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How To Create Linux Grabs | Dell US


1 de 2 21/10/2020 09:45 p. m.
How To Create Linux Grabs | Dell US

Instruc ons for running the emcgrab on a Linux host

Please make sure that this is done with root account
Download the latest grab u lity from

1. Create a directory for emcgrab ( eg. /usr/emc)

2. Cd into that directory
3. Put the compressed grab.tar utility in that directory
4. Untar emcgrab utility [ eg: tar xvf emcgrab_Linux_v4.6.9.tar ]
5. When it untars it will create a directory inside that directory called emcgrab
6. Cd into the underlying emcgrab directory ( so now you are in eg: /usr/emc/emcgrab_Linux_v4.6.9/emcgrab)
7. Do a ll or ls to see the packages in there, look for
8. After finding the there run [ ./ ] while inside that directory
9. This will run the utility usually takes 10 min or more to run, will create a directory called outputs .. the grab will be
copied automatically in there
10. make sure that when you ftp the file to your local machine that you use binary mode to avoid corruption

2 de 2 21/10/2020 09:45 p. m.

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