system Functions
Adequate Security
From stakeholder need groupings obtained
Nuclear Adequate security ensure through affinity diagramming, NPP site system
Regulatory Body security
functions were derived. For each category of
The media Timely news. needs, one function of the site as a system
was identified that would enable the site to
Minimum destruction to
National environment meet all the needs under that category. An
Environmental example of system function generated is the
Away from water catchment
Management need to ensure public safety.
Minimum earth movement
3.3 Objective Functions
Near electrical grid Objective functions were then derived from
Near electric load centers
system functions. This involved what the NPP
Utilities site intended to achieve. An example is
maximizing public safety.
System functions and objective functions
3. Functional and requirements analysis generated are presented in column 1 and 2
respectively of table 2 below.
Records of needs obtained from stakeholders

58 시스템엔지니어링
시스템엔지니어링 학술지 제9권 1호. 2013. 6

<Table 2> NPP siting value hierarchy with an initial methodology for evaluating
Objectives Attributes candidate sites.

N Public Maximize Proximity from large Value measures were obtained from
P Health & public population centres objective functions derived above. Value
P Safety health and measures are measurable attributes of a
Wind Speed & Air
Dispersion system whose level of measure provides an
Conditions indication of how well a system is meeting its
T Proximity from the objective functions. For example the number
I active fault line
of household to be relocated was identified as
Proximity from flight an appropriate measure to identify the site
paths & hazardous
that would minimize people to be relocated.
Seismic &
topography profiles 4.1 Quantitative/Qualitative Value Model
Value measures were modeled both
Environmen Maximize No. of protected
qualitatively and quantitatively. A team of
tal environ species
Protection -mental Proximity to
experts from Nuclear Electricity board
protection important ecological undertook this task. To generate qualitative
areas model, Value models that addressed majority
Air quality index of stakeholders' needs were classified as very
Proximity to important and of high measure while those
important heritage which addressed few stakeholder needs were
classified as less important and of low value
Social- Minimize No. of households to
measure. Expert judgment was also applied
Economic no. of be relocated
Considerati people to during classification process. For quantitative
on be Distribution & modeling, weights were allocated to value
relocated Density measures based on their capability to support
Construction Minimize Proximity to the system functions. The highest weight of
Cost construction demanding area 100% was assigned to the very important and
(Economic cost Proximity from the
high valued value measure. Expert judgment
and power grid
Technical was also applied in assigning weights. In this
Proximity from large
Aspects) way, it was possible to identify key
quantities of water
source for cooling stakeholder values regarding the systems
No. of transportation decision problem and therefore obtain a
modes priority list based on swing weight matrix
value. The Table 3 below shows swing weight
4. Value modeling matrix which reflects the qualitative and
quantitative value model while table 4 shows
Value modeling provided the siting team the value hierarchy structure.

시스템즈 엔지니어링 기법을 이용한 원자력발전소 부지 선정 방법에 대한 연구 59

시스템엔지니어링 학술지 제9권 1호. 2013. 6

<Table 3> swing weighting matrix Measure weight for value measures,
for determining measure weight fi

Level of importance of the (wi) = i =1
value measure
Very Less where, f i = the non-normalized swing
Important Important weight assigned to the value measure,
Distance from i = 1 to n for the number of value measures
H Distance and is the corresponding weight.
I from fault
g lines
Distancefromp 5. Solution Design
h (41)
A screening process was undertaken by
Wind speed experts from different disciplines including
e No of No of
(90) geologists, electrical engineers, Surveyors,
d transport protected
I modes species nuclear scientists and meteorologists from
u (78) (30) Nuclear electricity board.

No. of Distance 5.1 Screening Criteria Definition

household to from flight
o • Exclusionary Criteria : Included regulatory,
be relocated paths
w institutional, facility design, and/or
(65) (63)
environmental constraints that were used

<Table 4> Global weight of the value measures

to eliminate infeasible areas (EPRI, 2002).
• Avoidance Criteria : Constraints applied to
Swing screen out feasible but not favorable areas
Value Measures (x) s Global
Weight e.g. distance from water bodies (EPRI,
Distance from cooling water 2002).
100 0.154
• Site Specific suitability Criteria : Constraints
Distance from power grid
95 0.147 developed to eliminate sites which are
unsuitable e.g. topographical features (EPRI,
Wind speed 90 0.139
Population density 85 0.131
No of transport mode 78 0.121
Table 5 below provides a summary of
No of households to be
65 0.100 sample criteria used in site screening process
Distance from flight paths
63 0.097
Distance from fault lines (km) 41 0.063

No. of protected species 30 0.046

Total 647 1.00

60 시스템엔지니어링
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<Table 5> NPP siting value hierarchy 5.4 Potential sites

CRITERIA SAMPLE CONSTRAINTS Candidate areas identified above were
Exclusionary subjected to exclusion criteria and more
Site suitability Regulations as
Criteria prescribed by Kenya Nuclear stringent avoidance criteria to identify
Regulatory Board potential sites.
Regulations as prescribed by
the Kenya Environmental 5.5 Candidate sites
Management Authority Potential sites were subjected to suitability
Constitutional acts and laws criteria to obtain candidate sites.
defining protected zones such
as national parks and water
5.6 Preferred Sites
catchment areas.
Reconnaissance level data was collected and
Avoidance Avoid sites with population
a detailed investigation done on candidate
density of more than 50
persons per square kilometer sites. Trade-off analysis was also done to
identify preferred sites for NPP development.
Avoid areas that are within a
distance of 20km from an The table below shows site classification
airport. summary
Site specific Kilometers of transmission
Criteria lines <Table 6> NPP siting value hierarchy

Geological characteristics NAME DESCRIPTION

Regions of 3 out of 8 provinces of Kenya having
Size of population to be
Interest sufficient water bodies.
Candidate Districts within the 3 regions of
hectares of wetlands Areas interest that emerged out of first
screening involving the application of
less stringent exclusionary and
5.2 Regions of interest
avoidance criteria
Regions of interest for NPP siting were Potential Sites within candidates areas which
identified. The selection was based on Sites emerge out of second stage
information available from published reports, screening involving the application of
more stringent exclusionary and
public records, public and private agencies and
avoidance criteria
individual knowledge of selection team about
Candidate Sites within potential sites which
the regions. Sites arise from third screening involving
the application of site specific
5.3 Candidate Areas suitability criteria

Within the regions of interest identified Preferred Sites within candidate sites which
Sites arise from final screening involving
above, candidate areas were selected using
the application of site suitability
exclusion and avoidance criteria developed criteria based on collected
above. reconnaissance data

시스템즈 엔지니어링 기법을 이용한 원자력발전소 부지 선정 방법에 대한 연구 61

시스템엔지니어링 학술지 제9권 1호. 2013. 6

The Figure 2 below is an IDEF0 level 1 average weights were computed. Table 6
diagram provides a summary of the site below provides a sample score levels for the
selection process employed. various siting options. An additive value model
(MODA) was used to calculate candidate
Exclusion  Avoidance 
criteria criteria solutions values (Parnell, 2011). The
mathematical expression for the additive value
Identify Candidate 
Region of  Exclusion  Avoidance 
model used to compute the total value for
interest criteria criteria

Siting plan
Identify Potential 
competing solutions is given by
NPP Site Suitability  Regulatory 
Siting team
Candidate  criteria requirements
Environmental Regulatory 
areas A2

    

Siting team Rejected 
    
Topography maps
Identify Candidate  sites Suitability  Regulatory   
NPP Site
Environmental Regulatory  criteria requirements
Authority sites A3
where,   is the total value of a candidate
GIS Select the  Rejected 

solution i = 1 to n for the number of

Preferred NPP  sites
Topography maps
Candidate  Site Preferred 
Siting team sites A4 sites
Site Historical Statistics
Environmental Regulatory  GIS
value measure   is the score of the
Siting team

Reconnaissance level data candidate solution on the

Site survey equipments
ithvaluemeasure   is the normalised
[Figure 2] IDEF0 level 1
swing weight

5. Decision Making
<Table 6> Value Matrix for Decision Tree
Candidate Weight
Value measures identified in table 1 above Site A Site B Site C
Sites (wi)
have varying units in their measurement A 65 70 40 0.154
scales. Value functions were used to convert B 78 30 63 0.147
candidate solutions scores on the value
C 40 35 25 0.139
measures to standard units. Value functions
D 80 40 47 0.131
are generated based on the views of
E 50 60 44 0.121
stakeholders. Value measures scores for the
F 85 50 45 0.100
candidate solutions were obtained through
G 70 45 32 0.097
expert opinion methodology. Experts who
H 35 45 50 0.063
participated in the screening process and who
I 68 72 46 0.046
came from different disciplines allocated
weights based on actual sites data obtained 64 48 44
from reconnaissance and relevant institutions
such as meteorological departments. A : Distance from cooling water source
Questionnaires were prepared beforehand and B : Distance from power grid (km)
experts were required to allocate weights C : Wind speed (km/h)
ranging between 0% and 100% where 100 D : Population density
represented most suitable site as determined E : No of transport modes
against a given solution value after which F : No of households to be relocated

62 시스템엔지니어링
시스템엔지니어링 학술지 제9권 1호. 2013. 6

G : Distance from flight paths former because of the volume of information

H : Distance from fault lines (km) and data that is involved.
I : No of protected species

6. CONCLUSION References

From the analysis above, the site with the [1] EPRI. (2002). Selection and Evaluation
highest solution value score was selected. Criteria for an Early Site Permit.
Sensitivity studies using different criterion [2] INCOSE. (2006). Handbook of Systems
weight sets (thereby reflecting different Engineering.
viewpoints) can be conducted to assess their [3] Kossiakoff, A. (2011). Systems Engineering
effect on the selection of a preferred site and Principles and Practice. John Wiley & Sons.
thereby lend additional credibility to the [4] LCPDP, C. K. (2010). Least Cost Power
decision process. Development Plan. Kenya.
This process of criterion weighting and [5] Parnell, G. S. (2011). Decision Making in
composite suitability scoring can be applied at Systems Engineering and Management.
both site screening and site selection stages, John Wiley & Sons.
although a GIS application is required for the

시스템즈 엔지니어링 기법을 이용한 원자력발전소 부지 선정 방법에 대한 연구 63

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