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Inadequate (0.5) Average (1.0) Admirable (1.5) Outstanding (2.

Organization of Hard to follow; jumpy Most of information Information presented in Information presented in
presentation sequence of information presented in sequence logical sequence logical and easy to
follow sequence

Material Material not clearly Material sufficient for Material sufficient for Material sufficient for
related to the topic clear understanding, but clear understanding and clear understanding,
not really suitable to the suitable to the topic suitable to the topic, and
topic well presented

Methods concerning Methods too brief or Sufficient for Sufficient for Sufficient for
the activity itself insufficient for adequate understanding but not understanding and well understanding and
understanding, or too clearly presented presented exceptionally presented

Elocution – ability to Mumbles and/or Incorrectly pronounces Incorrectly pronounces Correct and precise
speak the English incorrectly pronounces some terms few terms pronunciation of most or
language some terms all terms

Time Short; less than 5 min - - Appropriate 5 – 10 min

Total Score:

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