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1. Based on your understanding, tick ( ✓ ) the correct option.

1. b 2. c.; 3. a.; 4. c.; 5. a.
II. State whether the following statements are true or false and rewrite the
incorrect statements to correct them.
1. True
2. False-- Tropical monsoon deciduous forest is the predominant vegetation
in India.

3. True

4. True

5. False—deserts are characterized by xerophytic or drought-resistant


III. Answer in one sentence.

1. The other name given to equatorial rainforests is selva.
2. Ebony, Mahogany, rosewood and rubber trees are found in the equatorial
3. The deciduous trees shed their leaves during dry season.
4. Another name for coniferous forests is taiga.
5. Mountain animals have thick coats of hair to withstand very
cold weather and are surefooted.
IV. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. The factors that affect natural vegetation and wildlife are climate and
2. In India the deciduous monsoon forest is found in the Gangetic Plain,
Deccan Plateau, Eastern Ghats, Chota Nagpur Plateau and Lower
Himalayan foothills.
3. Wildlife in desert adapt to the climate in the following ways: the camel
and the addax have feet that can move on sand and the ability to go
without water for several days. These animals feed on succulent
plants, eat leaves moistened with dew to get water or seeds from
ground. They feed at night and hide during the day.
4. Altitude affects vegetation and wildlife in the following ways. As the
altitude increases, deciduous forests give way to mixed forests and
then to coniferous forests. Beyond that only alpine grasses, mosses
and lichens grow. Above the snowline, there is hardly any vegetation.
The animals at high altitudes are surefooted and have thick coats of
hair to withstand very cold weather.
5. The Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) is involved in conserving
wildlife through the following ways:
• It is engaged in increasing public awareness about the need for
conservation of wildlife and their habitats.
• It is actively working with the governments all over the world to
formulate laws and regulations to protect wildlife.

V. Answer the following questions in detail.

1. The temperate coniferous forests are important because timber

industry is well- developed here. The forests yield a variety of major
and minor products such as resins, gums, nuts, pulp and paper.
The forests are important because they are necessary to maintain an
ecological balance on the Earth. These forests provide a habitat to
wildlife such as opossum, raccoon, beaver, muskrat, musk oxen,
lynx, wood mouse, silver fox, sable, mink, elk and antelope. These
trees are also important for checking soil erosion on slopes since roots
bind soil particles and do not let it get washed away.
2. The natural vegetation and wildlife of the Tundra region includes:
• dwarf willows in sheltered hollows and valleys, mosses and lichens.
• berry fruit bushes (e.g.: cranberry) and Arctic flower plants that
bloom in summer.
• reindeer, polar bears, musk oxen, Arctic hares and foxes,
lemmings, penguins, walruses and seals.
• ducks, geese, snow buntings and other birds which migrate to
warmer regions in winter.
3. The four threats to forest resources includes:
• deforestation, where in much of the forest land has been
converted to farmland in order to provide food for a rapidly
increasing population.
• wanton destruction and depletion of forest resources for timber and
• overgrazing by animals that has caused destruction of seedlings.
• forest fires caused by carelessness of humans that has led to
destruction of several acres of forests.
4. Some steps to promote conservation of forests are to:
• create public awareness through well planned social forestry
• take measures to reduce the number of forest fires.
• re-plant burned over areas.
• undertake afforestation and reforestation programmes.
• demarcate reserved and protected forests where no encroachment is
• prevent overgrazing by animals.
5. The efforts made by the Indian government to protect forests and
wildlife are the following:
• Sanctuaries, national parks and biosphere reserves have been set up
where wildlife is preserved in its natural habitat and these cover
various climate and vegetation zones.
• Several wildlife conservations ventures have been initiated in India
such as Project Tiger, Project Rhino, Project Elephant, Crocodile
Conservation project, UNDP Sea Turtle Project.
• Public awareness campaigns are being conducted with the help
of Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF).

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