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"Año del Bicentenario del Perú: 200 años de Independencia"

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Elizabeth Mamani Nina

Miss Passara Sanchez, Kathering Monica

Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería de Minas
From: Elizabeth
To: Barbara
Subject: My family
Date: Thursdad, 30 , Sep

Dear: Sr Barbara
My name is Elizabeth, my mother's name is Ana, she is 38 years old, she has long black hair,
brown eyes and she is thin, my father's name is Felix, he is 50 years old, it is something, he
has short black hair, he is tall And finally my brother's name is Jairo, he is 8 years old, he is
small, he has short black hair, brown eyes and he is handsome, thank you very much Barbara
for receiving my letter


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