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TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022
Nama : Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari/Tanggal : Kelas : VII (Tujuh)

A. Choose the most correct answer between a, b, c and d

1. Anna : Good morning, Lia !

Lia : ……………………………
a. And you ?
b. Good bye
c. Good Morning, Anna
d. Very well. Thanks
2. I have an …………. I like this fruit so much.
a. Grape
b. Mango
c. Jackfruit
d. Orange

3. Diana : “... is your name?” Rafi : My

name is Rafi.'“
a. What
b. That
c. This
d. It
4. Sena : “Good moning, Via.” Via : “ “
A. Good night
B. Good evening
C. Good afternoon
D. Good Morning

5. Alda :”How are you?” Ghea :

A. I am
B. I am Fine
C. Fine
D. My name

B. Please answer the questions below briefly and accurately !

1. Cika : “Good night, mom”

Mother : “.............“

2. Fina : “...........“
Dila : ”I am fine.”

3. Farah : Nice to meet you, Reihan.

Reihan :............................................, Farah.

4. What is Your name? How Are You?

5. Anggur Ini sangat manis sekali ? Translate to English language

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