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How to Make Delicious Fried Rice


A. ½ onion, finely chopped

B. 2 eggs
C. ½ teaspoon salt
D. Pepper as needed
E. 2 plates of previously cooked rice
F. A tablespoon oyster sauce
G. Two tablespoon frying oil
H. Peas and chopped carrots as needed

1. First,heat the pan with medium heat. Pour the oil into the pan.
2. When the oil is hot enough, slide the onion, peas, and carrots to the side.
3. Then pour the beaten eggs onto the other side. Scramble the egg using spatula.
4. When the veggie and egg mixture is half cooked, add the rice and stir.
5. Do not use rice you have just cooked because it will be like porridge.
6. Add the salt, pepper and oyster sauce.
7. Stir until it is all cooked.
8. You can add some chili or chili powder if you like spicy foods.
9. You can also add other ingredients like shrimp, sausage, or meatball to make it more
delicious. But you need to add it before you add the rice to make sure that all the
ingredients will be well cooked together.

Structure Text

 Aim/goal :
How to Make Delicious Fried Rice

 Ingredients/materials :
There are eight ingredients to make delicious fried rice, namely:

1. ½ onion, finely chopped

2. 2 eggs
3. ½ teaspoon salt
4. Pepper as needed
5. 2 plates of previously cooked rice
6. A tablespoon oyster sauce
7. Two tablespoon frying oil
8. Peas and chopped carrots as needed
 Steps/methods
Starting by putting the rice and the desired additives on a heated pan, mix and fry
until cooked

Language features

A. Using the simple present tense

Example: - Serve the pancake while it is still warm with honey.
- pour the beaten eggs onto the other side. Scramble the egg using spatula.

B. Using  imperative sentence

Example : - Heat the pan with medium heat
- Add the salt, pepper and oyster sauce.

C. Using  connective of sequence.

Example : - Then pour the beaten eggs onto the other side

D. Use numbering
Example : First,heat the pan with medium heat,etc.

E. Using action Verb

Example : - Pour the oil into the pan.
- Add the salt, pepper and oyster sauce.
- Stir until it is all cooked.

F. Using adverb
Example: - Heat the pan with medium heat. 
- Slowly ,etc.

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