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Nama : Dzaky haidar al hafizh

Kelas : 7c
Absen : 6
Mapel : B.Inggris
Study the singular Study the singular and the plural forms and complete the
meaning! (Pelajarilah bentuk
tunggal dan jamak dan lengkapi artinya)
Perhatikan tulisannya.
Singular (Tunggal = Plural (jamak/lebih dari Meaning (arti)
sebuah/ekor) satu)
A bank Banks Bank
A library Libraries Perpustakaan
A bedroom Bedrooms Kamar tidur
A ball Balls Bola
A wacth Wacthes Menonton
A cat Cats Kucing
A school bags School bags Tas sekolah
A knife Knives Pisau
A pen Pens Pulpen (pena)
A flower Flowers bunga

Choose the words in brackets to completethe following sentences

(pilihlah kata kta dalam kurung untuk melengkapi kalimat kalimat berikut ini!)
1) My parents has five children. (has/have)
2) Mrs. Ningrum has three childrens now.(child/children)
3) They have a beautiful garden behind their house.(has/have)
4) We have a beautiful and clean school. ( school/schools)
5) Sindi has a cute cat. (has/have)
6) My friends, Hary and Ratman, they have nice shoes.
7) My father has a tall body.(have/has) (body/bodies)
8) He has two motorcycles and one car.(have/has) (car/cars)
9) Indonesia has a lot of islands.(island/islands)
10)The guava tree has many leaf.(leaf/leaves)

Complete the sentences with is our are!

1. There is two books on the table
2. There are a pen near a books
3. There are a ruler in my bag
4. There is some coloring pencils
5. There are a boardmarker
6. There are an eraser in front
7. There is three trees in front my house
8. There is two tiggers in Gembira Loka zoo
9. There is thirthy two students in my class
10.There are a librarian in our school library

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