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Many people believe that the research and tourism of exotic location should be encouraged due to its

benefits. Others however argue that the drawbacks of those activities should not be disregarded.

On the one hand, there are several apparent ways society could benefit from visiting foreign landscapes
of the earth. First, we can gain new, insightful knowledge of our home planet and beyond through
researches conducted in remote environments. For instance, Antarctica, due to its distance from any
human light and pollutants source, has nearly pristine conditions for all sorts of scientific experiments,
which include stargazing, research of earth’s magnetic field, etcetera…. In addition, there are much
economic potential that can be extracted from these remote sites. The wilderness of Alaska, for
example, contains huge, as of yet unexploited, reserves of resources such as gold, oil and lodging,
etcetera…, as well as pristine sights, preserved due to its isolation from the world, making it a prime
candidate for development.

On the other hand, many drawbacks could possibly outweigh the benefits visiting these rural areas
cosuld bring. It is clear that any human activities near these sites could disrupt the local wildlife. Sound
pollution from human equipment for instance can severely disrupt the hunting pattern of many animal
species that relies on sounds to catch their preys, such as bats or dolphins. Furthermore, human
activities have the potential to degrade the pristine conditions of rural, undisturbed landscapes. Waste
produced by humans such as litter, fumes from fuel-burning apparatus or biological waste have the
potential to pollute the environments, and disrupting the natural habitats of many local wildlife.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the detrimental effects of human exploration are quite concerning.
However, we cannot disregard its benefits either, therefore I believe that a balancing act between
exploring the new frontier and preserving it is necessary for our society moving forward.

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