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Hi, today we the members of group 11 have come up with implementation of enterprise application

ie. creating cloud infrastructure for kriate consultants.

Kriate consultant is a startup company and due to its traditional method of work from office, the
storage of data was made in local servers. Due to COVID-19 and change in work structure to work
from home made access of data difficulty to employees. The company was in need of accessing
accounts, finance and HR data. The presentation focuses on providing cloud solutions in areas of
Finance and HR departments and aims at strengthening DSS and Expert system.

Since the company did not have cloud system, it was prone to have high IT cost because it had
invested heavily in software and equipment and also setup local servers and hired technicians and
expert staffs to maintain IT systems.

Lack of technical support: the company had to hire a third party for the support which drives up the
cost additionally to the company.


Organization decides to invest on cloud infrastructure and takes measures to perform data

Technology used is Oracle.

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