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Art Appreciation Task No.

Name: Anonymous Subject: GED 108
Year & Section: 2nd Year BSMA 2102 Date Submitted: August 28, 2021

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following questions as precisely yet as thoroughly as possible.

1. If you were an artist, what kind of artist would you be? And why?

*I would like to be a painter because I want to make myself paint anything because painting is
the reason why I relax when I have a problem. With a simple drawing or painting, I feel happy
and my stress disappears immediately.

2. Why is art not true?

*Because art is just something that is painted but has a heart when painted. so it is said that art is not
true because the painting has no life but if you look at a painting it looks like it is alive. He does not
move like humans, animals or anything else in the world. And sometimes an art is just fiction so it can be
said that art is not true.

3. Why is art ageless and timeless?

*So an art is ageless and timeless because even a few years later there is still an art that does not
disappear. Because an art is very important because it symbolizes the past that can be seen that no
matter how long ago you can see in an art the beauty and livelihood. Here we will remember the people
formed in ancient times and through art even in just one painting we can see them. An art will not
change even if it disappears and is erased it will still remain.

4. Why does art involve experience?

*So art is involved in experience is because art is a talent that takes time. It takes a long time to make
an art because it is more pleasant to look at an art when worked on. It’s a great experience we’ve had in
our lives. In a simple art, we can see our talent and skill in making art.

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