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Full Paper Guideline:

1. This article should be typed in MS Word using 11 size of Times New Romans, 1.15 space.
2. Title should be short and clear and are made up of 15 words typed in capital letters using 12
3. Abstract should be typed in MS Word using 10 size of Times New Romans, 1 space.
4. The contributor’s identity should be typed without title, and in case that there are more than
one contributor coming from different institutions, an index or Arabic letter should be typed after
each name.
5. This contributor’s address including his/her institutions and complete address and e-mail,
should be typed under his/her names.

The article contains:

1. An abstract which is made up of not more than 300 words; it is completed with italicized key
words typed at the bottom of the page and ordered based on the degree of their importance.
2. An introduction which contains scope of the study, background of the study, aims and
significances of the study should be one page in length.
3. Research methods, which describe the materials and methods used, should be so clear and in
detail that they are easily understood.
4. Results and discussion.  Each result of the study is directly followed by discussion.  The
discussion should contain the description of the results of the study which were obtained and are
related to the studies both currently and previously conducted by the writer and others. Repetition
of any statement previously written should be avoided.
5. Conclusions and suggestions.  They are separated from the result and discussion, and should
not be more than one third of a page.
6. An acknowledgement.  It is addressed to those who have given assistance in the form of
facilities and finance, and those whoh have supported the writing process.
7. References.  They are typed using Harvard model in alphabetical order based on names and
years when the are issued.




[Corresponding author]



Keywords : ........,........,........




Research Objectives

Literature Review




Results and Discussion


Table 1. .............................................

Occupancy Rate (%)

No Year Four Three
Five Stars All Stars Hotels
Stars Stars
1 2012 64.13 63.21 62.07 62.25
2 2013 61.91 60.68 58.59 59.85

Source: Bali Central Bureau of Statistics, 2017





Back, K.-J. and Parks, S. C. (2003) ‘A brand loyalty model involving cognitive, affective, and
conative brand loyalty and customer satisfaction’, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism
Research. Sage Publications Sage CA: Thousand Oaks, CA, 27(4), pp. 419–435.
Hair, J., Robert, B. and David, O. (2006) ‘Marketing Research: Within a Changing Environment,
revised international edition Ed’. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Johnson, D. P. (2013) ‘Attitudinal loyalty: A mixed method study of Apple fandom’. Capella
Kotler, P., Bowen, J. T. and Makens, J. C. (2010) Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism (Fifth
Edition). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. (Harvard)

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