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CS593: Data structure and Database Lab

Take Home Assignment - 5 (10 Questions, 100 Points)

Submission Dead Line: 8-Oct-2021 23:59 Hours

1. Hard coding is not allowed in any questions. In case of hard coding assignment submission shall
not be considered for evaluations.
2. Any manual entry of input to any program is not allowed. Your program should read all input from
.txt file and write all output to other .txt file. You have to create your own input .txt file and output
.txt file for each question. Submit input and output .txt file along with code.
3. Any copy case or plagiarism will be awarded (-100) marks as penalty. Hence please put your own
effort to solve problems. Do not copy or share code with your friends. Submit code for only few
questions is better than any copy code.
4. Any version or platforms issue is your responsibility. We have given all the required instructions
and recommendations regarding compilers and versions. Please follow that. In case of any version
issue your submission shall not be evaluated.
5. Your program should pass all test case. If your program fail for any test case 0 marks will be
awarded for that question. Please don’t write any mail to TA after evaluations to know the test case
which your program fails. No explanations shall be provided regarding test case by TA before or
after evaluations. You need to think and write your own test case. Make sure that your program
passes all test case.
6. Please do not expect TA to remove first or last three line and then compile so that it run error free
during evaluations. Why should I edit your submission? This is ethically wrong to edit student
submission. How can a evaluator edit submission file? For any such request from student side (-
20) marks will be awarded as penalty.
7. In case of your program have compile time error at our system during evaluation means it is error.
There is no if and but. We can’t run program at your pc for every student.

Problem Set:

1. Create a Binary Tree and write recursive function for following operations.
I. Find LCA (Least Common Ancestor) of two nodes.
II. Print all Ancestors of a node
III. Find vertical sum of Binary Tree.
IV. Convert a Binary Tree into its mirror.
2. Create two binary tree and write functions for following operations.
I. Given two binary trees, return true if they are structurally identical.
II. Given two binary trees, return true if the tree is isomorphic to each other and False
3. Write a program to create a Binary Search Tree (BST) and write functions to performs
following tasks.
I. Write non-recursive functions to find PreOrder, InOrder, PostOrder traversal of BST.
II. Write functions to find Inorder Predecessor and Inorder Successor of BST.
III. Write a function to delete a node from BST.
IV. Function to find Kth smallest element in BST.
V. Given a BST and two number K1 and K2, give an algorithm for printing all the elements in
BST in the range K1 and K2
4. Write a program to construct Height Balanced Tree (HBT) given a set of number as input and
perform following operations.
I. Write a function to insert element into HBT
II. Write a function to delete a node from HBT
III. Given a BST as input write a function to check whether it is an AVL tree or not?

5. Suppose we have arrays PREORDER[n], INORDER[n], and POSTORDER[n] that give the
preorder, inorder, and postorder positions, respectively, of each node n of a tree. Describe an
algorithm that tells whether node i is an ancestor of node j, for any pair of nodes i and j. Write
a program to implement your algorithm.
6. Write a program to list the DATA fields of the nodes of a binary tree T by level. Within levels
nodes are to be listed left to right.
7. Write an algorithm SWAPTREE(T) which takes a binary tree and swaps the left and right
children of every node.
8. Write a program to construct the binary search tree with a given preorder and inorder
9. Write a recursive and non-recursive function that produces the height of a binary tree.
10. Description: Read the statement of problem G for the definitions concerning trees. In the
following we define the basic terminology of heaps. A heap is a tree whose internal nodes have
each assigned a priority (a number) such that the priority of each internal node is less than the
priority of its parent. As a consequence, the root has the greatest priority in the tree, which is
one of the reasons why heaps can be used for the implementation of priority queues and for
A binary tree in which each internal node has both a label and a priority, and which is both a binary
search tree with respect to the labels and a heap with respect to the priorities, is called a treap.

Your task is, given a set of label-priority-pairs, with unique labels and unique priorities, to construct
a treap containing this data.
The input contains several test cases. Every test case starts with an integer n. You may assume that
1<=n<=50000. Then follow n pairs of strings and numbers l1/p1,...,ln/pn denoting the label and
priority of each node. The strings are non-empty and composed of lower-case letters, and the
numbers are non-negative integers. The last test case is followed by a zero.
For each test case output on a single line a treap that contains the specified nodes. A treap is printed
as (< left sub-treap >< label >/< priority >< right sub-treap >). The sub-treaps are printed
recursively, and omitted if leafs.
Sample Input
7 a/7 b/6 c/5 d/4 e/3 f/2 g/1
7 a/1 b/2 c/3 d/4 e/5 f/6 g/7
7 a/3 b/6 c/4 d/7 e/2 f/5 g/1
Sample Output

Note: Any reference Height Balance Tree (HBT) is reference to AVL Tree.

Submission instruction
File Naming Convention: Create a directory with your roll number. Inside this directory, place all the
programs and input files. Prefix the file name with your roll number followed by “_” followed by
question number followed by “.c”. Example: 194161000_q1. c.

README.txt Write a short note on sequence of steps involved to run your programs. Include what is
the input for the program (with an example) and what will be the output from the program (with an

tar gzip Create (roll number). tar.gz file using the above directory. This directory must contain the
above program.

Submission Email the above tar gzip file to the CS593 head TA as per the above
given dead line.

Submission does not follow above file naming convention and instruction shall not be evaluated.

Copying You should avoid indulging in copying. Every submission will be subject to software
similarity using the tool Measure of Software Similarity available at Do not copy code from any source including coding
website. Two submissions having similarity score equal to or more than 10.0% will be declared copied.
If you are found involved in copying act, your name will be referred to disciplinary committee.
Therefore, you are requested to place individual efforts and avoid copying.

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