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 Judul: Inventory Accounting: A Comprehemsive Guide

 Author: Steven M Bragg

 Tahun terbit: 2005
 Diterbitkan di kota: -
 Apa yang kalian dapat prediksikan dari cover ebook tersebut? Describes how to set
up an accounting system
 Tuliskan beberapa isi dari table of content. Dilihat dari table of content, apa isi dari
buku tersebut? Inventory Data Collection, Inventory Control System, Inventory Fraud
 Tuliskan beberapa headings atau subheadings dari buku tersebut. Apa yang bisa
kalian simpulkan dari headings/subheadings tadi?

Heading: Inventory Data Collection

Subheading: Introduction, Bar Coding, Wireless Data Transmission, Radio Frequency

Identification (RFID), Document Imaging, Electronic Data Interchange, Specialized
Forms of Inventory Data Collection, Backflushing, Summary of Data Collection

 Apakah ada sinopsis di cover belakang? Jika iya, apa yang dapat kalian simpulkan
dari sinopsis tersebut? Inventory Accounting describes how to set up an accounting
system that appropriately handles the accumulation of inventory costs, their
summarization in the chart of accounts, and the standard journal entries to be used in
order to record transactions. It also shows how to use best practices to increase the
efficiency of the inventory-tracking and costing functions.
 Keputusan kamu: Apakah menurut kalian buku ini berguna untuk kalian? It is very
useful because it would really help me to get a deeper understanding of accounting.

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