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My name is Omar Camilo Mejia Ardila, code 622056, English level 3 and 4 intensive

group 17, elllo exercices.


1. Jingwei, from Singapore, talks about the the dishes from her island.

2. Jeff talks about several items people foolishly bring when traveling.
3. Jonathan talks about essential things to pack when traveling.

4. Antoinne from France talks about things to do in his area.

5. Liz talks about things to do in her country of Sweden.
6. Nydja talks about some of the games she liked to play as a kid.

7. Jeff goes through six poses he does in his yoga routine.

8. Jonathan talks about great places to visit in each continent.

9. Listen to Nick from Tasmania describe six local animals.

10. Listen for the correct Thai food being described.

11. Aiman talks about food from Middle Eastern countries.

12. Nydja talks about what she like to do on a rainy day.

13. Jon shares interesting activities to do in his country.

14. Listen to six features is the perfect park for all.

15. Hear what other people look for in a date.

16. Listen to six people mention good places to meet people.

17. Listen to six people campaign to be university president.

18. Jonathan talks about the various types of food he eats.

19. Emily talks about what to do and see while in DjiBouti.

20. Samir from Sweden talks about his goals for his young life.
21. Mike asks MJ about making make nabe, a kind of stew.

22. Hear a university announcement about parking on campus.

23. Listen to MIke talk about his plans for his busy weekend.
24. Listen to a gym instructor explain equipment in the health club.

25. Six people talk about their health problems at the hospital.

26. Listen to two college students discuss possible part-time jobs.

27. Listen to Mike talk about his day and the things he did.
28. Hear about shows and sea creatures at the aquarium.

29. Listen to the musical schedule for the week at a live music house.
30. Listen to descriptions and spot the correct photo.

31. Check into a hotel and find out the information about your room.

32. Listen to six people with different jobs tell you what to do.
33. Listen to six descriptions of various vehicles.

34. Listen to descriptions of people being close to one another.

35. Can you identify the correct sports?.

36. Listen to six descriptions of various pets.

37. Listen to descriptions of six appliances that people use.

38. Hear many things you can do as a visitor.

39. Listen to six things you can do for fun.

40. Couch Potatoes.

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