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Informatics Practices(265-Old Syllabus/ 065-New Syllabus)

Date: 15-5-2019 Chapter / Unit No-II

Category: Fill in the blank/ True & False/ MCQ’s/ Match the following
QNo. Question Correct Answer Type (Knowledge based/
Conceptual Understanding/
Reasoning Based/Skill
1 Return statement is used to return a value Method Conceptual
from a ________.
2 _____ is a blueprint for creating objects with Class Conceptual
certain characteristics and behaviour.
3 A class contains _____ and ______. Data Members, Conceptual
4 The keyword used to refer to current object is this Conceptual
5 An object is an instance of a _____ and Class, memory Conceptual
occupies _____.
6 The ability to exhibit several forms is known as Polymorphism Conceptual
7 In Java, Polymorphism is implemented Operator, Knowledge
through______ and ______ overloading. Method
8 “+” operator is an example of ______ Operator Knowledge
9 Inheritance allows code_______ and increases Reusability Knowledge
10 In a class, the data members and methods can Public, Protected Knowledge
be defined using private, _____ and _____
access specifiers.
11 A new class can be derived from a base class Public, Protected Knowledge
using private, ____ and ____ visibility modes.
12 The _____ property is used to add items in Model Conceptual
jComboBox at design time.
13 Linewrap is a property of ____ Swing control. jTextArea Conceptual
14 WrapStyleWord is a property of _______ jTextArea Conceptual
Swing control.
15 ________ method is used to get the selected getSelectedItem( ) Conceptual
value from a jComboBox.
16 To insert a new row in jTable at run time, addRow( ) Conceptual
______ method is used.
17 The property used to make the selection of Buttongroup Conceptual
RadioButtons mutually exclusive is _______.
18 Property used in jPasswordField to specify Echochar Conceptual
character to be displayed in place of the actual
text typed, is _________.
19 The property used to enable multiple selections Selectionmode Conceptual
in jList is ___________.
20 The class for which objects are not required to Abstract Conceptual
be declared is known as______ class.

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