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Psychiatry history taking, mental status examination, case formulation and management template

Name : (Initials of patient’s name)

Age :
Sex :
Marital status:
Mode of admission: (voluntary/involuntary/emergency)
Date of admission:


Reactions to allegations:
(Accepts or rejects the above allegations; helps to gain insight on patient’s condition)

History of presenting illness:

(Explore the allegations and qualify them in terms of onset, duration, precipitating and mitigating
factors; Also note the patient’s attribution to the symptoms i.e., why they believe they are having these
symptoms. Inquire about impact of illness on patient’s life i.e., education, relationship with friends,
occupation etc. Explore on patient’s coping mechanisms both good and bad. Neuro-vegetative
symptoms include: sleep, energy, concentration, hobbies, appetite and libido)
Risk history:

History of active or passive suicide or homicidal ideation; (if positive complete a suicide risk assessment
asking about frequency, method, lethality, patient’s expectations on death, future intention)

History of self-neglect;

History of substance use: (Debut, frequency, effects of substance of social-occupational function, screen
of alcohol use disorder if present)

Past psychiatric history: (Passed admissions, presentations, facility type, length of stay, effects of
treatment, compliance to medication)

Past medical history:

Drug history: (Both herbal & pharmaceutical drugs + adherence to medication; inquire if on follow-up in
any mental health institution)

Family History: (Immediate family members, relations with siblings in terms of number, age, occupation,
medical/mental status, marital status, interpersonal relations with siblings, family deaths and causes,
residence, extended family tree)

Social history: (Inquire about socio-economic status; Job description including income per month,
working conditions i.e., working hours, stress at work, Accessibility to health care, urbanity, Teenage
parenthood, Relationships: marital status, previous relationships, relations with religious groups,
Immigration history, Exposure to domestic violence; dangerous neighborhood, crime)

Personal history:
Early childhood: (Behavioral problems, earliest memories, temperament as a child)
Education: (Schooling including level of education and grades attained, role in school, discipline i.e.,
suspensions & expulsions, peer relations)

Profession and career:

Marriage: (Including previous marriage if divorced or separated)

Forensic history:

Premorbid history: (Personality, how do they view self/others/world; core beliefs; self-esteem; coping

Systemic review:



General examination:

Icteric/ anicteric sclerae

Conjunctival/ palmar pallor

Central/ peripheral cyanosis

Finger clubbing



Oral thrush


Mental status exam.

1. General appearance and behavior
(a) Appearance
Estimated age: 20s/30s/40s/50s etc…; (doesn’t) appears his age.
Body habitus: endomorph/mesomorph/ectomorph/obese/underweight/marfanoid

Posture: seated/lying; upright/slouching; open/closed; tensed/relaxed;

Hygiene: Clothes: unkempt/kempt; hospital uniform/no hospital uniform; distinguishing features

Body odor: yes/no

Halitosis: yes/no

Dress: appropriate/inappropriate (seductive, excessive make-up, flamboyant clothing)

(b) Behavior
Eye contact: maintains/doesn’t maintain; fleeting/ intrusive

Rapport: easily established/not easily established; maintained/not maintained

Attitude: friendly/hostile/evasive/co-operative/secretive/apathetic/focused/easily distracted

Level of distress: no distress/ distress because of pain/psychomotor agitation/glancing repeatedly at

different parts of room/

(c) Abnormal motor activity


2. Mood and Affect

(a) Affect; Quality: dysphoric/neutral/euphopric/euthymic/detached/anxious/irritable/sad/angry,elated

Congruence: congruent/incongruent for mood.

Range: broad/restricted; flat/blunted; full/exaggerated; labile/fixed

(b) Mood: sad/happy/guilty/exhausted/frustrated/frightened/indifferent/marvelous/embarrassed

3. Speech
Rate: rapid/normal/slow/pressured/poverty of speech

Volume: loud/normal/soft/ whispered


4. Thought evaluation
(a) Process: circumstantiality/tangentially/loose associations/flight of ideas/clang
associations/perseveration/thought blocking

(b) Content: specific delusions/phobias/suicidal or homicidal ideation/ obsessions and pre-occupations

5. Sensorium and cognition

(a) Orientation: disoriented (confused)/oriented in time, place and person

(b) Level of consciousness: alert/drowsy/lethargic/obtunded/stupor/comatose/delirious

(c) Attention and concentration: intact/impaired; serial 5 or 7 subtraction from 100

(d) Memory; Immediate: intact/impaired. (retrograde/anterograde/global amnesia)

Short term: intact/impaired (retrograde/anterograde/global amnesia)

Long term: intact/impaired.(retrograde/anterograde/global amnesia) confabulation

(e) Fund of knowledge: adequate/inadequate for level of education.

(f) Abstract thinking: proverb/similarities testing; Intact/impaired;

6. Perceptual disturbances
specific hallucinations/illusions/dissociations/agnosia/hemi-neglect

7. Insight and judgement

(a) Insight: Grade1,2,3 or 4/anosognosia.

(b) Judgement: Test judgement/personal judgement intact/ impaired

Case formulation

Primer: (Brief summary including biodata, important positives and negatives form history and
examination findings)

Biological Psychological Social

Predisposing  Genetic vulnerabiliy  Attachment style  Domestic violence
(Vulnerabilities)  Toxin exposure in utero  Personality style  Poverty & adversity
 Birth complications  Isolation  Teenage parenthood
 Traumatic brain injury  Insecurities  Poor access to health
 Neuro-developmental  Fears/Phobias care
disorders  Low self-esteem  Divorce
 Sex of patient (M/F)  Rigid or negative  Immigration or
Medical & Family History cognitive style Marginalization or
Family & Social History Discrimination
 Childhood exposure to
maternal depression
 Childhood exposure to
domestic violence
 Late adoption
 Temperament mismatch
Social History
Precipitating  Serious medical illness or Stressors that can activate;  Loss or separation from
(Stressors) injury  Cognitive: core beliefs & close family, partner or
 Increasing use of alcohol or distortions friend
drugs  Dialectical: emotional  Interpersonal trauma
 Medication non-adherence dysregulation and  Work or academic or
 Pregnancy or hormonal dysfunction financial stressor
changes  Interpersonal: grief,  Recent immigration
 Sleep deprivation loss, disagreement, role  Loss of home
Medication and Substance History transitions  Loss of supportive
 Psychodynamic: service e.g., appropriate
unconscious conflicts & school placement
defense mechanisms  Cyberbullying on social
 Re-experiencing media
abandonment Social History
Presenting illness & Social History
Perpetuating  Chronic illness, functional  Beliefs about self or  Chronic marital or
(Maintaining) impairment caused by others or world relationship discord
deficits  Self-destructing coping  Lack of empathy from
 Lack of medication mechanism or traumatic family or friends
optimization i.e., sub- re-enactments (stigmatization)
therapeutic dosages  On-going poor coping  Chronic dangerous or
 Lack of treatment follow- skills hostile neighborhood
up for mental illness  Lack of insight  On-going transitions and
 Current substance use  Unable to maintain stressors
 Chronic medical problem; consistent interpersonal  Poor finances
chronic pain relationships  Long working hours
 How is the patient MSE, Presenting illness & Social  Social isolation
responding to History Social History
 What degree of symptoms
is currently present?
Medical, Medication & Substance
Protective  Good overall health  Able to see another  Supportive relationships
(Strengths)  Absence of family person perspective  Good interpersonal
psychiatric history (metallization) relationships
 Good response to  Positive sense of self or  Religious or spiritual
medication adaptive coping beliefs
 Above average intelligence mechanisms  Financial stability
 Easy temperament  Good coping skills  Has access to outpatient
 No substance use history  Good insight health care (GP,
 Balanced diet, adequate  Reflective & capacity to Psychiatrist or social
sleep, physical exercise change thinking pattern worker)
Medical, Medication & Substance MSE, Presenting illness, Social Social History
History History
Working diagnosis

Diagnosis: (Include specifier if possible)

Justification: (supporting evidence from case formulation)

Differential diagnosis





Management plan

1. Investigations

(a) Biologic
Physical exam:



(b) Psychological
(c) Social

2. Treatment

(a) Biologic (Pharmacotherapy or physical therapy)

(b) Psychosocial

(I) Family based interventions:

(II) Social skills training

(III) Cognitive behavioral therapy:


Good prognostic factors include:

Poor prognostic factors include:

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