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Vuescan 8.

5 with working serial

Windows Vista, x64, XP, 2000, NT

Vista confirmed
any customer number

E-mail address.:

Serial number..: 101907537
Customer number: 2025651943

Ok it's all straightened up now.

1.) Un-install older version Add/Remove Programs

2.) Delete installation location
3.) Install latest version with the latest Working Serial posted
4.) DO NOT SCAN - Let register or take hold (Entry Window Should Close) - DO NOT
SCAN - LEAVE APPLICATION OPEN - Under About all should say OK
5.) Go into hosts file located C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc. and on bottom place (YOU CAN NOT DO THIS AHEAD OF TIME BECAUSE REGISTRATION
WILL NOT TAKE HOLD - For future releases you can try installing over top but if it
doesn't work remove line from hosts file and allow to register and check About to
see if still OK and if so then re-add hosts line.
6.) Test Registration

Close Vuescan and re-open (Should still be registered).

Now Scan, check About section and all should still be OK. Scan again, all should
still be good and OK. Close and re-open and repeat. If all remains OK under About
then you're still good to go and if NO warning about $ within image then you're
still registered and the application should say upon start up Registered under the

I think my issue was not removing older versions and just installing over top and
nothing was working but thanks guys all is fine now.

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