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Paste plain text: Edit  Paste special  Unformatted text.

Instant auto correct: Clich DX on a misspelled word.
Grow font, shrink font: Ctrl+] or Ctrl+[.
Copy formatting to more…: Double click on Format Painter (Esc to turn it off.)
Switch between doc: Ctrl+F6 (only non minimized doc).
Open a doc while on another: Ctrl+O.
Select text from the cursor up: Ctrl+Shift+Home. (If no Ctrl: just in the line.)
Select text from the cursor down: Ctrl+Shift+End. (If no Ctrl: just in the line.)
Select phrase: Ctrl+ in the phrase.
Select word: Double click on it.
Move to the last point of editing: Shift+F5 (last 3 locations are stored).
Rename an item: F2.
Start menu display: Ctrl+ Esc.

Selezionare file da… a…: Maiusc + Tab + clicc su 1° file (diventa grigio)
(es. ITunes) Maiusc + clicc sull’ultimo file.

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