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Python Worksheet – 2

1. Print Hello world!

2. Add Two Numbers
3. Find the Square Root
4. Calculate the Area of a Triangle
5. Calculate the Area of a Rectangle
6. Solve Quadratic Equation
7. Swap Two Variables
8. Convert Time given in Minutes to (hours and minutes)
9. Generate a Random Number
10. Convert Kilometers to Miles
11. Convert Celsius To Fahrenheit
12. Check if a Number is Positive, Negative or 0
13. Check if a Number is Odd or Even
14. Check Leap Year
15. Find the Largest Among Three Numbers
16. Check Prime Number
17. Print all Prime Numbers in an Interval
18. Print first 20 Prime Numbers
19. Find the Factorial of a Number
20. Print Factorial of first 20 odd numbers
21. Display the multiplication Table
22. Print the Fibonacci sequence
23. Check Armstrong Number
24. Find Armstrong Number in an Interval
25. Find the Sum of Natural Numbers up to 200
26. Display Powers of 2
27. Find Numbers Divisible by Another Number
28. Convert Decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal
29. Find LCM
30. Find Factors of a number

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