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World Animals Day – October 4th 2021

Quotes - “Animals loves you the most than they love themselves”
Animals play a greater role in balancing the ecosystem of our world. This planet
acts as a home for the existence of these species. India provides shelter to some
rarest animals in the world, and it provides home to about 91000 species of
animals . Due to illegal wildlife trade, we are losing almost 9% of our total
animal population every year. Some animals were being endangered and others
become extinct due to this illegal poaching.
So, to protect these animals from illegal trading and create awareness among the
people to make them realize the importance of animals in the ecosystem. The
World Animals’ Day was initiated in the year 1925 by Heinrich Zimmermann to
improve the welfare of animals. Ideally, we celebrate world animals’ day by
making resolutions to act with our conscience and revive our qualities of

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