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1- Instruction steps and video here

2- In PDF format for Windows available here

3- SAS will by default read from “Your installation directory” SASUniversityEdition  myfolders
Under which you can create Homework folders, e.g. like this:

4. Run the SAS image on the Oracle virtual box (select, click start)
5. When the virtual box initialization is complete:

6. Leave it and go to a browser http://localhost:10080 (Ignore in the image below, I mapped my
localhost in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts to
7. Click start SAS Studio, The folder hierarchy on the left side is under “Your installation directory”
SASUniversityEdition  myfolders
Inside SAS, you access files with
Similarly, you define LIBNAME fro “sas7bdat” files, like this:

LIBNAME HW2LIB '/folders/myfolders/…your folders';

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