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Design a hybrid Automation framework for the below mentioned application URL and automate the

Three mentioned test cases.


1) Build a Hybrid Automation framework using the above URL.

2) Create 5 utilities in the framework to,
a. To perform excel read for test data
b. To read configuration data from property file
c. To implement logging using different levels of log.
d. For creating extent report
e. To create screenshot to be used in extent report.
3) Identify and design at least 3 independent test cases in the framework.
4) Each test case must have navigation at least 2 pages.
5) Use all best practices for Log, report, properties file, excel reading and screenshot capturing.

Test cases:
1) Search for a one-way flight between Chennai and Mumbai on 27 th Oct. Verify if the search
results display the flights for 27th Oct only.
2) Search for a Round-Trip flight between HYD - Hyderabad, IN and GOI - Goa, IN on 3 ed Nov. Verify
if the search results display the flights for 3 ed Nov only.
3) Click on Big Billions Day Offers from top right corner, verify if the Domestic Flights tab is
highlighted in the Offers page.

Note: New workspace needs to be created for this assessment. We can explore Google for solution
but can’t refer to previous code for any implementation.

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