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As we mentioned, we collect the movie ratings to different persons on 10 different movies.

We have tried to understand the chances of like a specific movie by any other person who
saw that movie after seeing the rating given by some other person, we can say that, the good
rating given by some other person influence other for to see that movie and how much rating
that person can give, we will try to predict the rating which could be given by that person and
will try to understand the overall average rating for that specific movie.

We have collected ratings data from 18 different people. The data are as below,

 After insert the data, first we calculate the mean for to find the average rating to every
person. For to calculation of mean we have applied the AVERAGE formula. The
mean for rating of every person are as follows,

 Now for to find the correlation coefficient between two variables, we used CORREL
function. CORREL function is used for to find the correlation coefficient between two
variables. We calculated the correlation between first two variables in the list.
 On the basis of the calculation of the first two variables correlation coefficient, we
have calculated correlation coefficient for the other variables also, with the help of
TABLE function. We can enter the formulas efficiently with the help of TABLE
function. It allow us to enter a single formula in one cell, and then that formula will
automatically expand to the rest of the column by itself. We have applied a formula of
correlation in X21 cell and then with the help of Table function we calculated the
value for rest of the table, eg. In Y22 cell we enter the formula,
{=TABLE(C26,C27)}. The complete table are as below,

 After this calculation, we calculated some other parameters for our prediction
calculation. We have calculated Similarity of user, Adjustment and Absolute
Similarities with the help of INDEX and MATCH function and IF, AND funtion.
INDEX function returns a value or the reference to a value from within a table or
range. MATCH function used to locate the position of a lookup value in a row,
column, or table. The IF function runs a logical test and returns one value for a true
and another for a false result. In excel AND function is a logical function which is
used to require more than one condition at the same time. This function returns either
true or false. The format of the formula for to find the Similarity of user,
This formula used for the cell AA44.
The format of the formula for to find the Adjustment,


This formula used for the cell AB44.

The format of the formula for to find the Absolute Similarities,


This formula used for the cell AC44.

 The formula for the prediction of the rating is
=mean of the ratings by specific person + Sum of Adjustment / Sum of Absolute

We have calculated the sum of Adjustment and Absolute similarities.

 In the final step, we use the prediction formula for to predict the rating for blank cell.

Here we can see, the calculation of the predicted rating for the Masaan movie by Priya.

So, now we can predict the rating for any of the blank cell with the help of this

Result and finding:

In the above table all the ratings in bold numbers are the predicted ratings calculated by
formula of predicted rating.

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