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3-4 year old

Children need specific skills to find success in school. Chart your child’s
language, reading, math, reasoning, and social and emotional skills.
Preschoolers like to explore and learn.
By the end of 4 years, your child is able to:
p Say the sound of most letters.
p Know 2,000 – 3,000 words. Speak 3-5 word phrases.
p Talk to others with feeling. Ask for what he wants. Tell stories.
p Know 20 prepositions.
p Know the names and sounds of the letters in her names.
p Identify beginning sounds and same and different sounds.
p Do nonsense rhyming.
p Listen to others and join in the talk for a short time.
p Answer what and how questions in 3-to 4-words
p Print the first letter of her name.
p Read his printed name and 3-5 others words.
p Point to letters.
p Match all letter shapes and numbers to 9.
p Sing learning songs. Recite 4 or 5 rhymes.
p Count by memory to 10, and play counting games.
p Do simple puzzles.
p Sort quickly by color and shape. Group objects to 5.
p Trace a few letters, number and shapes.
p Match and name 10 shapes.
p Share.
p Attend peer group activities, but still play alone.
p Follow a 2-step task.
p Help with simple tasks.
p Stay with a task for 3 minutes.
p Dress himself. Try to do some self-care tasks.
p Learn empathy – how others feel – and avoid hurting others.
Read the Parent Help Line’s Live Love Grow and Learn booklets for ideas to help
your child grow and develop.

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