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Distracted from center

This post is related to a science concept in a societal context. Nature is based on
two major forces, positive and the negative one. All of us consciously or
unconsciously knows that the positive is the best one. But in many circumstances
,we commit negativity, willingly or unwillingly. At present in 2021. We are facing a lot
of challenges at a single time. Like many more problems and difficulties we are
facing the worst conditions due to covid-19. Every thing seems to be slipping from
our hands as sand. A total stress and unrest is caused all around. People are losing
their loved ones. Despite of the month of Ramadan all of us are still surrounded by
negativity , just because of the invisible enemy (corona virus).
Scientific concept:
It was proposed by scientists centuries ago, that the basic unit element of
any thing, (living or non-living) is atom. And it has two basic kinds of charges
,positive and negative. Positive lies in the heart of the atomic cell i,e. In nucleus.
While negative is in the outer shells. Whereas, in certain cases there conditions
arises, when charge on atom becomes neutral.

Relation with societal life:

We are living in the age of mood swings. Everyone is suffering from anxiety,
depression and mood disorders. Well it is totaly a different story that no one admits
him to be sick (mentally upset). Unfortunately most of us live happily or unhappily
with these disorders all the life long. That means that they leave their these problems

On the very other hand , a very few one who are able to get a tretment of
their disease, or get awareness of their problem. They are told with all the other
procedures, medication, and all the rest to ,”just be positive”. They are convinced
deeply by every one,(either an experienced or a lay man ). That he (The distracted
person) is living a life, with extreme level of negativity.

Very sorry-fully the convincing becomes like;

 What you eat is negative,

 Your drink is negative,
 You don’t walk properly,
 You should try to have a sound sleep,
 The atmosphere where you are living is not apt,
 Your tone is too harsh,
 You should be lenient in your dealings,
 Your company or friends circle is not good,
 You are being deceived in relationship,
Try to improve your living condition.

Ok OK OK OK OK !!!!

If all the above is true , and there is a lots of negativity in you.

But honestly speaking, with at a least sympathy, is this is the right way to say?

Or is it necessary to say all the time?

Does everyone has the rights to say anything about you?

When a person is sick and he doesn’t know ,then his life remains somewhat normal.
But as a grave dilemma of our world when someone comes in positively or
negatively), he becomes a certificate holder. “ A certified punching bag”. Where
anyone can come and release his or her anexity by taunting the subject. Coating
their taunts with sympathy.

But alarmingly, this certificate does not gives him any rights or prevalages. Instead it
is a certificate that he owns . But according to it everyone becomes an authority to ,
say anything, anywhere about the certified person. This (social) certificate becomes
an end of his liberty and freedom. He then becomes a figure of discussions and

A person certified positive by society, may anyway get some

benefits or prevaleges in society. But the most alarming and pityful situation arises
for a person who is alledged negative. Societal restrictions band around him
becomes so much narrow that his life gradually, with the passage of time becomes
suffocated. No one bothers to think about the emotions of the subject. In short ” the
certified” gradually is treated as an alien.

No one bothers to think that it is not only the subject(of discussions,

taunts and gossips), that is suffering . but ” the authority holders”, would
themselves be “distracted from the center”, with the passage of time. So, it is an
alarming situation, that all of us should have to focus on the center. Though it is
difficult yet it is not impossible.

So, the point is , that when we are all the time living with and spreading
negativity( living as electrons with negative charge). Then how can we expect
positivity (of protons). The only solution is that we try to neutralize negativity with our
positivity(as effect of negative charge can be neutralized with an equal and opposite
charge, that is poaitive).

Other than the difficulities and hardships of our daily life. Every one of us is
suffering in this present time of pendemic of covid 19. When we have to cooperate
and console one another. We are busy in eachother’s leg pulling. This is spreading
negativity not only for other but to ourselves too. So all of us are getting distracted
from the center.

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