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Guevarra, Wendell V.

August 22, 2020


Individual Reflection

As social beings, purposive communication is very important for us because we

learn by socializing with the other people. As aspiring professionals, we may encounter

problems that must be solved and brainstormed with the use of communication in the

future. We must share our ideas and convey information to solve the existing problems.

Based on the sharing we had, communication needs to be paired with values because

we earn respect by also respecting other people. In our country, values are taught from

the day we are born. We are taught to respect each most especially the elders by always

saying po and opo. Purposive communication is also essential in sharing our beliefs in

politics and economics where we can share our ideas and discuss our own personal

stand about the issue. It also applies in religions where we spread our beliefs through

preaching or writing and put them into practice. For example, when we have a religious

event, we commonly do role playing where communication is applied. With the

continuous practice of our beliefs, we can preserve our culture and pass them to the

next generations. As a Filipino, we have variety of cultures that signifies our identity,

that’s why we must preserve them through writing and continuous practice of the

culture. In conclusion, communication help us to grow and develop. They help us to

create the future we want to experience and learn things that we can use in our daily


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