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Nama Al Fithrotus Sa’diyah

Nim 041911133131

Hal 471-474
Nim Ganjil
a. Jika ϵ2 menurun, Y2 dan kemudian Y1 menurun.
b. Jika ϵD meningkat, QD meningkat, dan kemudian QS meningkat (kondisi kesetimbangan)
dan Pt meningkat. (Ingat bahwa variabel ditentukan secara bersamaan, jadi tidak masalah
mana yang ada di sisi kiri).
c. Jika ϵ meningkat, CO meningkat, dan kemudian Y meningkat dan YD meningkat.
5. Semua kasus ini dapat ditunjukkan untuk melibatkan korelasi positif antara ϵs dan Ys.
a. A: Predetermined = 2 < 3 = # of slope coefficients, so underidentified.
B: Predetermined = 2 = 2 = # of slope coefficients, so exactly identified.
b. Note that X2 is endogenous to this system, so:
Y1 : Predetermined = 3 < 4 = # of slope coefficients, so underidentified.
Y2 : Predetermined = 3 > 1 = # of slope coefficients, so overidentified.
X2 : Predetermined = 3 = 3 = # of slope coefficients, so exactly identified.
c. Note that you can consider the change in Y to be endogenous to the system with a non
stochastic equation in which it equals Yt – Yt–1. Given this, there are six predetermined
variables, Yt–1, Et , Dt , Mt , Rt–1 and Gt , so the identification properties of the four
stochastic equations can be determined by using the order condition (which is necessary
but not sufficient):
COt : Predetermined = 6 > 1 = # of slope coefficients, so overidentified.
It : Predetermined = 6 > 4 = # of slope coefficients, so overidentified.
Rt : Predetermined = 6 > 3 = # of slope coefficients, so overidentified.
Yt : Predetermined = 6 > 3 = # of slope coefficients, so overidentified.
11. Model pasar tenaga kerja yang paling masuk akal adalah simultan dan oleh karena itu
berpotensi melibatkan bias simultanitas dan harus diperkirakan dengan 2SLS.

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