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Structure and Written Expression, Exercise 6 (Passive Voice + Comparative and

Superlative Degree)


1. Mount Everest is ….. mount in the world

a. Highest
b. The highest
c. Most high
d. Most highest

2. Alumunium is ….. than steel, and is widely used in car manufacturing

a. As pliable
b. Very pliable
c. More pliable
d. The most pliable

3. Quitting a bad habit is not as ….

a. Easy as it seems
b. Easy like it seems
c. Easy than it seems
d. Easy of what it seems

4. A journey by plane can …. Than expected because the flight is delayed.

a. As much long
b. Be much longer
c. Feels much longer
d. Be the longest

5. Saturn is …. The earth

a. Much bigger
b. Much more big
c. Much more big than
d. Much bigger than

6. My brother is …. His brother

a. As strong as
b. As stronger than
c. Strong as than
d. Than strong as

7. She is …. Than her sister

a. Pretty
b. Prettier
c. Prettiest
d. As pretty
8. You are not as … as your brother.
a. Taller
b. Tallest
c. Tall
d. Tall than

9. The house is the …. In this village.

a. Big
b. Bigger than
c. As big as
d. Biggest

10. That has to be the …. Football match I have ever seen.

a. More interesting
b. Most interesting
c. Interesting than
d. As interesting as

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