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€ Prekladate Translator ZadivatliClicnt: ——Eterbase as Hurbanovo némeste 3 811 06 Bratislava - Staré Mesto Slovakia PREKLAD dislo: 83/2020 29 slovenskto do anglickcho jazpka om Slovak Ino English language ‘TRANSLATION wi Predmetpreklad / (Criminal Complaint Translation subject matter Trestné wznimenic Potet sin preladane isin / 6 amber of sheets inthe document: Potet stn prelozen listing / 7 ‘Number of translated sheets: Poset sphotoveni/ 1 Number of copies Bratislava September 10,2020 Kori Nérodnkrimindlnaagertea Ped Plleajnho zbora aca 81272 Braise Beat, 9p 200 I =| Oznamovatel ETERBASE, 2.8 | Haanove nist’, 1 Beta, Sven epbiha 10 50380505 2apisany v obchodsom regis Okresneo sud Beatle Loe Se, vb 699/8 Zastapen: bS ve y2NAMENIE -oanimenie ck fin.esp.testné cin Skathovg stay COzmamoratet-spolotnost ETERBASE, as, vanhls dts 24042018 ao spoloenost poskyujica sty pefteniehvirullych aki slaty zmensnevitusaych ate prowojch ent, Ktor}mimuzatorené -mivy nada, Po akceptovanlpodmienoh zo strany Meta mO2e kent za pouzivat slay zmendine intainych bv ETERBASE a ptatonisk vitaslnych abt ako soft érovtho rena chain eho, ‘ord umotfujevymenu medal vray aktani ako bon ethereum a mache dale navzsom 4 med ‘etal altvami a eum. Archietira zmentre vituslnych akt je Koncipovand tak, te pre kat ‘rain aktvum jo yhradens peatenia, ke zosblerané virtue ata Klentov omamovatea ako 3 czmamovalela. Zbezpetnosicho Hadise v pripade narusenia buzpenost st oozené Ueto petazenky ‘ietitaych abt prevddehovanych 2mendeto viewilyeh abv ETERBASE, ‘Vtomo pripae doe karaoni bezpecnost hot walt zmenire vitwalnych aki ETEREASE na zmendrnl vitwilnych ak ETERDASE vtomto se mepecithovangm kyberetichjm tokom, prostednicvom Morte desloknentarizovaném a neoprisondn desl virtalaych aie vastengech cenamovalfon etm centmaatet x peftenick peevidalovangch cenamovatfon a exert cudsie enazenky ptriae v tomto ease respeciftovanjnfyzickym alo pravickm osohim. Za elm ucenia sptecbu vyhonaniakybemetického tks cznamavae sumarzupdostupnd dt, Mort predict bezodadne zracovt za slo vypracovaniaznalecktho posudk pre Wenihacis presnchopriateha hykerstickcho ‘to, hor bezodkladne pedi rgnom cnnjm tetnom hens rc lnc test enki Ka hyberneticn stk dot v doch 07092000 a 08.0200 pane ners so 2400 din (708200 do cea 0200 hod. v nocd 08082000 stm, 282 ptazenick vealnych kt eznanovatea ‘Kleniov conemovaefa boll odcudzentvitulle ava Etheream, supine osatgch ERCIO ality, Troe, Algorand, Ripple, Cosmos, Biteoin, BitesinCash BiteoinSV, Litecoin a Tron, March hodota bol vase splchana hyhenctihsho aoa vo vjhe pbline 5 381 49655 USD, po prepocte Konverzm iarzom 'Natosne bank Slovenska ka fu 08.08.2020 vo wk 456059225 Fur Hoot vitslnych kts estilo ren! 2ivsat od vot na zmendetach vetuslyeh abv ako centallzovanjeh toch s itty skvami xp loblnom decentalizovanom thu svirtanym aban ‘iene ktva Bhereum,skupin ontatnfch ERC20aktv Tezoy,Algrand Ripple, Cosmos, icon, DBiconCash, BioinSV, Ltecoin «Tron vo visite conamovitfs aKllentov conamovatfa boll rnevpedvnene odcudzené m nits wedené pefasenly vtwilayeh aktiv prevadchované zmenirtami ‘ntuslych atv BINANCE, HUOBI a HIBSTC a ptice v ease podania toto trsndho ozndmenia vopred netpecihovanjaanezndmym yey aso prbvnichn soi, ‘Advny Ether (ETH) & shupina ovatnjchERCOO petdeich vitslnych aktiv nernmeho ichatfa/neznsmych pichatfov na stern vituslnych atv BINANCE zndme ku da podaniatstncho ‘nndmeni, na Kor boi vitwsne ava vo vhstnictveoenamovaela a Mlentov oanamovattsodcuabent 20 _zmendenevitslych sky ETERBASE a hodnoty fdnotivgchvitudlych alt, Mont boll odcudind 20 zsendene itn atv ETERBASE: Are O7AS6SSBG6anSHESTADSTCASABLI2NSGI Asset 24700400000 BAT Adivot O2DeRLORDUETAEANCDLLLASCFOae3 Ase ASSLIMNELZ BAT Ares 120 RLATTSAeRUEEODIEHASKed7Ines) Ast 16069668 COMP Ades Ox0eBRfOI24A7TR4CDEDSOD LAFF 7c Ate 20662010524 ZR Address Oan05 naeNSBS2SOSHSNIDSDIAAIAAGIS Asset 387. A7A36 ETH Address ni cefbfebeSUf87IdABtBdasbuPhScI30he Ast 1080000800 SAX Address OaeeSofebSHP971dASS446290536FDbe Asset 594990099999 MATIC ‘Uvesené vit aktvaodeudzené na podenky piace BINANCE mj sumarne dots ki na nani teste sendmenia: 684 009 EUR, -Adrosy spiny ERC20ponabnik vituilnych at nendmho péchatfa/nezndmych pichatefon na ment vitalych shy HUOBI zie ku dw dain testo enimoni, ma orb vite Vo visite amovatfa «lento oznamovatetaocidzené 20 zmendie vttuslych aki ETERDASE "hot dott virtuilnych abi, on ol adc advent ro zmenimevetutlych aki ETERBASE: OntasbspeaB4seTeA2e02242744e54258 {5922586550356 ANKR 1025747519677 esSHSADDNAN TANS sis s50127 AKRO 1052747395197 O7ec65S8242Rcba7eSAb3 351000540852 RS. es 7eTSreS6b Paes d6ab22228A71F2b 2002436185 LINK. xSAatsf686broaleSad6re 22228073420 (2457515916 REN eb SSBC dA2SITEDNddO5A799EALa -$403.157390 EA One S1S1Fbsfiaba2Ss507bSad20S47H6RNa 975688 YI Oue51FDAkF Sha2SIOOTNOAANEATINDN 264473850 TR Ove S8fbcshaS3907H16Fad30S7990N12 185661901285 LEND ues SSIPbefLaha2OHOTEARaNATIREALA as0780. COMP ned SSIPDdFtba2S9507b IG AAOSATIORN 135s2.1615 SUSHI seSSINDstTeDEADHHOTOTAAAAUSET IAN 152611198 YFV nee dADSIUTHIBFASOSATPNDALS ‘soi YEL ne 3H4focAF Aba 599079 16A30547992Ea ‘6.568558 CRY ues 51FbLHFADdAANHNTHIBLNOEATBSEALA 2267208105 BAL ‘Uvedent vitae atin odcudzent na peaenky prac HUOBI majé sume hodnots hu dw oan resto ozndmeni: 1904000 EUR. _Adresyshopiny ERCDO peatenik vituslnych atv neznsmeho pichata/neznimych pchatsov na mena vituslych atv HRBTC ze hs da posi tstdhooznimeni, na Korb vitae ative \o vlasinktve oznamovatea a Meow ozamovatefa odcudsené 20 zmenirne vstdlnych av ETERBASE _ hadoty dod vistlych aki, Kon baodeudaoné 20 zm virtsych kt ETERBASE: xat2sraobodotousibicdtceecel6lesabet ‘2mp06.08406 BAT natnetbetossbocdtcetecete62bed 000.0000 LINK ‘Uvedent vital akin oscudcené na peony patriae HHISTC maj sumsrne hoot ku de ania esto oznamenia: 39340 FUR. [Adrsy Teo (XTZ)petateiekvirtuslnych aie nezaameho pichatefa/neznémych pacha rm mend vrtdnych atv BINANCE zndme ke dw podaniatresinsho oonimenis, na tort bol tune alten vo sasncee oznamovateta ETERDASE ahodnotyjadntlch vitslych aks, Moré bot odcudzent 20 zmensanevitslnych ak ETERBASE: Mintov oznamovaefa odcudzené 20 zmenirne vitualnyth abt sa0oo xIZ tatbeukUpZiLQPivofaUsICARKUApaste $510 XIZ ASKFKAXonbgN BPOEIKGHSa)BAAKJIWUATO 1192 x1Z {ehfyuNkiSAbQeUIesyTKDIT}CSYbXXT LUeedené vite abtivn Tezos(XTZ)odcudrené ma penaznky paiace BINANCE maj sumsrae hoot ku ds pon testo czndmenia: 77 195EUR ‘Adrsy Tess (TZ) petateniek visulych atv nezmeho pichatea/neznamych pchteov na neni vieualaych atv HUOB ene hu du pain testdho ozmimenia, na Moré boi vitae aktiva ‘vo vastntve genamovatea a lentoy oznamovatea odcudzené 20 zmenime vrtloych aki ETERBASE «footy adntngch vsblych ak, Moré bal odeudaent zo zm virtdlnych ak ETERBASE: 139980 X12 tI RATYo2GawYSESDXBHLZEARAQAADVDESWKIT ‘Veeder itl ativa Tezoe (TZ) edcudsenéna pefatenky patrace HUOBL mat sere ado sau dn podani testo ondmoni: 299.450 EUR _AdesyAlgoran (ALGO) peadenik virtilych ah neznimehopchatea/pchaefovnazmenden ‘intusloych atv BINANCE anime ku df posania restdho ozndmenia, na Kor bol vine ative vo stusinctve oenamovateaaentov oenamovaa odeadzené 20 zmonirne viuslych aktiy ETERBASE ‘ hodnoty dntijchviualnych ai, Moré bol ecudaené zo znendneviusych alti ETERBASE 17759, ALGO. 7CNSELARZVUVIRAJIHEHSIGC7LAASRUSCWHGRZASPFHSYQNYPAWKSLAKSE 11113080 ALGO_UWNFUWWODHCAWAHNXS7737761 ACVDZOO]IWEOLGCINWOBJHMOLIBSIMLNA Lsedené witsle akiva Algornd (ALGO) edeudzené na petabnky patrace BINANCE mali sume tk poi esindhoounmnia: 336288 EUR ‘ye ween adeesypondenickvirasaych atv Etereum,skupiny oath ERC2O ahi, Tes, Algorand 9 sndne kuna podania esto enSmenia, pom fae peaenky witch ak Ripple, Cosmon, ito BicoinCath, BtsinSV, Liteon a Tra, bud ozmamovatlom Mentifihované a dopItovans prisbetne Cth hoot virtlnych atv Ethereum,skupiny etatnjeh ERC2D aks, Teo», Algorand ra yi entitowanjchpetazenkich neznimnho pchatef/plchateoy jk dw pani testo oensmenia ‘vo vjthe 274228 Fut Celhovdhoxnoavstuilych kt Ripple, Cosmos, icin, BicolnCash,BitoinSV, Litecin Tran na petaenkich neenimeho pchaa/plchatfov bude dopliovans cenamovatfom ieee Padohou testncho oenimeni je USB Mae so. zozmamom visthych aiies neznimeho pichatefa/pichteTo pre pnolvé vite ava, wlethjch spacovivatesbjch adres pre jednotlve tullne aba, vlethjch preladatov pre dao virtue sti conamovatefom identikovanjeh ais potatenick uvddzanh vite tom trestom nan. ch URL ads, a zoenamom Spolonosti ETERBASE, asa lntom lola uvedenfa hykeractichginGtohom a neopevmengan “ oenutorzovanjm odoslanim virtualnych ak vo vastcveozmamovatefa a kiertow ozamovatta 2 kh Patenick virtudlnych alt spoicbenh shoda vo vfthe 448051252 Ear Glovom: sty miliny ‘tyitosemdesiatscptsadvands eur plfdsiatva euracentoy) ks dt vyhonaia hye tok ‘umkmym pichateom esp. neznimymi pchatfiml Na 2Ablade wedendho spoletnoat ETERBASE. a= abo ‘omamovatelpodiva uvedené test condiment ma nenimeho picket [Napinene stove] podstaty testo gi ‘resto dna ,Neoprtvnentho obohateta" sv myse $226 ds 1 Tost hana dopist ton to me Ba cadet mata seb aco iad cat tim, Se mpc Asan do tcl aed ego bent pet, automa a ind plebdte pista chosen iho ne omaticonéusacicome pra teary, me ao wer pia alo ne poytovan pen ns, Sch, ifm nc pln dose tor, shy infringe ena thn prone pce cud mj ody, pot wins ma don roy ‘Vehtadom ma shatofnost, te neznimy pichaef/plchatela neoprvnenjnzishom akybermtickym ‘tokom ma zmendre vitualaych atv ETERBASE nari bepetnos zmenirne vituslnych aw ETERBASE ‘ petaenick vetslych abtie previdzhovanych oxmamovatfom a neoprévnene cos « previ 2 pohatenick omamovatea lentov ommamoateavrtudle ati omamovatela a Mentv oznamovatela vo she plone 4560 59225 Fur, ak dole spichania sto Cin amapinenia skuhove podstaty ‘rsieho cna neoprdvmenthoobohatnla 2mysl§ 26 ods. 1v spf sods. Trestisho zion \Vuvedenom pripade bola omamovatefvi, spolonost ETERBASE, as. spésohend Shoda vefheho ronaaha, 2 edivodtuj ptrebu ujchlantho zag tesidhosttania a vyietrovania ex elo ssa denice pchateta/pichaefor tht etna dna. [Na ziade vite uvedentho tonto podévaoxnamovael ETERBASE, as. prostedncvom advokithe) taco sunken sutcnosiae nasvedeupicich fom, 2 reanimy pSchatel/neznsiny patella _splchlfpschal testa Gin -Neopeivnentho obohatena" ‘Zsrove si dovaujme pobindat aby sme bol vyrozuman o wykaven toto podaia 20 sany orgnow mjc tests hanna ov zAkonom stanaven ewe USE Hu so sborom 0882020. Plnomaenatvo 70 da (808.2020 {ntional Criminal Agency ofthe Law Enforcement Headquarters tains 45 272 Bata rata, September 9, 2020 Sul ofthe NCA ofthe Law Enforcement Headquarters {schnowging filing has ben made an accepted ‘Sep 10 200 seg sgeatre formant ETERBASE as. Huranovo namestie 3 81 6 Be many 1D: 32380 508 ‘cient with the Companies House mint by the Bratisva [istrict Court Section Sh) ile n> ava, Slovak Republic Represented smc ot L Fats of thease The formant -FTERBASE, a was tals! on Apri, 201948 company providing viru aset sll series and via ast exchange verve forts, with whom thas entered ino dsancconrat “pom accepting the conditions, te cient cin slat using the services ofthe ETERBASE virtual ase xchange ira asset wales through software lockhai technology tha allows mutual exchanging Fis aes sich as itn, thereum and many oer currencies and wil assets and the euro, Te rehire of vena ase echange designe so tala wallet eserved foreach vir a were the Witla {ie informant en’ and these ofthe formant sel ae collected From the ect pint view nthe Sent of secur breach, dese viru amet wallet operated by the ETERBASE vital ase exchange at In this cs, the security ofthe hot wilt of the FTERBASE virtual ase exchange atthe VERBS oul ast exange as compromised by an unspecified eyberatack, resign an unauthorised a warn sending of virtual ass see by the informant and the Informant lets from the wallets “erty the frtan eternal wallets belonging, at tine unspecified, natura or egal entis dor to determine how the cyte atck was cate out the infront shall make # summary ofthe data viable tot which shal nvm submit to an expert in cede to prepare an expert opinion to Aentily exact couredf the eyber atch which itshall int, sbi othe hw enforcement authorities a part criminal complaint without delay he yb atch took leon 7092020 a OW. tan exactly udetermis! e between 2:00 sn on0709 209 ond about02.00a monte night 8. 202, engin the ef vrs consisting | rthereum, «group of other ERC20 ass, Tezos, Algorand, Ripple, Conmos, Bioin, BiteinCash, 'V, ttc an Tron, stolen fom the wallsts of the informants vital ass ai Uwe ofthe veantcets, woth about USD 5.814885 tthe ne te cyber attach was commited, Converted FUR. the conven rate of the National Bank of Shvaki as of Sepenber 8200, he asts were woeth FUR 4 935, The va of vital assets constantly changing deperting on developments in veal ase anges as cena mart of vial ssl or the lal deenrlized ate of vita ase ‘The viral asses consting of Fthereumn, a group of ether ERCRD aes Tez, Algorand Ripple cosmos, ikon, BitoinCash BitcinSV,Litecoin, and Tron, own by the infrmunt and the informants sins, have Bren misappropriated int the follwing, veal ast wallets operated by and telonging “spc anc unknown natural ea persons atthe tne offing this nina compa The akisses of Ether (ETH ana group of ether FRC2O wallets ofan known fener Lessnow offerte atthe val ase exchange BINANCE, brown a the date fing the rnin compa. ‘ew hchthe vu ast owned by the inormant an he informants ens have ben misappropriated fev FTERBASE ital set exchange, andthe va of individ val ase tha have ben stolen fom the TY RNASE wn ast exchange are as fellows ress O7ASASHASTSGoaAEPTERATCASHSI2ERG3E Asset 2470000000 BAT vss abet OF24E77ReDATDSOPLAASFedTnceS Asset IHD UGET2 BAT dress Ra RIORANT?AGEDARSOWICAAKeATINCS Ast 668 COME Arse na0eSeOA24A773e24DSObLAFSEedTOnse3 Asst 242010804 7RX Actess aNOfabsbds7eI6SS21QUSA599OS2ITIIGAGHS Asset 367307496 ETH Addtess 0OFeSFeReOIO74ASAAGH:OHSINAOke Ast 10ID00MNO SNX Ades 3 ScefbfebSHFS7Idass8dasbsPHscI3UDbE Asset SKEDODHHINY MATIC As the dat of ling the imine complaint the otal value ofthese Vitua asst, misappropriated to ‘he alles belonging to BINANCE, was EUR 84,00, The addresses ofa group of ERC2O wallets of an unknown offender / unknown offenders at their suet exchange HUOBL, known a the dat of ling the rial complaint to which he virtual assets ved by ‘heinfmantand the informant clentshave ben aisppropriat from the ETERBASE vitualaset exchange, 1 the val of vidual sta sets that have ben stolen fom the ETERBAS: virtua asset xchange are onthe gS S67OADeb2227 448832058 322585500355 ANKE sa 7479881 9877 esSaSHRENADA7EBAES 151860550127 AKRO 10247472951 98707etSaSBDDSADA TEBE S109 052 RSH ons AonsSbrbcaesedenb2222887131F20 024436185 LINK. nS AtS 68a ea dDbI2228DSESLFZD 04457535516 REN one Ghdts 907 fadOSATIOATS suo .9790 MTA one betes sOTEIadBOSATORIS 197868081 neo GOTH TBAASISET INIA ROAATSNTRE ove Abda2s07oBFadOSA79928I0 18565091085 LEND vet Abd25 907 BKadBOSATINNATO smo7s6scOM one HMA Abdszs 9OTEadBOSATINATS 162301615 SUSHI xc FotFMbda25 90TH IBAANSATINIA ssasanni94 FV nernsniottride2spororaoas05a799280 ‘.9oise ve cs SHA Abdaa59O7IBFAdOSATINGLTA ‘6458 CRY oR tba O7HIBFANSATONAELA ae 206105 BAL Aso the ate of fing tecrimil complain the total value of hese vu aset,msappropintest> ‘5 wll longing to HUOBL was: FUR 30400 “The addres of «group of FRC20 walls ofan unknowe ofr / unknown fenders a the vir ssst exchange HABIC, brown at the dat of filing the inal compan to whi the vita ats omnes by “heinormant ac the informants have Bee misappropriated om the ETERBASE vital net exchange nd the vale of savin vital sets that have Ben stn from the ETERBAGE virtua ase exchange ae ssfllows onal 2tathodbotnoseedtcetcet6leabed 12090420805 BAT nal anbaatotonséhdctcef cette eon LINK. Av of the dat offing the criminal complain the tal value ofthese virtual asts, misappropriated to vale eongng to HABTC, was EUR39.30, ‘he ade of Tez (XZ) wallets of virtual assets of an urkowm fender / unknown otlendes at svi ast exchange BINANCE, known a the date of ling the rina complaint, 49 which the vita sets mney the informant and the informants cients Rave been misappropriated fom the ETERBASE rl ast exchange, and the value of individual val ass tat have been olen from the ETERBASE ral ase exchange areas follows soso x12 tatbeukUpZiLQPvosHfaUsICARKUAprsFe “MD XZ LASKFK¢N@GeNDpAEIKGHS2phoKJWUKTO tie xr lena yuNkisabQU ey TREGT|eSVbUN Aso he date of ing he ciinal complain, the total value ofthe abowementionel vr ass (X12), misappropriated nt walls toning to BINANCE was FUR77195, he aden of Tezs (X17) wallets of vital assets ofan unknown offender / own fener st ss tual astexchnge HUOBL known a the date of ling the criminal complaint whch the vista assets «the informant andthe infrmans cents sve ben misappropriated from the ETERBASE vsuaasset change, andthe value of individ viel asets that have been stolen from the ETERBASE viral asset schange areas follows: 159980 TZ tZIRKIYoaGwWYSEAINAHZENKAQAABVAESWKH, [As of the date of filing the criminal complant, the total value of Teaos (XTZ) visual assets, appropriate to the wilt belonging to HUOBL was: EUR 29490, ‘Te addvessesof Agora! (ALGO) walt of virtua assets ofan unknown onder / unknown sender a he vital ast exchange BINANCE, known a the date of fling te cin complaint 1 which the tal asets owned by the informant and the informants ells have been misappropriated om the [TERBASE virtual asset exchange and the vale of invidual vital ats hat have bee stolen from the _ETERRASE vital asset xchange ate as flows: 17799 ALGO. TCNS6L3BZVUVIRASINEHLAIGCTLAASRUSCWHGRZBSTFHSYQNYPAWKS:AKSS 1113680. ALGO_UVNEUWWODIICAWAHNXS77376L ACVDZOQJWEOLGC}NWOBJHMOLBSIMLNA Asofthe date ofthecininal complain the otal va of he above-mentioned Agora (ALGO) via svc misapproprae int the wallets boning to BINANCE, wa: EUR 336243, “The above adres ofthe viral aset wallets thera, ther ERC20asset group, Tos, Agora sre kw a of the date ofthe criminal complain, while the wabets of other virtua ast such Ripple, onmos, icon, BiteoinCash, BitoinSV, Liteon, and Tron shal be further enifed and suppl by the _Asof he date fing the criminal complaint the total value of he ital ses inthe above sss of he uaknown olen), consisting of Etereumy that ofthe group of ther ERC2D sss, Tero, AdsocandisUR274028, Theol value the flowing vital asic Ripple, Cosmos Bitoi, BitonCash ssecinS¥, Liteon, and Tron in the walle ofthe unknown eee) sal be farther supe by the closed tthe criminal complain is memory sick wih 4 Ist ofall addresses of an unknown “eee ith respect o indvidua viral ass, all processing adresses fo individual viral ass, all secsset for individual vital ase and thelr URLS, and an enumeration of the abovetsted, infra eo wale addresses mentioned in his criminal complaint [ETERBASE a and scr have sufered lows of EUR 448051252 (na word our milion four suntan egy thousand five hundred an ele curs iyo scents) a rst ofthe na er sek which reson unauthorized and unwaran Sending of vital ass we y the narmant an se eaammant’cents, rom thei viral aset wallets the day ofthe cyber tack by an now fener snow offends, Has onthe above, the ETERBASE, a a5 the informant, submis te above mentions

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