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MANUAL FOR SINHA’S COMPREHENSIVE ANXIETY TEST (SCAT) A.K. P. Sinha LN. K. Sinha Retd. Professor and Head Retd. Professor and Head Department of Psychology AND Department of Psychology Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University Patna University RAIPUR PATNA raoaso” WAL Pa) & rs T.M. Regd. No, 564838 Copyright Regd. No. © A-73256/2005 Ot. 19.5.05 ES en Estd: : 1971 © : (0562) 2364926 NATIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CORPORATION 4/230, KACHERI GHAT, AGRA-282 004 MANUAL FOR SINHA’S COMPREHENSIVE ANXIETY TEST (SCAT) INTRODUCTION During the past three decades or so, the concept of anxiety has figured prominently in the psychological literature. Sarason and Mandler (1952) gave a detailed description of an anxiety questionnaire and presented findings on the relation of test anxiety to certain psychometric and social-class data. They reported the relationship of the anxiety questionnaire to one concerned with habitual reactions to frustrations, Taylor (1953) developed a personality scale for measuring manifest anxiety which has proved to be a useful device in the bands of researchers and practitioners. Cattell, R.B. (1957) constructed the IPAT anxiety scale (‘seif-analysis form’). In 1958 Cattell and Scheler compared results of 13 multivariate analysis, having in common the method of oblique rotation to simple structure, but involving a variety of subjects and variables which emphasized putative measures of anxiety. Martin (1959) reported that anxiety factor was relatively independent of intelligence, motivation in psychological experimentation and paper and pencil test. On an examination of tests of anxiety in existence (both Indian and Foreign), the present authors found that they were not covering certain facets of anxiety. Further, there existed a good deal of disagreement and confusion concerning the concept of anxiety. Several aspects of anxiety appeared to be ignored. All these considerations led to the development of this comprehensive test of anxiety incorporating a variety of anxiety indices proposed by different investigators from time to time, keeping in view the conditions available in this country. Manual forS CAT DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEST item Construction The items of the test were largely constructed on the basis of the symptoms of anxiety reported by those who visited the Institute of Psychological Research and Service, Patna University for psychological assistance. A few items from the existing tests of anxiety were also incorporated after such modifications as were considered necessary. Thus initially 315 items were prepared. These items were given to five judges (all engaged in counselling and psychological testing work) for examining the merit of each item for inclusion in the test of anxiety. They were also asked to score out those items which they thought were redundant. On the basis of 100% agreement among the judges, 70 out of 315 items were eliminated. Item Analysis Before undertaking the work of item analysis, the remaining 245 items were tried out on smaller samples several times and necessary modifications made in them to ensure that the items were intelligible to the students. Finally, the test was administered on 100 college students who approached for psychological assistance complaining of one or several symptoms of anxiety. No time limit was imposed. The subjects were required to respond to each item in terms of ‘Yes’ o ‘No’. The ‘Yes' response to any item was indicative of anxiety and was given score of one. A score of zero was given to a ‘No’ response. For item analysis, the point biserial correlations were computed. The criterion of a coefficient of correlation, being significant at .001 level was fixed for the inclusion of an item in the final test. Out of 245 coefficients of correlation, 90 were significant at or beyond .001 level. Consequently, those 90 items which fulfilled the criterion constituted the test in its final form. RELIABILITY The coefficient of reliability was determined by using the following two methods : — The test-retest method (} 100) was employed to determine the temporal stability of the test. The product moment correlation between the test and restest scores was 0.85. The internal consistency reliability was ascertained by adopting odd-even procedure (N = 100). Using the Spearman Brown formula, the reliability coefficient of the test was found to be 0.92. Both the values ensure a high reliability of the test. VALIDITY The coefficient of validity was determined by computing the coefficient between scores on Comprehensive Anxiety Test and on Taylor's Manifest Anxiety Scale. It was .62, which is significant beyond .001 !evel of confidence. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION The instruction printed on the test form should be made clear by test administrator to the testee. No time limit is fixed for completing the test. However, usually an individual takes 15 to 20 minutes in completing the test form. It should be emphasized that there is no right or wrong response to the statements. They are designed to study individual's reactions to different situations. It should be pointed out that each item has to be responded in either positive or negative terms, i.e., Yes or No, and that no statement shouid be left out. It is undersirable to tell the testee about the aim of the test. SCORING The inventory can be scored accurately by hand and’no scoring key or stencil is provided so far. For any response indicated as ‘Yes’, the testee should be awared the score of one, and zero for ‘No’. The sum of all the positive or yes responses would be the total anxiety score of the individual. Manual for SCA Ts SCORING KEY O oO 0 0 0 oO Oo O 0 Oo 0 Qo oO oO 0 oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO 0 0 oO SBSSLSKFLIESLSESSRSRESRLSSara ooooocoooococooocoocoocoocoocococoocococo0co0cdce ab NORMS Norms for the test have been prepared on a sample of 400 college students of B.A. classes consisting of both the sexes—200 boys and 200 girls. Percentile norms are provided in Table 1 for boys and Table 2 for girls separately. These should be considered as a reference points for interpreting the test scores. However, it is advisable to large scale users of the test to develop their own norms based on their own population. The individual may be classified into five categories on the basis of scores obtained on the inventory. An individual with an extremely high score of above the 75th percentile may be regarded as hyper-anxiety individual. His personality is complicated and he may be in need of counselling and psychotherapy. The extremely low scores, below 25th percentile, may indicate the person as undermotivated and sluggish. The middle group of scores would represent essentially normal individuals. TABLE1 Percentile Equivalents of Test Scores for Boys Percentiles Interpretation Extremely High Anxiety High Anxiety Normal Anxiety Level Low Anxiety Extremely Anxiety TABLE 2 Percentile Equivalents of Test Scores for Girls Percentiles Scores 71 Pos a = i Poo 36 Extremely High Anxiety Poo 29 P7s (Qs) 28 . 4 Pro 27 High Anxiety Peo Se (Ma) daa Normal Anxiety Level 40 Pao 16 ; Pas (Qi) 15 Low Anxiety Pao 13 Pro 9 Extremely Anxiety Ps 4 N 200 Mean Median S.D. REFERENCES Cattell, R.B. (1957). The IPAT Anxiety Scale (Self-Analysis Form). Jour. Consult. Psychol., 21, 438. Cattell, R.B. and Scheler, |. H. (1958). The Nature of Anxiety : A review of thirteen multivariate analysis comprising 814 variables. Psychol. Rep., 4, 351 -388. Martin, B. (1959). The Measurement of Anxiety. Jour. Gen. Psychol., 61, 189-203. Sarason, S.B. and Mandter, G. (1952). Some Correlates of Test Anxiety. Jour. Abn. and Social Psychol., 47, 810-817. Taylor, J.A. (1953). A Personality Scale of Manifest Anxiety. Jour. Abn. and Social Psychol., 48, 285-290. © 2007. All rights reserved. No portion of this inventory material should be reproduced in any form without th ‘waitten permission of the publisher. Manual for Sinna’s Comprehensive Anxiety Test (S CA’ Consumable Booklet of A. K. P. Sinha (Raipur) L. N. K, Sinha (Patna) SCAT --——————_—_—_———— Please fill up the following informations :-— Name... Age... College. Department/Subject.. INSTRUCTIONS Some statements are given in the next pages and they are concerned with your behaviour and temperament. Against each statements.two alternate responses are provided in ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ form of cell. You have to read each question and put your + views by making a cross ( x ) on either cell below Yes or No response. Please reply all thie statements without hesitation as your response will be kept confidential. Although there is no time limit, still be quick in your work. SCORING TABLE Pages Raw Scores Estd. 1971 © (0562) 2364926 NATIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CORPORATION 4/230, KACHERI GHAT, AGRA ~ 282 004 (INDIA) 2 | Consumabie Booklet of SCAT sr. No. eaxoanae 40. " 12, 13. 14. 15. 18. 47. 18. 19 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 28. 29. 30, | STATEMENTS: Do you feel that you are punished without any crime 7 Do you lose the balance of your mind even under ordinary pressure of circumstances ? Do you generally have unsteady mind’? Do you generally stutter white talking to strangers ? Do you sometimes fee! that your iif fs useless ? Do you weep very easily ? Do'you generally have the conflict of sin and righteousness in your ming ? Do you get very much excited of the just rememberance of the bitter experiences of your life ? Do you generally fee! that you would lose your presence of mind ? Do you fee! so scared that your tongue gets dried up ? Do you think yourself to be the sinner without any reason ? (Do you constantly have the strain In your nervous system ? Do you occasionally have fear while going out that you may miss your train ? Do you fee! the lack of sleep 7 Do you always get yourself busy in some work or other just to forget your problems ? Do you wath to run away to somo dietant place having got tired of your problems? Do you generally commit such errors which are dificult to correct 7 Do you think that you have committed certain error because of which you are very restless ? Are yau afraid of going to high places ? Do you generally fee! physical weakness 7 Do you gerirally think that lite wil remain sad ? Do you shed teats at the time of your troubles by the litle sympathy of others ? Do you generally feel that you are helpless ? Do you generally get last in yourself ? Do you generally work under the condition of strain ? Do you generally remain in anxiety ? Do you generally have mental tensions ? Do you generally fee! suttocation because of fear? Do you become very sad by the contradiction of your own statement ? Do you feei that your life in dark ? poooDooooOoOoOoo oo oO ooooooo ooooo0 Os} DooooooooooOoO oo oO OOo00no ooo0r710 Oé Consumable'Bookiet of SCAT | 3 eee STATEMENTS ° vee | No. | NOt - 31. Do you have the fear of being unsuccessful even after thorough preparations ? 32. Do you generally fee! so that you are going to tose everything ? 33. Do you get very much confused under such conditions in which you have earlier ‘encountered great loss ? 34. Do you think that ife is full of despair ? 95. No you get very much confused when you see some body in fainting or sense- lessness ? 36. Are you generally restless because of some troubles 7 37. Do you generally think over the past events 7 38. Do you become restless by the erroneous presumptions of others about you? 39 Do you fee! physical tired ? Do you fee! that even small things become problems for you ? Do you generally have the fear of being caught by epidemic disease? - 42. Do you generally do such works which make you repented vary much ? 43. Do you become afraid of even by the imagination of failure ? 48. Are you very often restless even by useless talks 7 45. Doyou gerierally get disturbed by imaginary evils ? 48. Doyou generally have the complaints of constipation ? 47. Do you feel thet your fortune Joes not favour you ? 48. Do you generally get involved in such matters which may make you to forget yourself? 49. Are you unpleasing by nature ? 80. Doyou generally feel dificuity in making decisions ? 51. Doyou get touched even by short time waiting ? 52. Doyou generally have the fear that your life may-not-be doomed because of conspiracy of others ? 53. Doyou generally have the tear of some thing or others ? 54. Doyou think yourself 10 be more unfortunate than others ? 55. Do you fee! that others generally misunderstand you ? 56. Doyou generally get so restless that itis dificut for you to sit in one place ? 57. Doyou generally fee! yourselt inferior because of your own failures ? 58. Do you generally have the feeling of loss rather than of gains ? 59. Do you lose the presence of your mind even by ordinary bad events ? 60. Do you have the feeling of excitation in every work ? NOO00000D o000 coon0000o0000 oo ools OB@0000000 OO000 8000000000000 o0 ag 4 | Consumable Booklet of SCAT o.] zs ie | a STATEMENTS E ves | G1. Do you generally get so much of troubles in any work that you have to leave it incompleted ? 62. Aro there such things, the recollection of which make you extremely excited ? 63. Do you generally have the feeling of heaviness in your head ? 64. Do you fee! that people taunt at your talks ? 65. Do you get annoyed even by ordinary opposition 7 68. Do you think that death might have been some how better ? 67. Do you generally forget even the recent talks ? 68. Do you constantly have the fear of your defeat ? 69. Do you generally get restless and excited ? 70. Do you generally get lost in day dreaming ? 71. Doyou generally get angry with yourself ? 72. Do you gerierally have the feeling of heat failure ? 73, Are you generally afraid to seeing a crowd ? 4 74, Doyou have difficulty in concentrating at a certain object ? 75. Doyou have the possibilities of committing errors even after having done it with full care ? 76. Do you'ever have the feeling that you lack in sex potency ? 77. Doyou have conflicting thoughts ? 76. Doyuu get excited very quickly ? 79. Doyou generally have the anxiety of your own failure ? 80. Does ordinary criticism of yourself make you restless ? 81. Do you generally have the feeling of urination or latrine when you have to undertake some important work ? 82. Do you sometime get angry oF become pleased with others generally without any reason? 83. Are you generally in higih tension when your work is not completed ? 84. Are you generally sad because of unknown reasons ? 85. Do youhave annlety on aocount of sex matters ? 86. Do you fest restless ? ° 87. Do you have more anxiety than others ? 88. Do you have such thoughts in your mind which youdo not lke ? 89. Do you have difficulty in respiration ? 90. Do you get disturbed even by the imaginary sadness ? Term le avielatin of Copyright Ac. ion) sd. Reproduction In DooocooOoo Oo ooOonoD Ssoooonooo0oo000o

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