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Self-Evaluation- Social Studies lesson (Friday September 17) Abby Duvall

Geography: Create a map

I taught this lesson yesterday and I was honestly so impressed and thrilled with how it

went. I began class with explaining the assignment an giving students directions. We first talked

about what we had discussed the previous day in Social Studies. As we talked about parts of a

map, I quickly reviewed the different parts of a map with my students. Then, I explained that

we would be creating our own maps and students were very excited. I went through the

requirements an actually showed the students the rubric and walked them through it as a self-

check before turning in their map. Students then completed their two quizzes that they had and

then could grab a map and start working when they were ready.

I clipped my example map on the board so students could have an idea of what I was

looking for, but I was so impressed with how creative and unique each of the student’s maps

were. After the first time, I noticed that many of the students did not understand what I wanted

them to include in the key, so for the second two classes, I explicitly told them what was

expected to be in the key.

I was also really happy with the time management of this lesson. I explained the project

first, then allowed students to take their spelling and English quizzes. Students, at their own

pace, could come and pick up a map to begin. The rest of the class time was dedicated towards

working on their map. Most students had about 30-40 minutes to work. I think it was the

perfect amount of time, because most of the students, except for two or three in each class

finished the assignment. They will finish this during activity period next week, but the majority

of the class finished the assignment in the time period. I allowed them to talk a little bit, which
they seemed to enjoy. My co-operating teacher does not like much extra noise in the classroom

typically, but because it was a project they were working on, I told them that they could

whisper quietly but it had to be about the project. I also told them that if they were too loud, I

would need them to be completely quiet. The classes did very well at this. I also think they

really enjoyed the project. I had so many students that are not normally engaged in lessons and

typically seem very bored, excited about this project. I had multiple students raise their hands

just to show me their map. I loved seeing the students’ personalities play through in their maps

also with the themes and locations they chose for their maps.

In all, I am so excited with how the lesson today went! I loved watching the student’s

excitement and creativity, and I think they enjoyed a more relaxed and creative class on a

Friday. Knowing that my students love (and can handle) assignments and projects like this, I will

see if I can find time to add more creative and fun activities to my teaching.

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