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Multiple sclerosis is the leading cause of neurological disability of non-traumatic

origin in young adults; It is a chronic, inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease

of the central nervous system, with a stressed autoimmune component, which is

produced by the destruction of the myelin that surrounds the axons, so the

transmission of neural information is compromised. Despite the fact that in recent

years new drugs have emerged whose effect modifies the course of the disease

when applied in the treatment of progressive forms of the disease, this continues to

represent a discouraging sight for those who suffer from it, since it is still

impossible to heal and symptoms are not relieved. These medications are

considered more effective based on the urgency with which they are administered,

however with their use side effects may occur such as a rash (red spots or hives),

inflammation of the eyelids, face, or lips, sudden difficulty in breathing, and

seizures. In the case of more advanced disease, some of them do not act directly on

neurodegeneration, so they are not effective when speaking of a primary

progressive multiple sclerosis, resorting to more aggressive medications whose use

also lead to effects on the functioning of the heart such as atrioventricular clog.

The cost of this apparent improvement and the inevitable expectations of the

disease have placed the patients with multiple sclerosis in a depressive mood

which goes at the same time together with stress and anxiety on the behalf of the

relatives, who cling to the idea of a better quality of life and they remain looking
for a cure in the desire to want to return their loved ones to a state of normality.

They are given the task of looking for other treatment alternatives that are

less aggressive as they do not have adverse results in the patient and promise a cure

or at least a better quality of life. One of these treatment alternatives is ozonization

since for some years ozone has been considered as an antioxidant in the blood that,

through the production of hydrogen peroxide and lipid oxidation products,

activates functions at the cellular level. A certain effect of ozone therapy has been

found on the biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation characteristic of

multiple sclerosis disease, improving the activity of antioxidant enzymes and

reducing oxidative damage in lipids and proteins in patients treated with this

modality of alternative medicine. Unfortunately, many times this state of despair

does not allow the patient and their relatives to have a critical thought that leads

them to evaluate the scientific basis to be able to make decisions on which will be

the best choice between alternative medicine treatments or conventional medicine

This can cause consequences in the mid or long term, such as a greater

complication and greater progress of the disease and lack of control of the same.

It is a fact that beginning to immerse oneself in the use of alternative treatments

also implies uncertainty and questioning of the possible results and the veracity of

what they offer, as we remember that one of the barriers as an expression of

defense is fear and insecurity, which is reflected not only by the possibility of
receiving help in the field of conventional medicine but also in that of alternative

medicine as part of the exposure to a new experience, it is because of this that

some people do not make the decision either to undergo alternative medicine or to

abandon such treatments before they can be completed; Well, although regarding

some of them, as is the case of ozone therapy, no side effects have yet been found,

their use and results are still under research, not yet being endorsed or scientifically

proven and it is precisely this that generates concern regarding its use. It is because

of this that, with regard to ozone therapy, a certain controversy has arisen

regarding the regulations for its use. In my research (Schwartz, A. & Quintero, R.

M. 2008) I found the following information: In this way, in 2005, the US

government agency Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had banned the use of

ozone in most of the United States, mentioning in this regard Dr. Bocci (a North

American scientist in favor of the ozone therapy) that this decision had negatively

influenced the proper development of ozone therapy in that country, despite being

more or less tolerated in other parts of the world (Bocci, 2005, 2), following up on

the research I found that he himself points out: "the problem arises after the

addition of ozone into the bags because ozone causes a huge release of plastic

microparticles and phthalates into the blood with worrisome consequences for the

patient after reinfusion”(Bocci, 2005).


Delgado-Roche, L., Riera-Romo, M., Mesta, F., Hernández-Matos, Y., Barrios, J.

M., Martínez-Sánchez, G., & Al-Dalaien, S. M. (2017, June 13). Medical

ozone promotes Nrf2 phosphorylation reducing oxidative stress and pro-

inflammatory cytokines in multiple sclerosis patients. European Journal of

Pharmacology. Retrieved September 28, 2021, from 

Observatori Esclerosi Múltiple, I. (2021, June 16). ¿Cuáles son los tratamientos

farmacológicos? FEM - Observatorio Esclerosis Múltiple. Retrieved

September 28, 2021, from


Robles-Sánchez, M. Á., Merchan-Ruiz, M., Guerrero-Clemente, J., Cruz-Díaz, V.,

& Ramió-Torrentà, L. (2014, July 1). Fingolimod. Incidencia de reacciones

adversas en una unidad de esclerosis múltiple. Revista Científica de la

Sociedad Española de Enfermería Neurológica. Retrieved September 28,

2021, from


Schwartz, A., & Quintero Mariño, R. (2008, December 1). La Ozonoterapia frente a

la legislación: Hacia ... - AEPROMO. LA OZONOTERAPIA FRENTE A LA


COMPARADO . Retrieved September 29, 2021, from 

Bocci, V. (2005). Ozone a new medical drug. Springer. Retrieved September 29,

2021, from

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