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PAPERS Do Project Managers’ Leadership

Competencies Contribute to
Project Success?
Linda Geoghegan, Electronic Data Systems, Ascot, Berkshire, United Kingdom
Victor Dulewicz, Henley Business School, Greenlands, Henley-on-Thames,
United Kingdom

here are many schools of thought on leadership and according to
This article explores the following hypothesis:
There is a statistically significant relationship
between a project manager’s leadership compe-
tencies and project success. Two proven question-
naires, the leadership dimensions questionnaire
(LDQ) and the project success questionnaire
T Dulewicz and Higgs (2005), leadership has been studied more than
any other aspect of human behavior. In a literature review on leader-
ship from the early 20th century to the present, Higgs (2003) identified
six major schools: trait, behavior, contingency, visionary, emotional intelli-
gence, and competency schools. These “emerging” schools of thought on
leadership see leadership as a combination of personal characteristics and
(PSQ), were used to gather data from 52 project
areas of competency. In other words, it is the combination of skills and
managers and project sponsors from a financial
knowledge, such as empowerment and achievement, with personal charac-
services company in the United Kingdom. The
teristics, such as intuitiveness, that makes a leader. The more recent emerg-
results from the LDQ and PSQ are presented in
ing schools relevant to this study will now be reviewed.
this article. A factor analysis of PSQ revealed three
Bass (1985) has had a major influence on leadership theory. He researched
independent factors: usability, project delivery,
different types of organizational change, identified different sets of behavior
and value of output to clients. The last factor is not
and characteristics required in times of organizational transformation and
related to project leadership or management,
times of stability, and produced relevant transactional and transformational
so the article concentrates on correlations
leadership styles. Bass and Avolio (1995) developed the multifactor leader-
between the other two factors and project leader-
ship questionnaire (MLQ) to assess leadership competencies and, in a series
ship. Eight separate leadership dimensions were
of studies, showed that transformational leadership has significantly greater
found to be statistically significantly related to
impact on the organization than transactional leadership. Turning to per-
performance, so the hypothesis was largely sup-
sonal characteristics, Hogan (2002) saw the personality of leaders as being a
ported. Identifying such relationships provides
determinant of effectiveness as he believed skills are built on personality
managers with guidance on possible selection
characteristics. It was this combination of personality and competency that
and project improvement models, whereby
potentially produced different leaders suited to different circumstances:
increased capability in leadership dimensions can
transactional leaders for times of low complexity and transformational lead-
lead to increased success in project management.
ers in time of increased complexity. This is similar to Bass’s (1990) assertion
KEYWORDS: project managers; leadership that certain leaders are more suited to stable environments and others more
competencies; leadership effectiveness; proj- suited to a rapidly changing environment.
ect success; emotional intelligence The combination of personality and competency is unprescribed and
very much individual-dependent. Goffee and Jones (2000) captured the
essence of this with the statement “being yourself, with skill” (p. 64). To some
degree this emerging school of thought on personality and competencies
may seem similar to the trait theory—the idea that effective leaders all share
the same inherent characteristics. However, competencies can be learned
and developed, whereas personality characteristics are more enduring.
Project Management Journal, Vol. 39, No. 4, 58–67 This idea that personality characteristics and personal competencies
©2008 by the Project Management Institute predict long-term managerial advancement was formed by Goleman’s (1997)
Published online in Wiley InterScience paper on competencies, where he defined emotional intelligence (EI) in
( competency terms. Goleman’s (1996) basic proposition is that EI and intel-
DOI: 10.1002/pmj.20084 lectual aptitude (IQ) are both important for success. Dulewicz and Higgs

58 December 2008 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

(2005) take this work further by consid- and their literature review (Bennis, (vision, example setting, etc.). Such
ering the skills that need to be exercised 1989; Goffee & Jones, 2000; Goleman, skills make a good project manager, but
in a way that is congruent with the Boyatzis, & McKee, 2002; Hogan, 2002; again, Pinto and Trailer (1998) did not
underlying personality of the leader. Kotter, 1990; Kouzes & Posner, 1998), explicitly link such characteristics and
Building on this view and Bass’s work, Dulewicz and Higgs (2005) developed skills to project success.
they proposed a new model for leader- eight additional leadership dimensions Crawford (2007) defined project
ship, which recognized that leadership relating to IQ and MQ competencies. IQ manager competence as a combination
encompasses competences and per- consists of intellectual competencies, of knowledge (qualification), skills
sonal characteristics, and since organi- MQ of management competencies, and (ability to do a task), and core personal-
zations’ characteristics, such as culture, EI of both social and emotional compe- ity characteristics (motives ⫹ traits
vary, different competence profiles are tencies. The 15 leadership dimensions ⫹ self concepts) that lead to superior
appropriate in different circumstances can be used to explain performance of results. Crawford stated that project
(Dulewicz & Higgs, 2005). This view is managers on different types of change success and competence of project
similar to the earlier contingent school projects. management personnel are closely
of thought where the influence of the interrelated, and the competence of the
environment was considered signifi- Project Manager Competencies project manager is in itself a factor in
cant in determining leadership success. A few studies have identified compe- the successful delivery of projects.
Dulewicz and Higgs (2005) discov- tencies relevant to project managers. However, Crawford noted that leader-
ered through their earlier research Rees, Turner, and Tampoe (1996) identi- ship appears consistently in the highest-
(Dulewicz & Herbert, 1999; Dulewicz & fied six traits of effective project man- ranking category among project
Higgs, 2000a, 2000b) into EI that many agers and assert that effective managers manager competence factors, but it did
of the elements in their EI model also are usually of above-average intelli- not appear in the highest-ranking cate-
appeared in the leadership literature. gence and have good problem-solving gory for project success factors.
They found that an increasing number ability. Such traits are similar to Based on the literature on project
of academics and practitioners were intellectual competencies (IQ) that manager competencies, it could
beginning to explore, accept, and pro- Dulewicz and Higgs (2005) referred to be claimed that the competencies
mote the importance of EI at the top of as part of leadership competencies. required by project managers in
the organization. They showed that Other traits identified by Rees et al. are today’s organizations are not dissimilar
many authors identified four types of behavioral or motivational, such as to the leadership competencies high-
competencies that determined leader- energy, and skills-based traits, for lighted earlier. There is recognition
ship performance: cognitive, emotion- example, communication. However, that an effective project manager
al, behavioral, and motivational (Gill, they do not provide evidence that these possesses a combination of personal
2002; Kets de Vries & Florent-Tracy, traits contribute directly to increased characteristics such as flexibility and
2002; Marshall, 1991; Zaccaro, Rittman, project success. Andersen, Grude, and competencies such as problem
& Marks, 2001). Haug (1987) recognized the importance solving—not dissimilar to the emerg-
Dulewicz and Higgs (2000a, 2000b) of the project manager’s personal char- ing schools of thought on leadership
showed that EI can explain variations acteristics, such as initiative, when discussed earlier. However, the litera-
in the performance of managers and selecting a project manager. This view ture so far does not make a direct con-
other staff. They produced a question- is similar to that of Hogan (2002), who nection between project manager
naire to measure emotional intelli- saw the personality of the leader as leadership competencies and project
gence directly. The questionnaire being a determinant of effectiveness. success. Is project leadership not
contained seven emotional intelligence However, they do not directly show the perceived as a significant factor in suc-
dimensions. Statistically, significant significant contribution of personality cessful delivery?
correlations were found between EI characteristics to project success.
scores and the job performance of mid- Pinto and Trailer (1998) recognized Project Success and the Project
dle management. Dulewicz and Higgs the characteristics of an effective proj- Manager
(2000a) showed that IQ accounts for ect leader: credibility, creative problem There are few topics in the field of project
27% of performance, managerial com- solving, tolerance for ambiguity, flexi- management that are so frequently dis-
petency (MQ) accounts for 16%, and EI ble management style, and effective cussed, and yet so rarely agreed upon, as
account for 36%. Their studies high- communication. They also identified the construct of project success (Pinto &
lighted EI as the most significant of the the skills needed for project managers: Slevin, 1988a). Critical success factors
three, although IQ and MQ are also of technical, administrative (planning, (CSFs) are common in projects today as
importance. Through their research budgeting, etc.), and leadership skills a means of assessing project success.

December 2008 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 59

Project Managers’ Leadership Competencies

During the past two decades, there has relationship between the project man- that “the literature has largely ignored
been a broadening of measurement ager’s perception of project success and the impact of the project manager, and
from simply time, cost (on budget), and his or her own personality. Inner his/her leadership style and compe-
functionality improvement measure- confidence and self-belief are likely tence, on project success” (p. 59). They
ment in the 1970s to a more quality- to play a significant part in the found that in the general management
based focus in the 1980s and 1990s. project manager’s ability to deliver a literature, it is widely recognized that
Project success today takes stakeholder project successfully. the functional manager’s leadership
satisfaction, product success, business Turner (1999) defined a strategy for style contributes to the success of the
and organization benefit, and team the successful implementation of proj- organization or organizational unit he
development as measures of project suc- ects. This seven forces model (based on or she manages; the project manager’s
cess (Atkinson, 1999; Baccarini, 1999). the work of Morris, 1988, and Morris & leadership style is generally ignored
In the 1980s, research into project Hough, 1987) contains a “people” force, when identifying project success fac-
success factors intensified. Some representing the people on the project tors. These authors called for more
authors identified functionality (per- and their management, leadership, research.
formance), project management teamwork, and industrial relations. He
(schedule, on budget), commercial suc- recognized the need for leadership as a Method
cess, termination efficiency, and client part of the project strategy or approach, While much of the literature on project
satisfaction as success factors (Baker, which in turn leads to successful project management that was just reviewed has
Murphy, & Fisher, 1988; Morris, 1988; implementation. In contrast, Cooke- neglected the influence of the project
Pinto & Slevin, 1988a). No explicit refer- Davies (2001) stated that despite well- manager’s leadership ability in deliver-
ence is made to the leadership charac- known research results and decades of ing project success, a few studies cited
teristics of project managers and their individual and collective experience previously have asserted the importance
influence on success. Andersen et al. of managing projects, project results of leadership for project management
(1987) examined the pitfalls that may continue to disappoint stakeholders. success and have identified some lead-
prevent project success and increase the Cooke-Davies focused on cost, time, ership competencies as being impor-
chances of failure. Such pitfalls include and quality when studying project tant. Therefore, this study has been
the way the project was planned, organ- success and identified related success designed to test the hypothesis that:
ized, and controlled. Baker et al. (1988) factors. He did not mention the people
There is a statistically significant
defined “perceived” project success as side of project management or mention relationship between a project man-
meeting the project’s technical specifi- overtly the project manager’s compe- ager’s leadership competencies and
cation and/or project’s mission and tence and leadership ability when project success.
attaining a high level of satisfaction defining the success factors.
from the client, the users, and the proj- Jugdev and Müller (2005) reviewed The Organization
ect team. They emphasized planning as the literature on project success and The study was conducted in a leading
opposed to leadership as a key factor in concluded that four conditions are nec- financial services company based in
maximizing potential project success. essary, but not sufficient, for success: the United Kingdom. The target popu-
Pinto and Slevin (1988b) conducted 1. Success criteria should be agreed lation was the company’s business
a study of project success and identi- with stakeholders before and during transformation community, and the
fied 10 factors for success. They found the project. sample frames are a subset of the
the need for communication channels 2. A collaborative working relationship target population—namely, the project
extremely important, as well as the should be maintained between proj- management and project sponsor
need for available problem-solving ect owner/sponsor and manager. communities. Business changes in the
ability. Interestingly, project manager 3. A project manager should be company are managed by the business
leadership or even management skills empowered to deal flexibly with transformation division where approxi-
are not mentioned as success factors. unforeseen circumstances. mately 80 project managers are
However, they did mention the absence 4. The project owner/sponsors should employed. The projects in the company
of project management characteristics take an interest in the performance range from product changes and tech-
such as adequate project manager of the project. nology changes to manpower changes.
administration, human skills, and The company, like all organizations,
influencing skills as strongly contribut- Turner and Müller (2005) recently faces the challenges of leading projects
ing to the failure of projects. reviewed the contribution of the project and implementing change. The project
Lee-Kelley and Leong Loong (2003) manager’s competence and leadership managers must be equipped with the
suggested that there is a significant style to project success and concluded right skill set to ensure projects are

60 December 2008 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

implemented as successfully as possi- Leadership Dimensions benefit the intended users). The PIF
ble to meet the changing market Questionnaire success measure has been developed
demands. The LDQ was selected as the instru- and tested as a generalized project
ment on which to base the research manager success measure (Pinto &
because it provides an indication of the Slevin, 1986) and has been, for exam-
To test the hypothesis, a quantitative
respondent’s leadership competencies ple, used in the measurement of infor-
study was selected as the most appro-
measured on 15 dimensions. Dulewicz mation systems projects (Finch, 2003).
priate research method. The research
and Higgs (2005) provided full details of To ensure the reliability of the project
would operate at two levels with data
the LDQ, but essentially the model pro- success questionnaire, the Cronbach’s
being collected from two different sam-
poses seven EQ dimensions, five MQ alpha was tested, and a coefficient of
ple groups. The target population was
competencies, and three IQ competen- 0.81 was found. Hair, Babin, Money,
the company’s business transformation
cies. Titles of the 15 leadership dimen- and Samouel (2003) asserted that an
group, but the sample frames were a
sions appear in Table 1. The LDQ has alpha coefficient between 0.8 and 0.9
subset of the target population—namely,
been deployed in a variety of public shows a very good strength of associa-
the project management community
and commercial organizations, includ- tion, and so this coefficient represents a
and the project sponsor community.
ing the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force, very good association between the 12
The primary targets in both samples
the Home Office, and the Cabinet questions.
were related through common projects,
Office, as well as in private companies
but their responsibilities on these
such as DHL. The LDQ is a reliable Sample
projects are significantly different. At
instrument, with each dimension The first sample frame comprised 80
the outset, a proposal was submitted
reaching acceptable levels of reliability project managers. However, only a sub-
to the company detailing the research
(Cronbach’s alpha ⬎ 0.7) with some group of the sample frame was consid-
objectives and its value to the organiza-
dimensions, such as vision and imagi- ered suitable for the study (i.e., those
tion and the individuals involved. To
nation, engaging communication, who have sufficient project manage-
maximize response rates, all efforts
managing resources, and developing, ment experience). The subgroup
were made to promote the research, and
even obtaining a higher reliability score selected had managed projects with
a short promotional slot was secured
(Cronbach’s alpha ⬎ 0.8), according to budgets of over £350,000 and had
at a project management conference in
Dulewicz and Higgs (2005). served at least 4 years in project man-
July 2005. During this conference,
agement. This group has a significant
project managers were encouraged to Project Success Questionnaire amount of exposure to both manage-
participate, and afterward, 65 project
This short questionnaire (PSQ) was ment and leadership activities such as
managers were issued questionnaires.
used to gather data on project success. influencing stakeholders, motivating
Instruments It was based on Pinto and Slevin’s and inspiring staff, and managing the
The fieldwork utilized two different (1986) project implementation profile day-to-day running of their projects.
questionnaires: (1) the leadership (PIF) questionnaire that uses a model Of the 52 respondents who com-
dimensions questionnaire (LDQ) of project success composed of two key pleted the LDQ, 38 (73%) were male and
(Dulewicz & Higgs, 2005) and (2) the themes: the project and the client. First, 14 (27%) were female. Their average age
project success questionnaire (PSQ) the project must be technically correct was 39.5 years old with a standard devi-
(Pinto & Slevin, 1986, 1988a, 1988b). and performed in the manner intend- ation of 6.7, and a 32-year range with a
These were selected as the most appro- ed. Second, the project team must minimum age of 25 and the maximum
priate methods of obtaining data interface effectively with the client of 57. Of the eight categories of job
because the primary target groups are organization to maximize the likeli- functions available on the LDQ, the
likely to be in different locations across hood of acceptance. The PIF covered majority (75%) worked in an IT-related
the United Kingdom; questionnaires the common measures of project suc- job function, 4% worked in finance and
allowed the researcher to contact a rea- cess: the schedule, on budget, and the administration, 6% worked in general
sonably sized sample within the performance. The questionnaire also management, and 16% worked in other
defined time frame. The LDQ and PSQ covered client measures relating to the functions. In terms of their highest level
are proven questionnaires supported usage of the project (i.e., results of of education, 15 (29%) were educated
by previous research. As noted, Jugdev the project will be used by the intended to high school level, 18 (35%) to first-
and Müller (2005) reviewed the litera- client), client satisfaction with the per- degree level, 7 (13%) to a higher degree
ture on project success but did not formance of the project, and the impact level, and 12 (23%) have professional
provide new scales to measure per- of the project on organizational effec- qualifications. All respondents were
formance. tiveness (i.e., the project will directly from the private sector. Additionally,

December 2008 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 61

Project Managers’ Leadership Competencies

LDQ Dimension Test Value ⫽ 5.5

Mean Mean Differential Standard Deviation t df Sig
IQ Dimensions
Critical analysis 5.75 0.25 1.81 0.99 51 0.32
and judgment
Vision and Imagination 4.37 –1.13 1.86 –4.40 51 0.00
Strategic perspective 5.15 –0.35 1.53 –1.64 51 0.11
EQ Dimensions
Self-awareness 5.92 0.42 1.47 2.08 51 0.04
Emotional resilience 5.54 0.04 1.65 0.17 51 0.87
Intuitiveness 5.56 0.06 1.70 0.25 51 0.81
Sensitivity 5.92 0.42 1.41 2.16 51 0.04
Influencing 5.56 0.06 1.51 0.27 51 0.78
Motivation 5.33 –0.17 1.84 –0.68 51 0.50
Conscientiousness 5.98 0.48 1.66 2.09 51 0.04
MQ Dimensions
Managing resources 5.88 0.38 1.97 1.41 51 0.16
Engaging communication 5.15 –0.35 1.90 –1.31 51 0.20
Empowering 5.27 –0.23 2.01 –0.83 51 0.41
Developing 5.17 –0.33 1.96 –1.20 51 0.23
Achieving 5.06 –0.44 1.69 –1.89 51 0.06
Table 1: Comparisons with LDQ norm group between LDQ sten scores using one-sample t-test.

all respondents were U.K. nationals, 52 PSQs completed, 37 (71%) were from relate to only one company, which is
except one, who was of African/Caribbean male respondents and 15 (29%) were based in the United Kingdom.
origin. from female respondents. The average
The second sample comprised age was 42 years old with a standard
project sponsors whose sponsored deviation of 5.5, and a range of 21 years, Comparison of Project Managers’
projects ranged from £350,000 upward. with the youngest at 35 and oldest at 56. LDQ Scores With Norm Group
In this context, they have had the No other demographic data was col- The mean and standard deviation (SD)
responsibility of ensuring that the proj- lected, as it was considered not relevant of the sten (standardized 10-point
ect fits within the overall strategy of the for this study. scale) data for each of the 15 leadership
area under change and ensuring that all The final sample of 52 who com- dimensions are presented in Table 1
areas are aware and prepared for the pleted both LDQ and PSQ, while not together with results of a t-test to com-
change. The sponsor also had responsi- large, is respectable for an exploratory pare them with equivalent scores from
bility for funding the project (i.e., seing study of this nature. It constitutes 81% the LDQ standardization sample on
that it was on budget). It was decided, of all project managers in the company which the norms are based. By defini-
therefore, that this sample was best (some were not invited) and two-thirds tion, sten scores have a mean of 5.0 and
placed to gauge project success from (65%) of the total population of project an SD of 2.0. The conscientiousness
both a client and project perspective managers. Therefore, the sample leadership dimension had the highest
and, therefore, would be asked to com- should be representative of the project sten mean score at 5.98. The next high-
plete the project success survey. Their managers in the company. The study is est sten mean scores are for sensitivity
demographic data showed that, of the exploratory in the sense that the results and self-awareness, both 5.92. All three

62 December 2008 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

sten scores are significantly higher than to the project deliverable being a work- Factor 3—Project Delivery
for the standardization sample. Vision, able and usable solution. To ensure the The three questions loading onto this
which has the lowest mean score at statistical reliability of the grouping, factor (see Table 2) relate to the project
4.37, is the only leadership dimension Factor 1 was tested for reliability, and delivery process. To ensure the statisti-
that is significantly lower than the the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of cal reliability of the grouping, Factor 3
mean scores for the standardization 0.805 found represents a very good was tested for reliability using the
sample. association between the four success Cronbach’s alpha, and a coefficient
variables. Hair et al. (2003) asserted score of 0.806 represents a very good
Factor Analysis of PSQ Items that an alpha coefficient between 0.8 association between the three success
Factor analysis was conducted on the and 0.9 is a very good strength of asso- variables and reflects that they are
PSQ to simplify the process of under- ciation. This coefficient, therefore, measuring a similar construct.
standing the data. Factor analysis was shows that the five success variables are
Correlations Between LDQ and PSQ
performed for the 12 project success measuring a similar construct.
In order to test the hypothesis, a bivari-
factors that form the PSQ using a statis- Factor 2—Value of Project Outcome ate correlation was performed between
tical package for the social sciences to Users the 15 leadership dimensions of the
(SPSS). Three factors were identified as
All of the four success questions load- LDQ raw data and the two factors iden-
shown in Table 2. Factor loading of
ing onto this factor in Table 2 relate to tified in the previous section. It was dis-
greater than ⫾ 0.50 was identified when
how the project deliverable will benefit covered that Factor 1 was correlated to
relating variables to the factors. Hair
the user through, for example, improved managing resources at a significance
et al. (2003) considered this range to be
performance. Factor 2, therefore, relates level of 0.05, while Factor 3 shows no
moderately important, and loadings
to value of project outcome to users, significant correlation with any leader-
of ⫾ 0.70 are considered very impor-
and so does not relate to the way in ship dimensions. In order to explore
tant. Excellent item separation across
which the project was led and man- the data further, each PSQ item loading
factors was achieved. The three factors
aged. Thus, it does not appear relevant onto Factors 1 and 3 was correlated
identified were named as follows:
to the hypothesis under investigation, with each leadership dimension. Only
Factor 1—Usability and so results relating to Factor 2 are those correlations represented by the
As seen from Table 2, the five success not directly relevant to this study and Pearson correlation coefficients were
questions with high loadings all relate will not be reported and discussed here. statistically significant at the 0.01 and
0.05 levels and are shown in Table 3.
Factor 1 demonstrated significant cor-
PSQ Items Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
relations, some highly significant,
Q1 Schedule 0.167 0.157 0.890 between the leadership dimensions
Q2 On budget 0.401 –0.219 0.729 managing resources (0.422), empower-
ing (0.421), developing (0.388), motiva-
Q3 Deliverable works 0.773 0.154 0.201 tion (0.357), critical analysis (0.323),
Q4 Solves problem 0.567 0.008 0.156 and influencing (0.29) and the success
variable “solves problem.” Significant
Q5 Improves performance 0.085 0.727 0.099 positive correlations were also found
Q6 Used by client 0.846 –0.008 0.100 between the leadership dimensions
self-awareness (0.270) and sensitivity
Q7 Important clients make use 0.896 0.032 0.007
(0.312) and the success variable “used
Q8 Ready accepted by users 0.624 0.205 0.146 by client.” Factor 3 also demonstrated
Q9 Good project process 0.065 0.222 0.841 significant correlations: the item “on
budget” shows significant positive
Q10 Benefits users 0.137 0.901 0.049 correlations with the leadership dimen-
Q11 Provides improvements –0.119 0.893 0.040 sions managing resources (0.297) and
empowering (0.280).
Q12 Positive impact on users 0.215 0.837 0.066
Note. Extraction method: principal component analysis; rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser normalization; IQ, MQ, and EQ Group Scores
rotation converged in five iterations. In Table 3, leadership dimensions were
grouped into IQ, EQ, and MQ cate-
Table 2: Rotated component matrix of PSQ items.
gories, as defined by Dulewicz and

December 2008 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 63

Project Managers’ Leadership Competencies

Factor 1 (Usability) from senior management in order to

Factor 3 progress projects successfully.
Solves Used by (Project Delivery) The lowest three leadership dimen-
Problem Client On Budget sion scores were found in vision, strate-
gic perspective, and achieving. Vision
IQ Dimensions
was the only dimension to have a sig-
Critical analysis 0.323* 0.167 0.192 nificantly lower score than the norm
EQ Dimensions group. The low score in vision can be
explained by the nature of the work
Self-awareness 0.145 0.270* 0.052 performed by the project management
Sensitivity 0.252 0.312* 0.265 community where project managers do
not actively engage in setting the orga-
Influencing 0.349* 0.132 0.127
nization’s vision but instead focus on
Motivation 0.357** 0.187 0.222 implementing projects that fulfill a pre-
MQ Dimensions defined vision.

Manage resources 0.422** 0.252 0.297* Relationship Between Leadership

and Project Success
Empowering 0.421** 0.181 0.280* The hypothesis set out to identify the
Developing 0.388** 0.084 0.148 specific dimensions of leadership that
contribute to successful projects. Table 3
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.
highlights several dimensions that pos-
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.
itively correlate at significant levels of
Table 3: Significant correlations between LDQ dimensions and Factor 1 and 3 items. 0.01 and 0.05 with the success vari-
ables. Using project success factors as a
Higgs (2000b, 2005). It shows that only Sten data were used to relate the measure of success, these correlations
one IQ leadership dimension is posi- abilities and performance of the target begin to uncover the specific leader-
tively correlated with a project success sample against the current LDQ data- ship dimensions that contribute to suc-
variable, while five MQ and three EQ base. Respondents’ mean scores on cessful projects. Factor 1 shows the
dimensions are positively correlated. all 15 dimensions of the LDQ were leadership dimensions managing
Of the five MQ leadership dimensions, between 4.37 and 5.98. The results resources, empowering, developing,
three correlations are highly significant were largely in line with previous and motivation as each having highly
at a 0.01 level. Of the three EQ leader- responses to the LDQ and approximat- significant correlation with the “solves
ship dimensions, only one correlation ed to a normal distribution. Three problem” success variable. In other
is highly significant at a 0.01 level. leadership dimension scores were sig- words, respondents who are rated high-
These findings will be discussed further nificantly higher than for the norm ly for “solves problem” are more likely
in the following section. group. This project manager group to empower and develop their col-
shows strength on the conscientious- leagues, manage resources efficiently
Discussion ness leadership dimension and has a and effectively, and be highly motivated.
Leadership Dimensions Findings small standard deviation that high- These are findings that are perhaps to
The LDQ descriptive data provide lights a good level of consistency be expected. What is surprising is that
information based on the target sample across the group. This group also had they do not score highly on critical
group’s responses to the leadership significantly higher scores (than the analysis, but the total group scores
dimensions questionnaire. The litera- norm group) on sensitivity and self- highly on this dimension, when com-
ture review has shown that these awareness. All three dimensions are pared to the norm group.
dimensions of leadership provide some emotional competencies, as defined by Factor 3 showed significant
of the critical determinants of effective Dulewicz and Higgs (2000b, 2005), correlation between the leadership
leadership and have also shown that and the high scores may be a result of dimensions managing resources,
the really important aspects of leader- the significant amount of exposure the empowering, and the “on budget” suc-
ship relate broadly to emotional project community receives to leader- cess variable. This is not surprising,
and social competencies, intellectual ship activities such as influencing considering the relationship between
competencies, and managerial compe- difficult stakeholders and the need managing resources and managing the
tencies. to obtain commitment and buy-in budget.

64 December 2008 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

Lessons for Practitioners rate was lower than desired, although most to successful projects and there-
It is possible to develop many aspects still relatively high. The main difficul- fore are highly significant in support-
of leadership by planned and sustained ties were gathering questionnaires dur- ing the hypothesis. This is perhaps not
development activities. Some dimen- ing the summer and the fact that each a surprising result considering the
sions can be developed, whereas others LDQ required a corresponding PSQ. amount of resource development and
are more difficult to develop. This This pairing limited flexibility and management involved in project man-
article presents the company with a required synchronized lobbying of agement.
possible project improvement model potential participants who reside in dif- These findings highlight a link
whereby increased capability in leader- ferent business units. Greater and between managerial competencies and
ship dimensions can lead to increased broader engagement by the company project success. The MQ leadership
results in aspects of project implementa- in supporting a study might have dimensions seem to play a significant
tion. Therefore, leadership dimensions produced a higher response rate. role in influencing or affecting project
that are directly linked to successful Nevertheless, this should be seen as an success. According to Dulewicz and
projects should be the focus of project exploratory study because it is based Higgs (2000a, 2000b), emotional intelli-
manager training. Such focused train- on findings from one, albeit large com- gence can explain variations in the per-
ing has the potential to have a direct pany with respondents working in the formance of managers and other staff.
impact on project success, thereby pro- United Kingdom. This research found that both manage-
viding a greater return on investment. Notwithstanding, the leadership/ rial and emotional/social competen-
This research shows how leadership project success model developed in cies could explain variations in project
dimensions can contribute to the suc- this research is likely to be of interest to success. Perhaps this is not surprising
cess of projects. It is important that any organization that is project-based. considering the nature of project man-
senior management, who directly man- However, a further, broader study agement and project implementation
age the project management commu- encompassing a cross-section of indus- and the sample groups involved in the
nity and who are very much involved in tries and countries would be required study. Wren and Dulewicz (2005), from
change, are made aware of the impact to produce relationships between lead- research performed on the Royal Air
of leadership competencies on the per- ership dimensions and project success Force, found similar results and
sonnel with whom they work and ulti- factors that could be transferable to any concluded that the MQ dimensions of
mately on the success of their programs organization. Additionally, a further, leadership were the most important in
of change. If senior management were broader study might be conducted to RAF officers leading change projects.
to complete the LDQ, they would prob- include the role of the follower in suc- Furthermore, Porthouse and Dulewicz
ably gain an understanding of the range cessful change, ideally involving a 360° (2007) found that the 10 significant
of skills and behaviors that need to be appraisal (a 360° version of the LDQ is LDQ dimensions in this study were also
in place to provide effective leadership. available). Such work would need to significantly related to the leadership
Leaders of projects could be select- relate to the significance of the follower performance of agile project managers
ed or developed on the basis of their to the success of the project. If follower and concluded that both “MQ and EQ
leadership profile, as identified by the commitment proved to be a key com- competencies are important for leaders
LDQ, and how that profile links to proj- ponent of successful projects, then of Agile teams” (p 33).
ect success factors, as demonstrated further work might determine what The research also provides other
through this research. Leadership com- organizations can do to generate high valuable information on the capability
petencies measured by a proven ques- levels of commitment. of the project manager community as
tionnaire, such as the LDQ, could be leaders. The project manager group
taken into account when appointing Summary and Conclusions demonstrated some EQ strengths.
new project managers or as part of the To summarize our findings, the signifi- Dulewicz and Higgs (2000a, 2000b)
appraisal process where feedback from cant correlations for both factors and showed that EQ accounts for 36% of
colleagues on performance against the leadership dimensions are shown leader advancement (i.e., success). It
selected leadership dimensions could in Table 4. Of these 10 leadership can be concluded, therefore, that the
be obtained. dimensions, five are management company’s project managers have
(MQ), four are social/emotional com- demonstrated a level of emotional
Limitations and Areas of petencies (EQ), and one is an intellec- competencies that should enable them
Further Work tual competence (IQ), as defined by to perform better in leadership.
Although the research gained the sup- Dulewicz and Higgs (2000b, 2005). It However, along with the strengths,
port of senior management prior to can be asserted, therefore, that MQ weaknesses have also been identified
conducting the fieldwork, the response leadership dimensions contribute across the target group in which the

December 2008 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 65

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December 2008 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 67

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