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A great number of pupils are easily distracted while studying.

This essay will first suggest the most

prevalent causes to this problem are the high pressure to study and limitless time for recreational
activities and then explain why advancement in studying methods and electronic restrictions are the
most viable solutions.

The most urging problem that leads to distraction are that young students are forced to learn too hard
and get burnt out. As teachers try to cram information into students’ head and pile a mountain of
assignments on them, they might develop stress and anxiety, which in turn leads to resentment and
distraction from studying . Furthermore, unrestricted leisure activities plays a not minor role in directing
students’ attention away from studying. Given the abundance of recreational activities in the modern
world, the most prevalent being the internet or social media networks, pupils have a tendency to get
lost daydreaming about tidbits they found while surfing the Internet, or the lure of social media might
make them ‘forget’ to do their homework.

Possible solution to these problems would be implementing an alternative studying methodology or

introducing a restriction on the use of electronic devices. A new way to learn, one which places less
emphasis on rigid homework or assignments, and is more interactive, would easily encourage students
to study more eagerly, as well as allowing difficult or abstract concepts to be absorbed easier through
real-world interaction. Moreover, schools could coordinate with the students’ parents to create a
suitable recreational time limit. A well managed free time schedule could mean students would be
exposed to the distraction that is the lure of social media less, resulting in less distraction in class. This
could also help those who suffer from stress and anxiety due to lack of free time immensely.

In conclusion, while there are currently difficulties for students to concentrate in class, there are some
possible solutions that can be implemented to stem the problems.

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