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bay WARM What would you have done U tl li VOCABULARY Who do you go my to-for advice? ® FD Look at the picture. How would you describe the people? Write the correct letter. ‘Then listen and check your answers. a. amused —b, iritated —c. sympathetic d, embarrassed, confused £. inconsiderate Which words describe reactions or emotions? Which describe people's behavior? Complete the chart with the words in the box. Then add more words from the picture. hurt helpful uncomfortable grateful rude relieved thoughtful shocked Reactions or emotions Pee Feelings PAIR WORK. Tell your partner about a time when you irritated made a mistake. relieved Personality A | forgot my coworker’s name. inconsiderate B Oh no, I've done that, too. It's embarrassing! J), thoughtful What would you have done? * Unit 9 © CONVERSATION © 1B complete the conversation. Then listen and check your answers. Practice the conversation with a partner. a. grateful —b. Actually c. Dave. embarrassed Stacy Chris, how was your first day of class? Chris Not so good, Mom. Everyone called me by the wrong name. Instead of Chris they all called me[1 Stacy All of them? Wow. They shouldn't have done that. Chris Yeah, And I was kind of actually, so I never corrected them. Stacy Oh, Chris! You should have said something. Chris Really? Don't you think that would have been rude? Stacy Rude? No. They probably would have been | 3| you told them, Chris So, what would you have said? Stacy Right away, 1 would have said, (4[ 1. rm chris” Chris Yeah, you're right. I should have done that! SMa 2 pain WORK. Practice the conversation again, Use the ideas below. Add your own ideas. i 2? 4 Mark uncomfortable relieved Sorry Tom confused lad Excuse me Fhe 3 vain work. tot your partner about a situation when you felt... © confused * amused + relieved 37 What would you have done? « Unit 9 LANGUAGE PRACTICE © ESTEE LE cesses] What should | have done? ‘What would you have done? ‘You should have said something. I would have said, “I'm Chris.” You shouldn't have done that. | wouldn't have ignored the mistake. ES 1 complete the sentences. Use should have or shouldn't have and the verb in parentheses, 1. I'm so sorry! should have gent (send) a thank-you card sooner, 2. [ge ive) my boss my number. Now he calls me on Sundays! 3. Wel (call) Kim on her birthday: | hope she isn’t hurt. 4, Tom| (post) those embarrassing photos on his website, 5. L apologize. Wel (tell) you the meeting was canceled. 2 complete the conversation with should have, shoukin’t have, would have, or wouldn't have. Then practice with a partner. A Linvited my neighbors over for dinner, and they arrived over an hour late. Isn't that inconsiderate? What _would _ you _have done? B I probably[ said anything ‘A Really? But I was so irritated! Next, at dinner, they asked how much money we make. I[____] told them, but I was so shocked that I did. B No way! But they really [Jake you that. ‘A Then, they got up and left in the middle of dinner, They| ‘stayed until the end, don’t you think? B Ofcourse. ![_____]left early. ‘A Anyway, can you imagine? Have you ever done any of these things? PRONUNCIATION—Reduction of wouldn't have/shouldn’t have oO 1 Listen. Notice the reduced sounds of wouldn't have and shouldn't have. Unreduced Reduced 1. You shouldn't have done that, You shouldn't've done that, 2. Iwouldn’t have ignored him I wouldn’t've ignored him 3, He shouldn't have bought a gift. He shouldn’r've bought a gift. 4, Twouldn’t have told her that Twouldn’t’ve told her that. 8 BD uistan again and repest. Be sure to say the reduced formes. What would you have done? © Unit 9 LISTENING 4 CTD ook atthe pictures. write the name of the person ext to his or her statement. re he Danie! Alicia Joshua 1 I did not want to be dishonest, so I told the server about the mistake. 2. ___] She shouldn't have been jealous about my texting. 3. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten upset when she copied my look. @® 2) uisten to the people talking. What is each person's problem? (Choose the correct answer. 1, Daniel's girlfriend / wife is very jealous. 2. Alicia's boss / jriend always copies the clothes she wears. 3, Joshua told the server that his check was too low /high. © BB usten again. choose (7 rue or False. 1, Daniel thinks Lily shouldn't have asked to see his texts. 2. Alicia thinks she should have expected her boss to copy her. 3, Joshua's wife thinks they shouldn't have left a big tip. OG istening PLUS. Listen to the host's opinions. What would she have done? Complete the sentences. 1, She would have talked to Lily about [____} 2. She would have the jacket. 3. She would have done] as Joshua. Fa 5 cnour work. vo you think the people made the right decision? What would you have done? think Daniel made the wrong decision. | would have said no and deleted my texts! SMART TALK Der tae 58 What would you have done? * Unit 9 READING 4D CRITI 100¥ at the article. where do you think itis from?| o Ask the I ¢ I work out at the gym almost every day. Last week, there was this guy who a just stood there and talked to me the whole time | was on the treadmill. When I didn't respond to him, he laoked really offended. 1 said “Sorry, | can't really talk while I'm running.” Did | do something wrong? — Matt, Seattle Wo. Infact, 4 think you did the right thing. He shouldn't have talked to you while ‘you were exercising. That was inappropriate! If he does it again, just smile and say you need fo concentrate when you're running. ette Exp | just got a great new ring tone for my phone ~ this favorite pop song (of mine. it's 50 coal when my phone rings and | hear that song! But the ‘ther day, when | was on the phone at a restaurant, people were giving ime dirty looks. What did I do wrong? — Jessica, Toronto You may fove your ring tone, but others may find it obnoxious. You should have silenced yaur phone when you got ta the restaurant, ‘and you probably should have spoken more quietly. Actually, | wovldn’t have answered the phone during dinner at ail! ItIsn’t proper etiquette. My coworker invited me to her wedding, but | couldn't go. Since | didn’t go tothe wedding, | didn't get hera gift. thought that was acceptable in this situation. But now my coworker is upset. She says | was thoughtless. Who's right? — Amy, Miami It depends, What you're saying ls correct if the bride Isn'ta good friend, However, if you and your coworker are good friends, you probably should have gatien her something, 2 read the article. Select () the topics the expert discusses. politely refusing something to eat or drink considerate phone behavior proper behavior at the gym talking to strangers on public transportation knowing when it's necessary to give a gift 3B head the article again. What does the etiquette expert think? Choose lv) True or Fase. True False 1, Matt should have respanded to the guy at the gym. 2, Jessica shouldn't have answered her phone in the restaurant 3. Amy shouldn't have given a gift if the bride was a good friend. Mla A croup work. isthe expert's advice true where you live? If nat, what would you have told each person? ‘Where I live, it's not rude to make conversation at the gym. Matt should hhave been more friendly. | would have told him... WRITING Tun SPEAKING — The should've/would‘ve game 00k at the questions on the board game. Think about how you would answer them. Tak about your last vacation ‘Would you have done anything difierety? Fla 2 nour work. play the game, Answer the questions on your squares. ‘The first person to reach FINISH is the winner. That's easy. When | was a kid, | often read Pe ee ed I shouldn't have done it, but it was fun! GO Find an advice column with an interesting question. Bring it to class ONLINE and share it with a group. What advice would you have given? 61 REVIEW Units 7-9 ead the conversation. Choose the correct answer. Ray Jen! Remember me? From City College? } Jen Oh, hi, Ray! Sorry, | didn't recognize you at first. You shaved your beard off. Ray Yeah. I/got|/{didit shaved last year. Jen. and you ihe fod Nghighs To ‘You look great! Ray Thanks. My wife says { look younger, and I [Ghouia|/[would|have done it years ago Jen Oh, are you married? Congratulations! Ray Yes, since last year. Thanks! My wife's name is Connie, and she's a singer. [sav wore] Jen She sounds glamorous. But you should (nave toidlme ear Ray Sorry. I would have teld you, but I lost your ‘email address. Anyway, what's new with you? Are you still living in the city? Jen No. I just came here today to get my hair [permed] {perm} Hive in the suburbs. {sar wort] Ray That's good. I'm sure the traffic is much better there. [sv Jen Yeah, but I wish they'd improve the public transportation. Anyway, my kids love the schools there Ray Wait, you have kids now? Jen Yeah. [have three children! [sy vore] elite ceed cinch yourenawrers: Ther practice the con waxseten with a partner! ha 3 pain work. put a box around the appearance and community words. Practice the conversation again. Use your own ideas for these words. @ ractice the conversation again. This time add information and [sar wore]. Ray... My wife's name is Connie, and she’s a singer. (I think youtd like her. She's really funny! Review * Units 7-9 5 cook at tne article. what is it about? Text Wendy Wu! Have your questions answered by a professional wedding planner. Click here to email Wendy, or send a text to 444508, Hi, I'm texting from the mall. ljust saw a GREAT dress to wear to my friend's wedding. next week. Butit's a white dress. Is that really a big no-no? Elena, Boston Yes, it really is a no-no, Only the bride wears white. You might upset your friend ifyvou wore that, Also, some guests could be confused. They would wonder, “Which persan is the bride?" I'd ask the store if the dress comes in another color. My gittfriend told me to get my hair trimmed for our wedding. She says she'd bbe embarrassed if | didn't If! look so bad now, why does she want to mary me? = Iie Toronto head the article. choose () Tue of False. 1, Wendy is an expert because she’s a professional wedding planner. 2, Elena hasn't bought the white dress yet. 3, U's fiancee wants his hair to be a lot shorter, 4. Brad is upset because he can't go to his job interview. give each person? Wedding Worries? i Don't feet hurt, 1J.1 She wouldn't say itf she dida't love you. She just wants you to look your best. Anyway, it's just a Jtle trim = she’s not asking you to shave your head. Five years from now, you'll look at your wedding photos and be grateful. My college roommate wants me to be in his wedding. I told him I couldn’t because Thad an important job interview in another city, and he was upset. Did I do the wrong thing? ~ Brad, Houston Junderstand why you are confused. itis not an easy decision ta make. Perhaps you Shoufd have explained more carefully. You could have told him about the problem ‘and asked for his advice. Thet would have given him an opportunity to be generous. if were you, I'd Send an extra special gift to let him know the friendship is important. False Fa 7 crour work. do you agree with the expert's advice? What advice would you think J3’s girfriend shouldn't tell him to cut his hair. If he said something like that to her, she would be really offended. 63 10 Anything's possible. Have you ever seen} something you ‘couldn't explain? VOCABULARY o1 Look at the newspaper. How would you describe these things? Write the correct letter. ‘Then listen and check your answers. a. sighting, b, mystery c hoax d. theory ¢, prediction f. trick photo i ‘Your source for weird news-since 1983 Oo 5 7 ee WHO BUILT THE WO ea PYRAMIDS? me Hew disco iy .O wel MOUNTAIN “wascowoece | MONSTER WES! (ha) A FAKED Ce eee al complete the chart with the words in the box related to the categories. rumor doubtful myth suspicious. definite = scam ~—_—proof positive | Fea 3 pain wonk. talk about the mysteries in the newspaper. Do you believe them? eto aliens built them. Anything's possible. « Unit 10 © CONVERSATION © 1 complete the conversation. Then ten and check your answers. Practice the conversation with a partner. [ a. technology —b. Hyou say soc. Check out ‘Alex Hey, Ana! I'm glad I ran into you, | want to show you something, Ana Oh? What is it? Alex [1[______] this book. | just read. It's about how the aliens may have built the pyramids in Egypt. ‘Ana Aliens, Alex? What proof is there? Alex Uh, well, there's not really any evidence. But people couldn't have built them. They didn’t have the |2[ to move those heavy stones. Ana — So it must have been aliens, is that it? ‘Alex Exactly! Plus the book talks about how the aliens taught the Egyptians ana (37) how to read and write. They couldn't have learned on their own, so there's no other explanation! Alex You can borrow the book if you want. Then we can talk about it later! Ana Uh, that’s OK. Why don’t you keep it? Ba 2 pair work. Practice the conversation again Use the ideas below. Add your own ideas. 1 2 3 Isoften more polite to give a neutral response than to disagree ‘with someone. Get a load of equipment 1 suppose 50 Come see tools | guess 65 LANGUAGE PRACTICE © ELT iamimarnterencewacet) Uncertain Certain Aliens may have built the pyramids. People couldn't have built them ‘They might have used boats. ‘it must have been someone really smart. It could have been # hoax. | must not have seen it clearly in the dark. ‘The lights may not have been UFOs. It might not have been aliens. 1 croose tne correct phrase to complete the sentence, 1, That noise@ust haveY couldn't have been the wind. No one else is here 2, Joe saw the aliens, too. $o it|mmay have)/[rouldn't havelbeen a dream. 3. You[imight not have|/{must not have|seen the monster. You're not scared! 4, I didn’t see the object clearly, but it 2 rewrite the conversation using may, might, could, or must have. (More than one answer is possible.) ‘A Did you hear that someone saw a UFO in New York? B Yes. I'm sure it was a hoax. _!t must have been a hoax. ‘A I don't know. It looked real in the picture. B lt was probably a trick photo ‘A Why would they do that? B Maybe they wanted to sell it to the newspapers. 3 PAIR WORK. Give your own responses to the questions in Activity 2.) Then practice the conversation with a partner. ‘A Did you hear that someone took a picture of a UFO in New York? B Yes. It must have been a trick photo. PRONUNCIATION—Reduction of have after modals ro | Listen. Notice the reduced sound of the helping verb have after mod. Unreduced Reduced 1, It could have been a UFO. It coulda been a UFO. 2. They might have used boats. They mighta used boats. 3. It must have been a trick. It musta been a trick. 4, They may have been here. ‘They maya been here. ® D cisten again and repeat. Be sure to say the reduced forms, 66 Anything's possible, * Unit 10 LISTENING 9D CITED rina the meaning of the bold words. Then fill in the blanks to create a strange news story of your own. Share with a partner. Has a UFO landed outside the city? Yesterday, reporters talked to a witness who said that she had seen a strange in the sky. When they asked her about the unusual phenomenon, she said that it was as big as a The woman quickly called the police. They looked for evidence, but the only thing they found was| a. vd ® 2 isten to people talking about mysterious phenomena, Match the guests to the number of times they have seen the phenomena. 41, Roberto[—_] a, once 2, Niran[_] b. never 3. Ryan[__] . many times © B uisten again. choose (True or False, 1, El Chupacabra is a monster with a lot of hair. 2. El Chupacabra kills and eats farm animals. 3, The Naga fireballs can be seen only one night a year, 4, There is no explanation for the formation of the balls. 5. Ryan thinks the Loch Ness Monster is actually a whale. 6. Ryan heard the monster make an unusual noise. DA cistening PLUS. Listen to the rest of the program. Select (“) the things the expert mentions. myth sighting hoax trick photography mysterious sounds underwater radar underwater gases theory Fe 5 croup work. what do you think about these phenomena? Why do you think some people believe they are real? 1 don’t believe in any of these phenomena. I'm sure there's a scientific explanation {for all of them. People who believe them probably think SMART TALK 7 Anything's possi unit 10 READING 4D CRIED sit easy to create a hoax these days? why? ee OTe Se TES CSS Sm bere es Street shark? = saw a picture of a shark swimming on a flooded street in Texas, I'm a bit skeptical, so I'd like proof. Is it true? Sandra | i FICTION: After a flood, pictures appear on social media that show sharks ‘swimming on city streets. This phenomenon has surfaced in New York, Miami, and Houston. All of these pictures are trick photos. Someone must have copied the shark from one photo and placed it into another photo. This is easy to do and is a comman hoax. a Can you charge your phone with an onion? Iwatched a video where a man charged his phone with an onion. He cut holes jn the onion. Then he connected the power cord, and the phone started charging! Iwas not convinced, but the video looked so real, so mow I'm not sure. Can vegetables produce electricity? -Tyler FICTION: Vegetables have many benefits, but producing electricity is not one of them. Don’t be fooled by the onion video. The man pretended to use science, but it’s a hoax, Building melts car? ve heard that the light reflecting offa giass window can be hat enough to melt a car. Is that a fact or an urban legend? Emma FACT: Surprisingly, it has happened. in London, a skyscraper made the news when it melted parts of a car parked across the street. The building's unique shape had turned its glass windows into a mirror, raising temperatures on the street to 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit). The builders apologized to the owner of the car and are working to fix the problem. road the article, write H (hoax) or F (fact) for the sentences. 1. Someone moved a shark from one photo to another. 2. Sharks were swimming on the streets of New York, Miami, and Houston. 3. You can charge a phone with an onion.| 4, A glass building can create enough heat to melt parts of a car. La] 3 PAIR WORK. Read the article again. Answer the questions and discuss with a partner. 1. Which hoax fooled people with trick photography? 2. Why did the writer believe that vegetables might produce power? 3, Which situation was an accident and not a hoax? 4. What did the builders do when they found out about the melted car? 5. Which hoax used fake science to play a joke? Fa 4 croup work. why do you think people made these hoaxes? A. They could have thought it was funny: B They might have wanted to see what would happen. SPEAKING — /t could have been a trick photo! Write the correct news headline underneath the photos * Neighbors Take a Video of a UFO * Guest Sees Ghost in Hotel Room + Strange Lights Appear in Local Lake © Hikers Photograph Hairy Monster WALL GROUP WORK. Discuss the photos and the headlines. What might people have seen? Think of real and unreal explanations. icture number 1 must be a photo Cr eddies tedill Really? tt might just be a trick photo, ee re er ey actor pretending to be a ghost. PAIR WORK, Tell your partner about an interesting mystery or theory you know. What do you think of it? Why? My friend says he believes in aliens, but I don’t because. ONLINE Find a photo of a hoax to share with the class. Tell the story. SPEAKING GRAMMAR usTeNinG READING about [_hise perfect forms of [_lunderstand mysterious |_lunderstand stories mysteries and the past. —mayrmight/coutd/must. phenomena. abouthomes. gg WARM 11 What would have happened? vias aresone i / i rt ve witout? VOCABULARY @ W rook atthe pictures. wnat things do you see? Write-the correct leter Then listen and check your answers. a. instrument. utensil c. appliance. vehicle gadget f. tool SMARTER LIFE INVENTIONS oes sta ele hieyele! Areal breakthrough! » Electric hammer Gat done fast with tig contraption! 2 complete the chart with the words in the box. Then add more words from the picture. device development adaptation advance creation contraption breakthrough Innovation Corr erry ry oaee abet vocasucany TIP Leam different forms of a | ~~ adaptation La 3 PAIR WORK. What are your favorite inventions? (noun) Tell your partner. : adapt (verb) ‘adaptable (adj.) 1 think the electric bicycle is a great invention Twish I had one. LN YW What would have happened? * Unit 11 ©CONVERSATION © 1 complete the conversation. Then listen and check your answers. Practice the conversation with a partner, useless innovation <<. awateh phone —d. utensil Clare So, Tanya, what do you think of my homemade spaghetti? Tanya It's great. But what's that funny [1 you're using? Clare Oh, this? It's my electric spaghetti fork. See? It spins around so | can get more pasta on my fork. t's a coo! | } Tanya Hmm. | don’t know. 1 hope you didn't spend a lot on that. Glare Oh, no. My friend gave it to me as a joke gift. Tanya I got a gift like that once. It was this thing called [3] Glare No! That sounds really(4[__________} If had received that as a gift, I would have returned it to the store ‘Tanya | did. But why didn’t you retum your electric fork? Clare Because it really works. Here, try it, ‘Tanya Wow, it's great! ! wouldn't have made fun of it if I'd known it was this useful! ha 2 pain work. Practice the conversation again. Use the ideas below. Add your own ideas. i gadget breakthrough anelectric hammer ‘weird contraption development 4 Violin keyboard silly Ra 3 pan work. mix and match the words to create possible inventions. How might they work? an electric arm chair ‘A robot arm chair would be amazing. It a robot table DC ee ey a digital bed a smart refrigerator 7 LANGUAGE PRACTICE © (ELLE careers| If you had invented it. what would you have done? If had invented it, | could have made a lot of money. | probably wouldn't have done anything if I'd had the idea. If had received that as a gift. | would have returned it. | wouldn’t have made fun of it if I'd known it was this useful, Hf she hadn't been an inventor, she might have been an artist. Vhad—> I'd ES Tread the sentences. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false). 1. If had known about the appliance, | would have tried to get one. -£. a. knew about the appliance. [71 b.teidn't try to get one. 2, fhe hadn't read the report, he wouldn't have bought a hybrid car. ‘a. He read the report. b. He didn't buy a hybrid car, 3, You wouldn't have broken the gadget if youd known how to use it, a. You broke the gadget B, You knew how to use it, 4, If we hadn't encouraged her, she might not have sold her invention. 1a. She sold her invention. [1 b. We encouraged her. M2 PAIR WORK. Complete the statements with your own ideas. [iJ 1. If Thad studied harder, 2, If texting hadn't been invented, ... 3. IfThadn’t gotten a ... last year, ... 4. Our grandparents’ lives would have been easier if . If | had studied harder, I might have become a famous inventor! PRONUNCIATION—Changing syllable stress @© 1 usten. notice ine changing syllable stress in different parts of speech. Verb Adjective Noun 1, adapt adaptable adaptation 2. innovate innovative —_innovation @® 2 isten again and repeat. Be sure to stress the correct syllable. 72 What would have happened? * Unit 14 LISTENING FCN write the correct letter. Use the words in the box. a futuristic practical ¢. portable. Ingenious is[—] you ean eat 2. Adevice that makes you think about the future is| 3, People like[_] innovations that make their lives easier, 4. When we really admire the creativity of an invention, we say it's| 1. When somet from place to place. ® 2 tisten to people describing new inventions. Write the correct invention. Mini-Medi Lab Chef Pot Friendibot 1. The| makes life easier for people. 2. The| allows people to create something, 3. The[_______helps people by saving lives. ® B tisten again. choose the correct answer. 1, Ifyou had gotten a Chef Fot as a gift, your pot would have [—} a. taught you how to cook —_b, washed itself . bought food online 2, A.Chef Pot might be the perfect gift for| a professional chef b. achild anew cook 3. Ifyou had programmed your own Friendibot, it could have [_] a, cooked your dinner b, told you thenews —_«¢, played tennis with you 4. A Friendibot can| a, search the Internet . give hugs ‘© write college papers 5, If doctors had not invented the Mini-Medi Lab, more people might have a. taken medicine b. used electricity ¢. died 6. The Mini-Medi Lab was designed to help| a. people in poor countries, travelers inventors © Listening PLUS. Listen to two callers. Select () the statements ‘that match Pete's adviee, You need to find a community. In a maker space, you can got help from other inventors. You should keep your ideas secret no matter what. {An idea is enough. You dent need to make your invention, To Invent something, i's important to have skills and tools. Fhe 5 pair work. if you had been a judge, which invention would you have awarded first, second, and third place? [ig] SMART TALK 73 What would have happened? * Unit 11 READING AD CED hoor at the pictures. what do you know about these foods? [ij ae (} Delicious Ideas Fo The Popsicle ‘The Popsicle was Invented in 1905 by an eleven-year-old California boy named Frank Epperson. The story goes that Frank, who enjoyed creating new drinks using soda powder and different flavors, mixed a drink and left the concoction outside on the porch. That night, there wore record low temperatures, and the next marning, Frank found the elxtore with the wooden stirring stick frozen in it. He was delighted, He called it the Epperson icicle. He later renamed it the Epsicle. Eighteen years later, in 1923, Frank started a business producing Epsicles in seven fruit flavors. Later, Frank’s son George gave it the brand name “Popsicle,” in honor of his “pop,” or father. ‘These days, there are mare than 30 different Popsicle flavors. Over two billion Popsicle products are manufactured and sold every year. imagine, if Frank hadn't left his drink on the porch, we might never have tasted one! Potato Chips The potato chip was invented in 1853 by a chef named George Crum. Crum worked at a vacation resort in Saratoga Springs, New York. One day, a picky diner complained that the French fries were too thick, Crum made some more, but the customer still wasn't satisfied. Angrily, Crum finally sliced a potato as thin as possible and fried the pieces, The customer loved this ‘variation on the French fry and demanded more. Potato chips were invented! Crum’s chips were soon called Saratoga Chips, Soon, they were made and sold all over New England. Crum later opened his own restaurant. imagine, ifthe diner hadn't heen so fussy and grumbled to the chef, potata chips wouldn't have been invented! = 2 nnead the article. what deo these inventions have in common? Choose (~) the correct answer. 1. Both are desserts, 2, Both were invented by accident, 3. Both were invented in the 1800s, B read the article again, Answer the questions. 1. Which was invented first, Popsicles or potato chips? 2. How did each person feel when he created his invention? 3, What names were these inventions given over the years? la @ cnour work. Do you think the people in the article were smart or lucky? Why? I think Frank Epperson was just lucky. He wasn't even trying to invent anything! 74 SPEAKING — What couldn’t you live without? Fhe T pain work. circle the inventions you've used in the past three days. Discuss how you used them. ha 2 crour worK. Take turns asking how your life would have been different without the inventions in Activity 1. If no one had invented __, how would your life have been different _? * this moming © the last time you took a vacation * yesterday # the last time you went shopping «+ last weekend © the last time you. * last summer ee ee ees Dee ree eno ee te CO TR us Se cs ma. 3 ‘CLASS ACTIVITY. Discuss and decide which three inventions in Activity 1 are the most important. How would your lives be different without them? GO Find out the history of an important invention. Who invented it? ONLINE when? share your research in small groups. 75 WARM MW He said he was a movie star! Whats the atest i i / pews you beard VOCABULARY ® 1 rook at the picture. what do you see? Write the correct letter. Then listen and check your answers. 2 weather report. reporter ¢, article & headline b. newspaper 4d, tabloid par complete the chart with the words inthe box. Then add more words from the picture. editor sports column politics blogger gossip journalist’ business | Things they produce _| _ Subjects they cover Fa 3 crour work. How do you get your news? Which is the most popular way? * website + socialmedia + newspaper television —* radio 76 He said he was a movie star! + Unit 12 © CONVERSATION © 1 comptete the conversation. Then listen and check your answers. Practice the conversation with a partner. a. reporter ‘That's crazy . artiche Mareo Did you see that |1 about the world’s most expensive speeding ticket? Anthony No, what did it say? Marco It said the ticket was for $300,000. Anthony §300,000?[2[_________]! That's got to be a mistake, right? Marco don't think so. The driver asked the judge why the fine was so high. And the judge said that since the driver was a millionaire, he could afford it. Anthony But the law is the same for everyone, isn’t it? Marco. Well, this was in Switzerland, and the judge told a [3 that it was legal to fine rich people more: ‘Anthony Then I'm glad I'm not in Switzerland! Marco: Or rich! Pha 2 rain wonx. practice the conversation again couversavion TIP Use the ideas below. Add your own ideas. Une tag question to encourage 3 1 ; response to your statements story That's ridiculous blogger column That's not fair journalist He said he was a movie start # Unit 12 LANGUAGE PRACTICE [il Reported specch Direct Reported “The ticket is for $300,000." The article said (that) the ticket was for $300,000. “Why is the fine so high?” He asked her why the fine was so high. “it isn't fac” She said (that) it wasn't fair “I saw a star on my vacation.” He said (that) he had seen a star on his vacation. “I haven't bought a paper in years.” He told her (that) he hadn't bought a paper in years. “rl turn off the TV” She said (that) she would turn off the TV. “He ean affond it” She told him (that) he could afford it. 1 Rewrite the sentences as reported speech. 1. “I'm not interested in politics." She said (that) she wasn't interested In politics. 2. “I won't earn as much as a movie star.” She told us| 3. “I'm starring in a new movie soon." He said 4. “haven't read the article yet." I told her| 2 complete the reported questions with who, what, oF if, Then write the direct questions. 1. They asked her__if__ she was married. “Are you rnarvied?"_ 2, He asked her] newspapers she read. [__________}" 3. She asked him[_]he had ever met a celebrity. “1” 4. They asked her she would see this weekend. * La] B crass activiry. ask and answer questions from Activity 2 with a partner. Then tell the class what you learned about your partner. I asked Mario if he was married. He told me he wasn’t married nous, but he was going to get married in the summer. PRONUNCIATION—Contrastive stress @ 1 ston. Notice the stress on words that are compared. 1. He told me he wasn't married now, but he was going to get married in the summer 2. She said she never reads the newspaper, and that she prefers the radio. 3. He said he'll do his homework before the movie, not after. 4. She told us the tickets cost $35 each, not $45 each. @ 2 tisten again and repeat. Be sure to stress the compared words. 78 He said he was a mowie star! © Unit 12 LISTENING 9D CRIED choose the best word to complete the sentence, 1. The man[__]he had burned the house down. a. announced 2, They[__]to love each other, b. confessed 3. The woman[—]she would jump. ¢. promised © 2 cisten to the three news stories. Number the headlines. a. Pop star Anna Snow marries Latin singer Martin Estrel b. Burned dinner leads to better relationship with mother-in-law €. One hundred-year-old woman to jump out of an airplane, © B unten again. choose the correct answer. 1, Aida Silva said that} a. she still did a lot of sports and felt young . she had done a lot of sports as a girl and still felt young ¢. she still felt young, even though she'd never done a lot of sports 2. Ed Brown promised his wife that| 4. he would cook Thanksgiving dinner in order to avoid visiting his in-laws b. he had cooked Thanksgiving dinner many times before ¢. he couldn't go to his mother-in-law's house until it was repaired 3, Anna didn’t tell reporters at the airport that[—] a. she had gotten married b, she would change her name ¢. Spanish-language music sold less in Canada @4 cistening PLUS. Listen to the rest of the stories. Choose (/) True or False. ‘1. Mrs. Silva's doctor and family disagreed. 2. Ed and his mother-in-law want to keep living together. 3. Anna and Martin have different ideas about th ir future, Fhe 5 crour work. po you think the people in the stories made the right choices? | think going skydiving is a bad COR ee ho Peet aend) Seen Pee ey 2 79

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