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❑ Pilot Conversion
• If the new system is to be used in more than one business unit, it might first be introduced for a
period of time in a single unit, where problems can be addressed and the system can be polished
before implementing it in the other business units.
• This trial conversion is also possible for systems shared by many departments and disparate sites, as
is increasingly the case due to the growing popularity of intranets and extranets.
• Obviously, piloting reduces risks because it confines any problems to fewer units.
• It is especially useful for determining how comfortable staff members and other users, such as
suppliers and customers, are with a new system—a lesson that can be applied to the later units.
• As with the parallel strategy, the pilot strategy means that benefits of the full implementation of the
system are delayed.
• A beta site is an organization whose management agrees to test the new system for several months
and provide feedback.

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