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2 Summative Test
1st Quarter
Name: _____________________________________________

A. Choose a common or proper noun to fill in each blank.

1. I am so happy that today is __________. (Monday/monday)

2. My dad is going to take me to the _________. (Store/store)

3. We are going to buy some ________. (Toys/toys)

4. My mom makes pizza every ____________. (Tuesday/tuesday)

5. I saw my __________ last night. (Friend/friend)

B. Identify the underlined word in each sentence. Write CN if it is a common noun and
PN if it is a proper noun.

_______1. Tomas had a birthday party on Wednesday.

_______2. Thanksgiving and Christmas are my favorite holidays.

_______3. We enjoyed our field trip at Dinosaurs Island.

_______4. City of San Fernando is known for its Giant Lantern Festival.

_______5. Trees give us shade

C. Yes or No. Check Yes (/) if the given phrase has the correct article and No (X) if it
does not have. Do the activity on a separate sheet of paper or in your notebook.

1. a man Yes___ No___

2. an apple Yes___ No___

3. a dog Yes___ No___

4. an owl Yes___ No___

5. an frog Yes___ No___

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1. Monday
2. store
3. toys
4. Tuesday
5. friend

1. PN 4. PN
2. CN 5. CN
3. PN

1. Yes

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